Chapter hundred and nineteen 

Chapter hundred and nineteen 

Immediately McKenna left his presence, the fake bravado disappeared. She felt this intense pain in her abdomen, like someone had punch her repeatedly in the abdomen when she wasn't looking. The tears she's been holding back fell freely on her face now as she walked with not a destination in mind.

Her pace was uneven and disoriented. The crying wasn't doing much for her vision; it was like looking through a wet glass.

She could describe the moment he left her as the worst moment of her life even trumping her mother's death. Did he agree with her, when she told him that some people were born undeserving of love? Story of her life, actually. Her father wanted nothing to do with his bastard daughter, didn't even bother to come for her. Her grandmother reminded her constantly that she caused her daughter's death and her mother...well, she will never know now, Would she? Dead people don't talk.