[Bonus chapter]Chapter hundred and twenty nine

Chapter hundred and twenty nine

"I don't understand a word you are saying. It's been five months already" Jason yelled over the phone.

His eyebrows scrunched together with his lips tighten. He rubbed his tensed jaw to know whether it would levitate the tightness he felt there. If the person on the other end of the call was in the room he would see Jason's hostile glare and his nostrils would most definitely flare up.

"Do I need to fire you before you understand how important this is to me, Mr. Jeremy? 'Cos if you can't do your job then what am I paying you for?"  with his face contorted with rage and with a million things to do, Jason placed the call on speaker and dropped it on the bed.

"Mr. Ekoh-Yagazie, there is no record whatsoever for Nolani in the orphanage. Without any documentation, I can't proceed with any adoption process in Malawi" 

Jason stopped mid-way to the wardrobe to grab a shirt. He turned and picked up the phone.