chapter two hundred and twenty

Chapter two hundred and twenty

Chike pulled away and looked at Jason. He stared at him in disbelief. 

"McKenna is Jackson Donna's daughter? Are you sure? It might be a mistake. There is no way someone like Jackson can father someone as sweet as McKenna" Chike reasoned with him.

Jason agreed with him except DNA doesn't make a person. He was more like Elixir than James and Miranda. McKenna was nothing like her father.

"She is Jackson's daughter, Chike" 

Jason explained everything to him. How the money came about and how Jackson sent her away after she spent years looking for him.

"Jackson is an idiot and a bloody disgrace. McKenna is better off without him, anyway" Chike muttered under his breath.

Jason agreed with him but it didn't solve his immediate problem.

"So, how do I tell my mother that I married a Donna? Do you think she would turn McKenna away?" Jason asked his friend.