Chapter seventy four

The throbbing pain Jason felt on his temple returned but it wasn't caused by anger this time around. It was stress.

When he got to John's room, he was on his bed with a Mathematics textbook on his laps. He looked like he was being forced to swallow a bitter pill by the way his face was distorted.

His frustration on the subject almost amused Jason except he was about to tell him a life changing news.

"Uncle Jason! Mathematics is difficult. But I think I got one right but the others, John failed. I am sorry" The boy closed the book like he was expecting Jason to admonish him.

"It's okay buddy. You will get it right next time but now, we need to go to Veronica's office" Jason gestured for him to follow him but the boy panicked.

"Did I do something wrong? Is it the Mathematics, I will do better....Study harder" 

"No, John you didn't..."

"Is it my age? But I don't turn Eighteen until May"