"I am not who you think I am, Jason"

Naya sat upright on the bed. She drew her legs together and hugged herself tightly. If she was going to talk about her past ordeal, the least she could do was to make sure she won't physically fall apart.

"You can talk to me, Naya" Jason encouraged.

Jason tried to hold her hand but Naya flinched, she didn't want to be touched. If she was going to do this, it was alone and on her term.

"I have been here too long, I made a mistake. He is going to find me and he is going to kill me"

A strange pain rose in Naya's throat and even after persistently clearing her airway, it remained. It was like her heart was being pushed out of her body via her throat.

"Who is going to kill you?" Jason was becoming increasingly worried by the seconds.

He moved closer to her but she moved away from him. So he decided to keep his distance.