Chapter Forty-five

Chapter Forty-five

McKenna made her to the auditorium and even though she had a few more minutes to waste, she wanted to get a comfortable spot.

She entered the auditorium and only a handful of students were present. She wanted to sit at the first row seat but she didn't want to be considered a snob or those students that behaved like they knew more than their teachers and she didn't want to sit at the back with the misfits. She didn't know if this assumption applied to students in Canada but it was status quo in Nigeria.

After what seemed like a long argument within her, she took the seat on the third row of the Auditorium facing the place her professor was meant to stand and waited patiently for twenty-five minutes to pass to the time her lectures starts. It was an introductory class to human Resources Management.

McKenna looked around to familiarize herself with her environment. The auditorium was the biggest she had ever seen.