
For all of two seconds, Asher felt like he was in blissful heaven.

The incredible power he could generate always gave Asher an extraordinary sensation that stays imprinted into his mind.

But hugging Elsa was providing Asher with another heaven-like sensation. He wouldn't necessarily put it above having power, but it certainly was far above any other feeling that he had ever experienced in his life.

The electrifying sensation he experiences whenever he's with Elsa had multiplied by a hundredfold. It sent incredible jolts of pleasure down Asher's spine, making him hold Elsa just a bit tighter.

Wrapping his arms around Elsa's lithe back, holding her close to the nape of his neck, Asher realized how amazingly soft a woman's body is. She was like a warm fluffy pillow that Asher honestly didn't want to let go of.

And then there was the hypnotic fragrance that Asher was continuously inhaling from Elsa.

Previously he could never get that close to Elsa to even notice her beautiful scent. But with this hug, Asher was drowning in her divine scent. She smelled even more fresh and vibrant than a thriving blossoming garden.

Asher didn't make any more sudden movement; less he wanted to frighten off Elsa. He kept calm and steady, allowing Elsa to fully relax in his embrace.

The years of so many repressed feelings and emotions gradually bubbled up at this very moment. And it was thanks to Yuki doing in some way that he was able to boldly go for a hug like this.

On the other hand, Elsa stiffens in Asher's arms for all of a second.

The natural reaction she had wasn't one of disgust or indifference. But an electrifying jolt of pleasure and warmth that soothed all through her body.

In the very next second, Elsa gradually relaxed in Asher's arms.

The years of all of her repressed feelings and emotions were slowly leaking, unable to be completely locked down anymore. Her once chaotic rising heartbeat calmed within Asher's arms.

With all of her hidden emotions leaking, Elsa's mind briefly recalled the turbulent waves she experienced during Asher's duel.

Every single time he was on the verge of getting seriously injured or worse, Elsa felt her heart entirely stop. It was like a force was violently grasping down it, causing an immense piercing pain.

At that time, Elsa realized it wasn't like their training in the woods. Though Asher would never ask for it, Elsa would be silently ready to protect him if any mishaps happen.

So when all she could do was simply stand and watch Asher seemingly put his life on the line, Elsa slowly realized that she wasn't protecting him out of a sense of duty. The way her heart lurched at every single tense moment more than proved there are some profound feelings there.

When Asher had actually won the duel, a massive wave of relief washed over her. Elsa had even nearly let out a massive breath while she was around the other genius students.

And then there was the smooth, captivating charm Asher had exuded while on stage.

The way he perfectly executed every attack and overwhelming crush Zara affected Elsa in ways she never thought was possible was for her.

And now, focusing on Asher's warm, gentle body affectionately holding her made butterflies burst in Elsa's stomachs. Her heartbeat was going a million miles a minute as more indecent thoughts began popping into her head.

During the time Asher simply held her hand, she felt a slight heat in her cheek and had a small blush.

Now, Elsa felt like her body was being lit with blazing flames. She specifically felt a massive amount of heat in her cheeks. Elsa had the thoughts of hugging Asher's back but almost immediately stop herself.

The embarrassment was quickly becoming too much for her.

With swift, graceful movement, Elsa shuffled out of Asher's arms. She turned around at lightning speeds, not allowing him the chance to glance upon her burning face.

"I-Class is starting soon." Elsa immediately said without giving Asher a chance to speak. And following up on that, she practically dashed out of the storage room before Asher could even blink.

Left all alone, Asher began to wryly smile to himself. That girl's easier to crack than he expected!

Although, Asher somewhat knows why it was so seemingly easy for him to cause chaos in Elsa's mind.

He knows for sure that there really wasn't anybody else that can make Elsa change that calm, impassive stature. Perhaps her parents could, but Asher didn't think he ever saw them before, nor does she really mention her family.

Either way, Asher had just assumed they had good compatibility. Even as Elsa is sometimes a brick wall to talk to or she's far too blunt with her thoughts, they still were friends for numerous years.

And at any time silence befall them, Asher never let it get to him as the tranquility simply felt natural.

Suddenly, Asher felt a jolt run through his body and soul, distracting him from thoughts about Elsa.


