

The door to the classroom flung wide open, causing a frightening startle among all students there. Initially, all students jumped up in shock. But quickly, most of them spouted a pissed-off annoyed expression.

Who the hell would be this annoying in the damn morning?!

Immediately all students glared at the doorway.

"Hey! Wh-wh-oh-oh….."

One of the braver students tried to shout at whoever slammed the door open but promptly began to stutter as fear crawled into his mind.

Not only him but every other student in the room felt a shiver crawl up their spines towards who had come. There were nearly forty students here, and yet, every single one of them felt their minds go rigid.

"Hm? Hey what? Aren't you going to finish your sentence?"

A girl spoke with a chilling tone that sparked even more, chills to pool down nearly every student's backs.

The ones standing in the classroom doorway was a pair of black leather outfits wearing boy and girl.

Just one look at their black leather outfit, and there wasn't anybody in the classroom who didn't know where these two hail from.

The Kane Gang had surprisingly come to their classroom!

And the ones who specifically came brought about a horror of chaos in the students' minds.

It was Zara and Jael! These two were nightmares in human form!

Zara and Jael's eyes scrutinized down on the brave student who talked before.

The student felt a burst of cold sweat washed down his face as he put on his best amicable smile towards the terrifying duo. "Ah-ah! I didn't have anything to say, hahaha!! I was just talking to my friend over here! Don't mind me!"

The student had practically shrunk to his seat, not daring to gaze in either Zara and Jael's faces.

And though that student act appeared pretty pitiful, no one blamed him for acting this way.

"Shit….on the very first day, it's the Kane Gang…."

"Just why our classrooms out of everyones. And why did it have to be Fierce Zara…."

"So early in the morning, what could they possibly want."

"I hope it isn't me."

Students couldn't stop their fearful whispers as none of them dared to stare either Zara or Jael in the eyes.

Across the entire Balreth Academy, it was true that barely any ordinary students were foolish enough to mess with the Kane Gang. Even as they're all literally awaken Spirit Tier cultivators, nobody got that much of a confidence boost.

Every student there just knows, no matter what Magical Power they have, it all pales in comparison to the Kane Gang.

Zara and Jael only had a slight condescending smirk while briefly gazing upon the frightened students.

They relish in their fears for a brief second. Their sense of superiority only got greatly fueled with each frightened look. If there's one thing being on the Kane Gang that will never get tiring for Zara and Jael, it's this absolute revere.

However, Zara and Jael didn't have the time to bother with the ordinary trash. They swiftly turned their gazes off the other students, treating them like they were nothing but air now.

Their eyes had then locked right onto Asher.

When their gazes crossed with Asher, their expressions immediately turned jeering. Their stature seemingly became even more imposing, and a chilling air leaked out of them all from just looking at Asher.

All other students began glancing between Asher and the Kane Gang people. It only took a second for them to realize what's going on.

"Hey….this guy…. I've seen him around sometimes, I think? I think he's one of the few that actually is daringly stupid enough before to start with the Kane Gang."

"Wonder how confident he is now that all rules are off."

"Heh! I'll bet he'll still try but will be sorely sorry very soon."

The students began to erupt in noisy whispers. With the Kang Gang's attention off from them, the students' moods almost instantly increased.

Although nobody here really had a problem with Asher, considering him as just some weird quiet kid. They still found it highly entertaining to watch someone else's drama unfold.

Events like this happen quite often to other students as well, and it's always a prime opportunity for entertainment to other students.

There were more sympathetic students who felt pity towards Asher. But they also held their tongues. It was a clear rule that if anybody tries to be a hero and stand up to dominating forces, they too would just end up suffering miserably.

While everything was becoming increasingly chaotic, Asher stayed steady fast.

His gaze remained entirely calm even as he stared at Zara and Jael. Their so-called fearsome expression was nothing short of a joke to Asher. His confidence was exceptionally high after yesterday's bouts.

Even when trying together, Devon, Mack, and Dylan couldn't beat him. And though it was a pretty close battle, Asher wasn't even trying his best.

Asher knew if were to absolutely go all out, then the battle with Devon Mack and Dylan would've been over in an instant.

However, going all out specifically in the Decrypted Wood held serious risks that weighed in Asher's mind. Moreover, he also knows he needs to polish his skills against fighting Spirit Tier cultivators.

And seeing Zara and Jael already so hostile to him, a thought sprang into Asher's mind. He wanted to see what were the true limits of his full powers lies.

And it appears as he was just granted his wish by these two.

That ever-present indifferent expression on Asher's face only fueled Zara and Jael's disdain for him.

