Chapter Hundred and thirteen

Chapter Hundred and thirteen

 McKenna lay awake on the bed with her right hand under her head to elevate it while the left hand caressed Jason's head. He had placed his head on her abdomen for sometimes now. He found it soothing to listen to her heart beat. 

Jason's eyes were closed as he enjoyed the comfort her little gesture held for him. He felt vulnerable and exposed. Somehow, just lying in bed with her held a greater meaning than actually sleeping with the numerous girls he had slept with. 

He felt her kiss his forehead, that type of kiss that gets him wondering whether she actually kissed him or not, so soft and flirtatious, leaving the warmth of undying love in his heart.

McKenna appeared to be in deep thoughts. She wondered what Elena would say if she told her, she supportss Jason's decision to stay behind, even if the orphanage was going to shut down.