Spiritual Self

Some time quickly slipped by in Balreth Academy. At this point in every student's days, things have been relatively standard towards their expectations.

Most people know the general direction they wanted to go in life. While others were either contend or realize their limits on how far they could make it in life.

Essentially, once the day continued from the morning, things were supposed to calm back down to an orderly state.

However, a sense of an orderly state is now impossible. There was one spread of news that was surging to numerous students like wildfire.

It was the news of Asher and Zara's duel!

Some newly awakened student is actually going to duel a fearsome foe from the Kane Gang!

All students in Asher's classes had texted their other friends about this, which caused the wild spread of news. Even now, Asher's classmates still couldn't believe that he willingly wants to fight against Fierce Zara.

They all were newly awakened Spirit Tier cultivators. Still, they were fully aware of Zara's vicious reputations inside the dueling stage.

This kind of disbelief sentiment was shared around to all other students they texted it about. Those students as well texted their friends about this event, causing the fire of news to only grow bigger.

What also helped spread the news was various Kane Gangs mentioning it around the school. And since it was coming from the Kane Gang itself, they knew this wasn't some outrageous rumor.

To think a duel was already going to happen on the first day of the new year! Moreover, somebody from the notorious Kane Gang, no less!

There simply weren't any students that had hopes in Asher winning the duel.

Zara wasn't some freshly awakened Spirit Tier cultivator. She was a truly experienced Early-stage Spirit Tier Cultivator with frightening prowess.

For the years leading up to the Ceremony, everybody knows about Zara's terrifying prowess and haunting fighting style.

But for Asher?

There simply wasn't anything significant known about him.

Only a few students at best know that he in the past might've come into several scuffles with pre-awakened Spirit Tier cultivators from the Kane Gang.

But whether he did so or not, none of that mattered towards Zara's battle.

After all, Zara was a whole different ball game that was naturally above any and all pre-awakened students in their gang.

All of this wild spread of news didn't bother Asher at all. In class, he still remained calm and steady despite the numerous stares on his back.

It was more than evident to Asher that the students were spreading the news of his duel through their phones. But it didn't weigh down on Asher's mental state.

Whether he had an audience or not when watching his duel wouldn't affect the outcome of the duel.

Furthermore, Asher held no qualms about having a lot of eyes on him. Numerous times in the past, he had to give speeches for class or perform some sort of public speaking assignment.

Asher noted the duel would be a tiny bit similar to that. Only the huge difference now is he'll be engaging in perilous combat that could potentially cost him his life if he's careless.

Currently, Asher had stopped thinking about the spread of his duel some time ago. His eyes stayed half-lidded open as he seemingly paid attention to the Professor up in the front of the class.

The Professor didn't have a striking appearance. He looked just a typical middle-aged working man while wearing a Balreth Academy staff uniform.

However, nobody would be daring enough to underestimate this ordinary-looking middle-aged man.

From the Professor's general aura that continuously radiates out of his body, it would give anybody a sense of danger. There was only a pure strong aura flowing out of his body, telling all that he isn't the one to be trifled with.

The other student in Asher's class didn't dare to disrespect him either. They either kept quiet beside asking the occasional questions or sneakily went on their phones.

Asher appeared to have the standard student image.

His eyes stayed lazily half-lidded while he slouched a bit over in his chair, appearing to have to be paying half attention to the Professor's words.

But, inside Asher's mind, he was focused on an entirely different subject.

The Professor had just got done with explaining a bit of fundamental concerning Spirit Mana. And he had mentioned something that got Yuki to instantly perk up.

She immediately told Asher to ignore everything else he says and only focused on that little blurb.

What the Professor had said was, "First foremost, before we touch upon any other subject, you kids must know this. Spirit Mana is learning the Spiritual Side to yourself. What does this mean? Simple. It means you will learn to stay true to yourself no matter what."

Asher initially didn't think much of the quote besides analyzing that it made sense. Topics of one's Spiritual Side always end up on deep questions where one reflects upon themselves.

It was a pretty simple statement that Asher wonders why Yuki simply didn't tell him this herself.

But Yuki wasn't satisfied with the too casual thought he had.

Over and over again, Yuki kept on repeating to Asher to highlight this statement, ignore everything on the outside and try cultivating Spirit Mana all at the same time.

