Chapter hundred and twenty two

Chapter hundred and twenty two

Jason was reluctant to the stand up from the bed. Maybe he thought if he ignored the caller, they will eventually fade into oblivion. But, forty four seconds and counting yet the knock on the door was persistent.

Begrudgingly, Jason pulled himself up from the bed to shoo the mad person away.

He pushed the door open with his left hand, ready to throw a deadly glare at the intruder.

"Naya! You are back" Jason's tone was bland and unwelcoming. An observer would say Naya's presence was more of a nuisance than welcomed acknowledgment.

"John was telling the truth. You are in Malawi!" Naya experienced both shock and excitement.

"John should learn how to mind his business" Jason grunted. "What do you want, Naya?"

Naya was taken aback. The hostility emanating from Jason could suffocate a little animal. She watched him for a while and yet, the person that stared back at her was a stranger she didn't recognize.