chapter two hundred and eleven

Chapter two hundred and eleven

Jason stared out the window at nothing in particular. He could feel his heart pound in his chest. He closed his eyes briefly before he opened them.

Amazing sat patiently while he came to terms with what she had told him. She was wearing a black short dress and she wasn't wearing any make up yet she was a beauty. He looked at her again.

"You are sure that McKenna is not your father's spy?" Jason asked her again.

"I am very sure. McKenna didn't leak those documents to my father, Jason" Amazing replied.

Jason was steeped in guilt. He had perpetrated such horrible acts to his wife and she wasn't even guilty of the crime.

"Amazing, I am so screwed!" Jason sat down on his chair. He felt horrible and he had no way of reacting. Amazing moved her chair to sit beside him.

"I am sorry it wasn't what you wanted to hear but McKenna is innocent"