Jason watched as she explained everything to the Spencers. He should have been more concerned about the fact that she was trying to dissuade the Spencers that he did not sexually harass her but he was more focus on the fact that she thought he felt nothing for her.

Jason couldn't wrap his head on why she was so hostile towards him. Maybe she really had changed and she wasn't the girl he used to know. Maybe it was his fault, after all he did ask her to go on an adventure and see the world.

"Good thing, whatever it was I felt for you is gone, Mr. Ekoh-Yagazie"

"Oma!" It was a bare whisper.

Jason felt his heart constrict when he heard her say that whatever she felt for him was gone. It was like he lost something dear to him except it was never his before.

"I should go. I have a date. It was really nice to meet Luca Spencer's brothers. Bye"