Chapter hundred and seventy nine

Chapter hundred and seventy nine.

Chike knew it been a week now but yet he constantly checked his social media, email and he was with his phone all the time.

His comfortable sofa now felt like it was filled with pebbles and needles. No position or posture felt comfortable now. He tried putting his hand under his head to elevate the head but after a few minutes, it felt like blood flow was caught off from his hand.

He just settled to watching his best friend's mouth move up and down. He stopped paying attention a while ago.

He was a good friend but if he hears Jason complain again about McKenna's disappearing act, he will scream....very loudly.

"Chike! Chike! Are you even listening to me?"

"I am trying not to."

"Why not?" Jason queried.

"Because you didn't just screw up your life, you screwed up mine too and you don't even know it"

Chike picked up his phone again and checked it again. No message.