Chapter Eighty Eight 

Chapter Eighty Eight 

Luca sat with childish expectation on the kitchen dining table patiently with an empty plate and a fork in his hand. His face was filled with anticipation and joy. He had one of his rarest smiles on his face.

Elixir stirred the pasta. She looked at the kid sitting patiently on the table waiting for a homemade lunch and it reminded her of her son. When Jason was just a few years younger, he sat like that while she made him food on the weekends. It was a happy memory that brought a smile on Elixir's face.

She scooped two big spoons of pasta into his plate and a spoon of her famous meat sauce. It was her mother's recipe. Elixir called it the soul healing food since her mother made it whenever she needed comfort or motherly love.

She made it for Jason when he was child until he turned into a rebellious young adult that suddenly couldn't stand his mother.