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Typically when walking through Balreth Academy, it was always an orderly ordeal for Asher. He would simply go on through the hall with no gazes on him or any whispers gossiping about him.

But after today, Asher was greatly glad that he chose to have that small sweet moment with Elsa.

When walking through the halls, literally almost every student's eyes gathered on him, and the whispers sprang up.

Granted, there weren't many students in the hall because they all needed to go to their Mana rooms. Still, there was a considerable sum roaming the halls, and nearly every student had some level of gaze towards Asher.

Asher noted that it was mainly the younger and newly awakened Spirit Tier students who had absolute awe in their eyes.

The younger and newly awakened students were the ones who basically saw the Kane Gang as an unstoppable force. And watching Asher crush them broaden their horizons that miracles can really happen.

There were other students who Asher noted had some slight trepidation swirling in their eyes. Because he basically has such a high prowess to take on the notorious Gang members, they all believed there could be another possible threatening force around the Academy.

Asher wouldn't blame them for having trepidation around him, considering that it's regularly common in their society for people in power to wrongfully abuse their powers to an absurd degree.

And then there were the rare students who seemed to have this little fighting spirit in their eyes.

Asher assumed since he, a fellow newly awakened student, had crushed Zara, they too can achieve that position if they work hard enough.

Among all hot-blooded youths, there are always bound to be several individuals who have a burning drive to achieve ultimate strength and status. And Asher could at least appreciate the drive they have to try and work to be better.

Truthfully Asher did expect a lot of attention on him.

With modern technology, news can travel fast and videos about his fight, whatever they could record of it, also spreads fast.

But, Asher still couldn't help but feel a bit queer about receiving so much of this attention.

After all, for nearly most of his Academic life, he was simply ignored, faded in the background of most student's minds. Even with decent Lightning Magical Powers, all that really garner him was some curious eyes during the Ceremony.

But now, it indeed was like walking into a different world with so many various gazes locked onto him.

Still, Asher didn't lose his cool. He didn't bother to stop and talk to anyone, nor did they try to stop and talk to him. Asher gave a simple small mile and nodded to students, showcasing his relatively friendly demeanor.

Although Asher really doesn't care to interact with these students, it never hurts to have a well-liked reputation. He briefly recalled Yuki's words of advice that forming connections goes a long way with personal strength.

Moreover, it simply wasn't in Asher's blood to be as rude or imposing as those Kane Gang members.

Like this, Asher walked alone to his assigned Mana room class. A little bit before, Reese and Kylee had to split off from him to go to their Mana room class.

With just a few minutes to spare, Asher briskly made it towards his Mana room. It was at the far end of the hallway he was currently on, and luckily, there weren't any lingering students around here.

Before Asher even opened the door, he could already hear the bustling clamorings of students. And when he opens the doors, Asher knows their bustling conversation will focus specifically on him if they're not already.

Asher only hoped the students would keep their distance as he much preferred to stay to himself and cultivate Spirit Mana. Any second he can spend improving his strength is never time wasted.

With his own goal plan in mind, Asher quickly opened the rather traditional wooden door to the Mana room and was greeted to a lovely sight.

The Mana room was a particularly large room, slightly larger than his classroom.

A relaxing atmosphere permeated the air here, creating a space of serene tranquility. There were numerous tatami mats spread across an old wooden floor, and there were enough to fit at least fifty students at the same time.

The Mana room also had various soothing design items that would help anyone get ready to focus and cultivate.

Even the air in these types of rooms is far more pure and fresh to inhale than the outside world. Taking a quick whiff of the air, Asher felt any slight tension immediately leave his body.

The fragrance scent caused a soothing aura to flow into Asher's mind, already making his mind feel a bit sharper.

Focusing off from the graceful design, Asher had then noticed the lower amount of noise now. He turned his sights on the students, already expecting the reaction they're currently having.

There were nearly forty students here, and they all were whispering while gazing upon him.

