Chapter hundred and sixty five

Chapter hundred and sixty five


"Yes, Jason"

"Why would you tell Kara I am not her real father?" Jason's anger was contained. He didn't want to be the man that yells at the slightest provocation.

"I just answered her question. She is smart. Do you think she doesn't know she was adopted? Hell, she lives in a orphanage, Jason"

"I may not be her biological father but I am her real father. Word your sentence better next time, the last thing I want is to come here and answer series of questions from a curious confused little girl about her paternity. Leave everything about her adoption explanation to me. And the only reason she lives in an orphanage is because you won't let her come to Nigeria"

"A deal is a deal, Jason. Kara stays with me until she is thirteen or her safety is threatened. It was a deal you agreed to and a deal you will keep" after all she got from Jason was his silence, Naya felt the need to apologize.