Asher had taken one brief glance over the whole classroom a little bit before. And as expected, none of his other classmates had really taken that statement to heart.

But since Yuki was so adamant on this subject, Asher readily complied with her request.

For ten minutes now, Asher had his eyes half-lidded, yet he was focusing on perceiving Spirit Mana. Since it was just the Professor talking, it was much easier than with the noisy bustling of students talking.

It was finally after the ten-minute mark that Asher was getting somewhere.

The blurry image of Spirit Mana appeared in his mental scape space, but this time, Asher didn't try to immediately absorb it.

With the blurry image of Spirit Mana visible in his mental scape space, Asher began to comprehend further on what the Professor said. The real meaning of staying true to yourself.

As Asher further thought about this, his mind began to quickly shift over to his deep desires he wants to achieve.

Asher didn't have many desires, but there were a few strong burning ones that fueled him to get up every morning.

They were the desire to achieve incredible power for his family. The desire to help his friends live a good stable life and grow stronger with them.

And his last desire, which is actually a very recent one that now burns within him. Though this desire came only just now, it fueled Asher's motivation to a greater intensity level.

The desire was to simply get closer to Elsa.

But when thinking that he only just wanted to get closer to Elsa, Asher wrinkled his eyebrows. 'No….not just closer. I want to have and be more with her….Ah! I see….'

As Asher came to a slight realization of his feelings, he also came upon another realization to that statement.

Asher knows who he is as a person. He has his clear-cut personality that he honed over the years. A few goals that will last his entire life and will continue to grow. And a burning drive to achieve what he wants.

Asher wasn't witless or undecided on what he wanted to do or who he is.

His long years alone, in a sense, accelerated his maturity as he experienced the cruel aspect and positive aspects of life.

Asher knows that he has a clear-cut bottom line, and no matter what unexpected event pops up in the future, he is at least sure he'll never give up on his goals no matter what!

Upon this line of thought, Asher finally sensed and saw the Spirit Mana in his mental scape space react.

The blurriness was becoming slightly more transparent and a greater quality of power now emanated from the Spirit Mana energies.

'So it's like this? I know I'm probably missing more pieces to this puzzle. But like this, my determination will only burn even more!' As Asher further reinforced his thoughts on this, the Spirit Mana energies changed more and more.

The quality of Spirit Mana's energy power slowly increased in Asher's mental scape space, providing a warm sensation to swirl in his mind.

Taking the prime opportunity, Asher began to use Aura Sense to absorb this quality of Spirit Mana energies into his body.

This time, the Spirit Mana energies didn't immediately vanish when absorbed into his body. A small stream of Spirit Mana energies slowly flowed throughout Asher's body, coursing around in it like fresh warm water.

Asher felt his body completely relax while Spirit Mana energies cruise through his body. On instinct, Asher's Aura Sense began to direct the Spirit Mana energies after a couple of seconds.

The Spirit Mana energies started to flow directly into Asher's veins. From Asher's veins, the Spirit Mana energies flowed right into his System's soul.

An entirely new sensation of power jolted Asher's entire body!

It took all of his willpower to not jump up from his seat because of this incredible sensation. Spirit Mana energies had a different quality that neither his Aura energy nor Ghost Lightning energy had.

It wasn't like Spirit Mana energies were stronger than both. More so, it was far more vibrant and pure. Asher felt it was like taking a slight dip into some fountain of eternal youth, not that he knows what that felt like.

As this small stream of Spirit Mana energies flowed into Asher's veins, he also felt his energy reserve slowly increase. Furthermore, he also felt his System's soul experienced a tiny increase in power.

Not wanting to let this incredible opportunity slip by his finger, Asher remained still, entirely focused on absorbing small streams of Spirit Mana energies.

'Fuuu….not bad, not bad at all, Asher. Though I'm coming to realize to expect this much from you. That bitch will stand even less of a chance after this.' Yuki was praising Asher, though he didn't hear her remarks.

It wasn't that Asher was too focused to not hear, but Yuki had the ability to cut off the telepathic link they had at will.

Like this, Asher slowly finite his control over Spirit Mana while absorbing small streams of it. And luckily for Asher, the lecture going on was simple, allowing him to take nearly all of the class time to silently cultivate.