Chapter hundred and forty seven

Chapter hundred and forty seven

Jason drove like he was on fire and water was at his destination. He called Chike from his car. He needed help and the police wasn't going to cut it. Not when they would take time to mobilize and by time they were done dragging their feet, his mother might be injured or worst dead.

Jason called his best friend for help instead from the car's phone. It rang twice before he picked up. Chike sounded like he was taking a nap.

"Yagazie! What's up?" Chike's dull sleepy voice was heard over the phone.

"How far are you from the Yagazie mansion, Chike?"

"Fifteen minutes, why?" He sounded more serious now.

"Mom is in danger. There is an intruder in the house and the mansion security might not be up to the task. I need your help. Can you meet me there?"

"I will be there in five minutes tops" Chike hung up.