Chapter Seventy one

Elixir sat comfortably on the First class section of the plane. The best money could afford. The decision to make a trip to Malawi was an impulsive and an impromptu one. But her schedule miraculously freed up for a few days. A few days where nothing or no one needed her to fix anything or get an impossible task done. Just a few days yet it felt like an entire year.

She couldn't remember the last time she went on vacation. She was always trying to save something, Her empire, her parents legacy even Jason's company. She was the invincible hands in the dark pulling strings to make sure everything ran smoothly.

Elixir had created a persona unknowingly, in her strife to make something out of the vast company her parents left for her, she became someone people feared.

She always seemed to invoke a love-hate relationship from people. But to those more was given, even more was expected. It was her Father's favorite bible quotes.