Naya stirred and opened her eyes; the rays of sunlight went directly to her eyes from the open window. If only she had magical power to command the curtain to close without moving a muscle. Naya turned to the other side, away from the rays of sunlight and closed her eyes again.
It had rained the night before, with thunderstorm and lightening. Half of the children in the orphanage must have been frightened. Normally, the younger children climb into the bed of the older ones. The bedrooms were segregated. The female housing was on the right while the boys stayed on the left side of the building. Each room housed two children according to age. Teenagers tend to want other teenagers as room-mates. The younger ones were housed closer to the caretakers. Nolani's room was the closest to Naya's room.
Naya's mind went back and forth on different things until it settled on last night and she promptly opened eyes and looked around her room but he was gone. A part of her felt relieved while the other part was a tad disappointed.
Naya hurriedly wore her grey cardigan and white shorts. She made her way outside to the veranda. She stopped for a minute to take in a breath of fresh air. The atmosphere was cold and chilly but the sunrise was beautiful. Naya wanted to go to Jason's room and check on him but she didn't want to appear needy. All the same, she needed to make sure that he didn't read meaning to what had happened last night.
Naya decided to lean on one of the building support beam and decide the right way to have a conversation with the founder's grandson. Naya's eye wandered to the well on the far end of the compound, where a shirtless Jason was drawing water. Naya was surprised; Jason wasn't the domesticated guy that fetches water for orphans.
She walked to where he was. He had a headphone on and a serious look. Naya counted about twelve gallons filled with water and ten more empty gallons lined up to be filled too. Even though the atmosphere was cold, beads of sweat ran down his lean muscular chest with clear distinctive six packs abs and it was very distracting for Naya. She tapped his shoulder and he was startled but he quickly composed himself.
'Wow… I didn't know you were the type to fill empty gallons with water for children, Jason'
When Jason heard Naya's voice, he dropped the drawing bucket he was holding. He picked up his discarded shirt on one of the gallon and wore it.
'Morning Naya' Jason said and kissed her cheek in a courteous way.
'Okay buddy, we need to talk about last night' Naya started nervously
'You need to be specific, which part do you want to talk about. The part where you kissed me or the part when we had sex two hours later' Jason was being unusually blunt.
'I guess both parts, I …' Naya started but Jason cut her off.
'I am usually an attentive listener but I have ten gallons to fill with water before the children wake up. Since there is no gym here, this is an alternative work out for me. So…can we talk while I continue my chore?'
'I like to say thanks for helping the kids fetch water…see Jason, last night was pleasant and…'
'Pleasant?' Jason had a playful grin on his face.
Naya tried to suppress a smile but Jason saw it.
'Pleasant… that is all you going to get from me' Naya was trying not to blush.
'Pleasant…'Jason had a mischievous smile 'You screamed my name numerous times… In throes of passion'
'You are really confident in your sexual prowess, aren't you Jason?'
'Your words not mine and Naya… you are blushing and I am not even close to you'
Naya smiled briefly and stopped. She came closer to Jason and her voice was barely a whisper as she seductively whispered into his ear.
'I remember stuff I did to your body too…how you toes curled when I touch your…'
'Okay Naya…You win, we both responded well to each other. Now, what do you want to talk about?' It was Jason's turn to remember last night's event.
'We are compatible, at least sexually but we need some ground rules…let's call it rules of engagement'
'You make it sound like we are going to war, Naya'
'We aren't dating Jason, I can't date you and if that means we can't sleep with each other again, then…'
Jason dropped the bucket he was holding and sat on the well. Last night, after his call with McKenna's new boyfriend, he was too upset to think about the consequences of his actions. When he woke up this morning with a clearer mind than last night, he needed a place to think and go over what it means to have had sex with an employee.
Jason was prepared to do anything Naya wanted. He was ready to date her if that was what she wanted. He couldn't obviously promise her love but he would be faithful, caring and he will treat her with kindness.
But now, the same woman he was worried about wanted nothing from him and it was ironic. They were like two peas in the same pond.
'I don't want to date you too Naya. I mean last night was fun but I can't promise to love you. I will however promise to be kind, respect you and maybe with time care about you but you can't ever ask for my love. Plainly put, I don't do love' Jason had learnt that it was better to be brutally honest with any girl he plans to see sexually, that way they are forewarned.
'I don't do love either, Jason. Let's just enjoy each other without the complications of dating'
Without a notice, Jason went to where she was standing and kissed her.
'Another rule, no public display of affection'
'I can promise not to kiss you in front of the children or staff, not that I care if they see us. We are two consenting adults'
'Especially Nolani, she can't know we are involved' Naya was serious
'Why are you being specific about Nolani?' Jason asked
'Nothing, I just don't want to confuse her or the other kids' Naya was unusually being secretive.
'Okay. I will do as you ask'
Naya nodded and stood there while Jason finished filling the last gallon with water. Voices of children could be heard from a distance.