Chapter Hundred and Nine

Chapter Hundred and Nine

Elena was engaged in finding out the outcome of last night.

"I did. To summarize, I told Jacob I was in love with Jason and he left. I searched for our dear boss for half an hour before I found him for the second time. To cut the story short, he made me strip and bath until I had no scent of Jacob. Then we did other things too. Can I come inside now?"

But Elena mouth was ajar and she was still in shock and awe of what her friend just told her.

"T-things like w-what, exactly?" Elena stuttered.

"Things she would do well to keep to herself. Hello, Elena" Jason emerged from nowhere and startle the girls.

Elena had no way of knowing how to act around Jason, Should she treat Jason like a boss or her best friend's boyfriend?

"Good morning Mr. Ekoh-Yagazie. Hmm... I didn't know you were here!" she turned to talk McKenna through her clenched jaws and a fake smile on her face "why didn't you tell me?"