[Bonus chapter]Chapter hundred and ninety five

Chapter hundred and ninety five

McKenna and Jason entered the room. Jason wasn't kidding, his bedroom was very big. Thrice bigger than the other rooms they entered before and well decorated too.

They were posters on the wall. It still had a young teenage boy sense of decor.

"Your home is beautiful!" McKenna complimented as she looked around.

"It is Elixir's home and not mine.... it's not mine yet" Jason said removing his shirt.

McKenna wondered where the wardrobe was since she wasn't seeing any.

Jason opened the door on the right and McKenna followed him inside. She should have guessed what it was. It was a walk in closet that was bigger than her first three apartments. 

McKenna tried to hide her awe.

"You need to mend bridges with your mother" McKenna suggested to him instead.