Chapter Hundred and six

Chapter Hundred and six

Jason froze. For the sake of everything he held dear, he really wished his mother didn't just say that to him. Few hours ago, she was happy he was staying back in Canada for love and now, she was telling him he had to go back to Malawi? No way! Not a day in hell.

He turned slowly and pushed the cup of tea in front of him away in both anger and frustration. His countenance had changed, he had expressionless facade.

He looked his mother directly in the eyes since he wanted to be sure he heard her and understood what she was asking of him.

"You want me to go back to Malawi? Is that what you are telling me?" Jason said in an icy cold voice.

If it was any other person, maybe an employee or a business partner, they would probably pee in their pants as Jason's voice at that moment was deadly to put mildly.