Chapter two hundred and eighteen

Chapter two hundred and eighteen

McKenna sat on Elena's sofa. She was trying too hard not to smile like a lunatic. She still felt a pang of pain whenever she thought of Jackson Donna but somehow her happiness was greater than her sadness.

Elena entered inside with two glasses of wine and handed over one to McKenna who took a sip and then spat it out immediately.

Elena was puzzled.

"Hmm...That is an expensive wine, McKenna and you love wines. What is wrong?"

McKenna played naive and smiled "Nothing. I thought the glass was dirty, that's all" McKenna answered instead.

"No, that can't be once drank an expired wine plus I washed that glass before pouring the wine. What are you not telling me?" Elena narrowed her eyes at her.

McKenna looked away. She knew Elena could see through her like she was a pair of fake transparent glass if she held her gaze. 

Elena saw her turn away.