Chapter Hundred and forty-four

Chapter Hundred and forty-four

The next day, Jason was gone by the time McKenna woke up from sleep. She looked for him everywhere in the apartment but he was simply gone. She walked back to the bathroom to brush her teeth and walked in on Elena already taking her bath.

"Good morning" she murmured and opened the cabinet to bring out toothpaste and her tooth brush.

"Morning, Love. Your guest is gone, MK" Elena told her as she stepped out of the shower.

"I noticed. He didn't even say thank you. What was I expecting?" McKenna talked and brushed her teeth at the same time. She really thought the dude would at least say good morning or goodbye to her.

"He left you a note. I read it. It says you can see him next week for an hour like he promised you" Elena picked up the hair dryer and turned it on. The noise made it impossible for McKenna to understand what she said next.

McKenna unplugged the hair dryer from the socket and stared at her friend.