Chapter hundred and seventy three

Chapter hundred and seventy three

"I am sorry I asked" McKenna apologized.

She didn't want to put Queenie in an awkward position. But McKenna knew it must be difficult making a teenager keep her identity a secret. No one should ever have to do that to a young girl.

McKenna watched her from her peripheral vision, the young girl seemed to contemplate about things in her head.

After a pause, she added "I wish things would go back to the way it was"

"Don't worry, he will show up" McKenna promised her. 

Sometimes, reassurance always soothes fear.

"I don't think so" she answered highly doubtful. Queenie touched the wrist band she was wearing again.

"You'll see" McKenna brought out her phone and texted "I am with Queenie, your sister and you better get yourself to her competition venue as soon as possible or I am going to start introducing her to everyone I meet" to Jason. McKenna was sure the text will definitely get his attention.