Similar to how he completed the first mission, a pinging noise went off inside Asher's body.

Afterward, he felt a cool, warm stream of positive energy smoothly flow inside of him. This time, Asher's eyes glowed up when receiving Positive Energy.

This quality of Positive Energy was more rich and vibrant. He certainly felt something about his natural aura change for the better now.

Feeling entirely refreshed from the stream of Positive Energy, Asher began shaking his head.

Truthfully, if Yuki didn't make him this daring, he would never get anywhere far with Elsa. And from the two bold moments he shared with Elsa, Asher could certainly say he didn't dislike this at all.

Since he's just recently learned to accept all of his desires, Asher knew going along with Yuki's flow won't bring him any harm and will actually make him happy.

'Moreover….seems like I'm not the only one who has those hidden, repressed desires.' Asher mused to himself while feeling more aspirations fuel his drive.

'Hehe~!' Suddenly, Yuki's voice began to giggle in a sweet hypnotic tone.

'You're always so quick on the uptake Asher. Oh, we're just going to have a beautiful time together! So? What's our next stop? Going home?'

Asher thinks for a moment and then quickly realizes something. 'Oh, that's pretty funny. Elsa said class is starting, but it's not classes; it's the Mana room periods. There, I can really make some improvement on Spirit Mana.'

'Oh? So you humans have something like this even around here….ah! Actually, you have one more meeting left.' Yuki didn't surprise Asher at all.

There was a relaxed smile plastering his face as he already sensed who was coming some time ago.

'Yea, I know. Even without my senses, I could hear scurrying over here from a mile away.' Immediately when Asher finished talking, the door had swung wide open again.

For a split second, he spotted Kylee's shocked face before she suddenly dashed right towards him.

"Asher!! You dummy!!" Kylee began to loudly exclaim in a voice that was mixed relief and whining, all the while she was giving Asher a huge tight hug.

Asher only calmly smiled as he graciously accepted the hug and let Kylee continue her complaints. "Don't just walk off and disappear after something huge like that! You didn't even try to look for me-I mean us!"

Asher felt a small surge of guilty since, for all intents and purposes, Kylee doesn't even know about the intriguing relationship he has with Elsa.

He did make a promise to himself to go immediately greet her and Reese after this. But he still felt like it should've been done a bit smoother than what he did.

To make up for it, Asher began to slowly stroke Kylee's hair, causing the girl to slightly shiver at his touch.

Before Asher could respond back, he suddenly heard next, "Yea, man. You totally should've seen the look on her face. She was basically like a ghost! And Kylee? I told you he would be in here."

Reese was causally bantering as he walked through the open doorway. As he walked, his eyes were immediately filled with respect when he gazed upon Asher. That tremendous power he had shown off was even inspiring Reese to gain firmer aspiration for amazing power.

From getting called out, Kylee had quickie scurried off from Asher to turn around and glare at Reese. A slight pink hue was covering her cheeks as she put her hands to her hips.

She haughtily huffed while saying, "Oh, shut up! Don't act like you weren't worried too!"

Reese only gave a relaxed shrug towards her accusations. "Maybe….but my mind seriously can't stop thinking about that duel. Like really, that was fucking amazing, Asher."

"Haaah….despite how potentially risky it was. I will say it was pretty cool." When she said it, Kylee looked a bit shy.

Gazing into her eyes, Asher could spot a different light compared to the look Reese was giving him.

The look reminded Asher of when someone was incredibly charmed by something or someone. Asher didn't call out on it, only noting it in the back of his mind.

He gave both Reese and Kylee a slightly apologetic smile and told them, "Sorry about leaving early. I had something private to take care of. But now, we should head on over to the Mana room. It's nearly time."

Reese and Kylee quirked their eyebrows when Asher said, 'something private.' Usually, for him, he never really keeps secrets unless it's related to his family.

Reese and Kylee didn't press on him about it since it was actually time to go to the Mana rooms.

And they all were told about the consequences of showing up late.

Kylee was the first one to nod her head while saying, "We've spent so much time looking that time just flew by. Alright, let's go. The worse thing to be is late on the very first day."

Reese and Asher readily nodded, and all three began to briskly head out to their assigned Mana rooms.