Chapter hundred and eighty five

Chapter hundred and eighty five

McKenna wasn't going to sit around and listen to his insults. She had a mouth too and she can get under his skin too.

"I am one of Nigerian most eligible bachelor. Why would I trap.... how do I phrase it nicely" Jason paused a little before he added with a flare of drama "Well, you!"

"Well, not all of us have our mommy's money to fall back to" McKenna mocked him.

"At least, I have a mother" Jason said regretting it immediately it came out of his mouth.

"No, you have two...., Never mind" McKenna started out trying to hurt Jason the same way he hurt her. but she wasn't the type to tell someone's secret just because she was angry at them.

"Jason that was a stupid thing to say" Elena said jumping to her friend rescue.

"I know. It was a stupid thing to say, I am sorry, Oma" Jason apologized to her. He dropped his phone to look at McKenna and make sure she understands that the apology was sincere.