Chapter two hundred and twenty two

Chapter two hundred and twenty two

The empty place wasn't empty anymore and suddenly the darkness was gone a second after she waved her wand and said the obvious magic word.

As if on cue every part of the empty space lighted up with tiny beautiful lights of all colors and It was the most beautiful thing McKenna had ever seen.

Then she remembered. it was her dream. She always dreamt of this particular day when she was a child trying to escape the clutches of her grandmother. She would sit still with her legs inside the river and she daydreamed about a day she would be with her perfect man in a place filled with different kinds of beautiful lights but how? She never told Jason about it. She never told anyone except....

"It's my dream! You made my dream come true" without meaning to, tears gather in her eyes. She just couldn't help herself.

"Even I have forgotten about this dream of did you know?" A tear fell down her cheeks.