Chike was dressed in black, from his shirt to his shoes. He was dirty and ragged like he just had a fight with both an elephant and a pig. His lips were bloodied; one eye was swollen while the other was swollen shut. Even though he was black, Chike had visible bruises on his cheek, his nose and a deep cut near his hairline.  He was pale and his skin looked flushed.

  Jason had last seen him last night but he looked like he has been through a lot since.

He staggered a bit before he was still. He held onto his lower right abdomen and his eyelids felt heavy like he was finding it difficult to keep his eyes open.

"Are you alright, Chike?" Jason asked and came closer to him.

"I am...alright" Chike gave him a smile that didn't quite touch his eyes and thumbs up 

"Alright.....quick question, do you happen to have a pint of blood lying around and I am not picky, I am AB+ blood group?"