Chapter Ninety Five

Chapter Ninety Five

Jason sat by the bed in his room holding his phone to his eye level, It was the third ring and yet his little cousin was refusing to pick up his call. He was in a great mood and it rarely happens. Maybe it was why he wanted to talk to her via a video call to his usual once a week email check in and a weekly allowance for her upkeep. If he thought hard about it, she hasn't replied to any of his texts or emails in a while and she didn't bother to check in.

On the fourth Ring, an angry looking teen's face popped up on the screen and Jason smiled. He knew she picked because he was persistent.

"What?" The teen said in-between her clenched teeth.

"Seriously, we have not talked close to a year and your start up line is 'what'?" Jason asked her with a crooked eyebrow.