Chapter hundred and three

Chapter hundred and three

Warning: R18. There will be use of strong words in this chapter. It is basically a start of a sex scene. Feel free to skip the chapter if it will make you uncomfortable. Enjoy and tell me what I can do to make it better!

"I am going home. You are not in the right frame of mind, Jason"

"You are right. My mind wants to kiss you but I can't, not when there is a hint of Jacob's cologne on you. It's fucking annoying" 

Jason went back to the table and opened the first drawer by the right and took out a pair of scissors.

"What the heck are you going to do with that?" McKenna asked as she took three steps back in shock.

"I am going to cut it out of you" Jason echoed as his move closer with his daring weapon of destruction.

"Hell no! This dress cost more than my entire wardrobe combined and there is no way in hell I will let you hurt her...I mean it"