Their arrogant smirks widened across their faces. They were absolutely going to enjoy tearing down Asher's confidence and put him in his rightful place.

With savage thoughts like these, Zara and Jael began strolling right up to Asher's desk. They walked with a confident stride to their steps as if they owned the whole classroom.

As Zara and Jael walked, all other students' eyes closely trailed them.

The rising tension in their classroom was almost palpable. Even though they weren't getting focused on, the other students still felt a massive sum of anticipation rise in their chest.

After their short, imposing walk, Zara and Jael stood imposingly over Asher's desk. Their eyes evenly matched with Asher's gaze.

They were just about to open their mouths to begin their usual spiel. But Asher wasn't feeling like dealing with these goons for longer than necessary.

He boldly spoke first. "Save whatever trash spiel you have. Just get to the point. I don't want to deal with goons so early in the morning."

"Goons? Goons, huh?" Zara's voice came out as deathly quiet.

Her tone was becoming quickly aggressive, and her stature turned even more intimidating.

All other students felt goosebumps rise on their arms.

This swift change of mood in Zara frightens them to their very souls. Though she wasn't even emanating power, it was like a terrifying aura was pulsating from her body.

Zara's glare at Asher turned ferocious as a cold glint swirled in her eyes.

"Alright, alright, Vipond. How about you take this shit-eating confidence and put your money where your mouth is. I challenge you to a duel."

Complete shock burst into everyone's mind from Zara's words. All other students were right in the middle of widening eyes, just about to verbally react.

However, Asher didn't miss a beat. He immediately responded before anyone else could properly react, "Oh? Just you, huh? I suppose you would do good. I accept the duel, and you better be prepared with the right amount of Spirit Coins after."


"Did I just hear right?!"

"This kid really accepted the duel without a second thought!"

"Zara will snap this guy like a twig!"

"Foolish, too foolish! And on the first day of the competition year!"

Immediate uproars, even more chaotic than when Zara proposed the duel, swam through the other students.

Initially, they thought it was shocking for Zara to actually go out of her way to challenge Asher. They assumed she was just going to suppress him with her superior aura.

And nobody thought Asher would accept the duel if he was a sane person.

It would be a humiliating moment but being humiliated in class is far better than on a huge stage.

However, against all common sense and expectations, Asher accepted the duel in a heartbeat! They all thought this kid was either braindead or was just that overly confident.

Among all the wild, chaotic uproar of noise, Zara's reaction was the most violent. She stalled for only a split second before her once arrogant smirk transformed into an insanely wild smile.

Zara began to nudge Jael while saying in a booming loud voice, "Hahahah!! Do you hear this, Jael?! This fucker actually thinks he has a chance against me!"

Her wild crackles got every student to turn their eyes back on her.

They honestly couldn't disagree with her intense reaction. If they were in her position, they too would be crackling like a madman.

"Heh! Well, you know what? Overconfident fuckers like him need a heavy dose of reality." Jael spat out at Asher, wearing a similarly arrogant savage expression.

Zara turned her eyes back on Asher. No matter how she looks at Asher now, all she could see was a complete and utter joke in the making.

It didn't even matter that Asher still kept his indifferent expression amidst all the chaotic noise. Zara was sure she'll be making this overconfident kid know his place in the world and give him a true taste of how life works.

"Immediately after class, the dueling square, got it? I have more important things to do today, so hurry it up for me, alright?" Zara basically ordered Asher.

And without giving him a chance to respond, Zara and Jael turned around and briskly walked out of the classroom.

Throughout everything, Asher remained calm. But when Zara and Jael finally left the classroom, an incredibly cold glint twinkle in his eyes.

Nobody saw his current gaze, but it was a terrifying one that could've cause any one of the other students to burst into a cold sweat.

The noisy students began chattering on again, specifically this time about his and Zara's duel. But Asher ignored them and began analyzing that moment in his mind.

From his Aura Senses, he could tell that Zara far outclasses Devon, Mack, and Dylan. However, even if it was somebody that was stronger than Zara challenged him, Asher still wouldn't back down.

'Hmmm….you know Asher, I know you will put that bitch in the dirt quite easily at your full power. But, I think I may know a way to make your victory even more dominating. This way, those little rats will temporarily back off so we can get a bit of breathing room.' Yuki suddenly told him.

Asher got immediately curious. Fighting Zara at full power won't be a problem. But there was a chance he could possibly lose. So he was all ears on any advice.

'Really now, what would I need to do?'

'First off, just wait a little bit until that Professor comes. It'll make more sense then.'

Asher wondered what could his Professor accomplish to help him. But Asher didn't question Yuki for now. He opted to close his eyes and focus on preparing himself for the duel up ahead.