With Asher's enhanced ears, he picked up on some of the whispers.

"It's him! It's really him! The guy who slammed Kane Zara's face is standing right in front of us!"

"It's so surreal….can he be a hidden genius in the making?"

"With what he showed off today, I don't doubt it could happen."

Truly the students felt like they were gazing upon a new rising celebrity. The awe-inspiring battle he had with Zara was just too overwhelming.

It was one thing if Asher would've simply had a close duel with Zara. But it was an entirely different story as he had utterly dominated her!

The biggest highlight that stuck with everybody was the fact that Asher blocked two battle skills with his bare hands! Unless they're far superior to their opponent, nobody will take such an outlandish risk like that.

With everything Asher showed today, nearly all students didn't doubt that there would be more duels including Asher and stronger members from the Kane Gang.

And nearly everyone wonders, can Asher perform more repeated miracles with the more terrifying members of the Kane Gang?

Either way, Asher was destined to be the topic of hot discussion for quite a while.

While the students were wrapped in their own thoughts, Asher simply raised an eyebrow at their comments. Though they were talking about him, none of them made any efforts to come up and speak to Asher.

Asher knew that it was probably either over trepidation, or they're just unsure on how to start a conversation with him.

Though the students did wonder how far Asher can go, there was also a slight lingering fear hanging between all of them.

Since Asher has the power to so easily dominate Zara, there could be a chance where he'll be another imposingly hostile person just like her.

It was actually a common rule of thumb that when people have a great amount of power, their true colors start to show.

However, Asher really wasn't anything like they expected.

Despite having a rising attraction in fame, Asher simply gave everyone a general nod, walked over to an isolated tatami mat, and sat cross-legged on it.

Just like always, Asher had his calm and quiet stride. There wasn't suffocation or overbearingness on his part.

This kind of warm, friendly attitude did start to inspire some students to go up and talk to him.

But right then, the Mana room door swung open again. Everyone's attention turned back to the doorway, and instant respect filled the student's eyes.

Standing at the doorway was a slightly old woman wearing traditional Chinese martial arts clothing.

The old woman wore a warm, calm expression, and each step she took was carefully calculated. An incomparably tranquil aura flowed out of the old woman like the refreshing rays of sunlight.

All students already felt an excellent touch calmer by just being in her general presence.

As the old woman walked to the center of the room, she took one quick look over all the students.

It wasn't until her eyes landed on Asher that her serene eyes gained a barely noticeable twinkle. In a very brief split second that no one could possibly notice, she narrowed her eyes on Asher.

The old woman quickly split her eyes from Asher the next second and began to address every student there.

"Everyone, please, take your seats. And when sitting down, assume a lotus position."

Asher had also complied with his instructor directions, changing his position into a lotus one.

Once everyone was seated and in place, the old woman instructor spoke again. "Now then, students, for our first batch of classes, we will be learning how to perceive Spirit Ma-"

'Bah! Dipple Dripple!' Suddenly Yuki loudly echoed in Asher's mind, getting him to split his attention to her. Knowing Asher's focus was on her, Yuki continued to say,

'Don't bother listening to this old hag Asher. I already know exactly what she's going to teach you for a while. It's just rehashes of what you already know. Just focus on cultivating Spirit Mana for the rest of this class; the environment is really good here. I'll make it seem like you're at the average pace of perceiving Spirit Mana so that old hag attention won't be on us.'

Asher raised an appreciative eyebrow. 'You can really do that, Yuki? Truly, you never cease to surprise me. And, thank you for this.'

Yuki began to giggle in an angel-like voice that sent tingles down Asher's spine. 'Hehe~! We're partners, after all!'

And as Yuki prompted him to do, Asher closed his eyes to a half-lidded position, seemingly paying attention to everything his instructor was saying.

But really, he was cultivating Spirit Mana. Already on his first day, Asher was miles ahead of anyone else.

Although none of his other fellow students or his instructors would ever be aware of this, for now.