Chapter hundred and seventy five

Jason stared at his little sister and he didn't understand. He didn't understand why someone would hurt herself repeatedly. What was she thinking?

Oh God! Queenie was a seventeen year old cutter and who knows how long she had been doing it?

Five....six years! Jason was beginning to panic but he knew panicking won't solve anything.

"You have to tell me. Just make me understand, Queen. Do you find it fun or was it invigorating?"

Jason was simply going crazy. The fear slowly creeping to his soul. If she could hide hurting herself from all the adults in her life, then what else was Queenie hiding?

Or maybe the adults were just terrible at been adults. A little voice in Jason's head told him.

"Please, leave my room!" The little girl screamed at him.

Jason was taken aback. Wasn't he supposed to be the one to be angry? Was she playing a reverse psychology on him?