Cloud Nine

Asher felt a genuine sense of shock run through his mind. Really, there weren't many who he expected to come to his aid at this moment.

At best, Asher expected for the rare patrolling Police Force to have luckily stumbled upon him.

But Elsa?

Asher didn't expect her at all. As far he knows about her, she would usually spend her time training in the woods, going to Balreth Academy, or cultivating at home.

They had numerous conversations, but Elsa never mentioned she goes out at night. In fact, he distinctly recalls that even she has some genuine slight trepidation about going out in the ominous night.

And yet, here she is, seemingly at his timely aid.

Though he's in pain, Asher felt budding warmth course in his chest over this. That warmth had only increased as he observed a distinct expression warping her face.

The usual indifferently tranquil Elsa now had a face full of concern. She dropped her calm facade entirely at this point. Her eyes took notice of every injury on Asher's body, not wanting to leave out a single detail.

Asher had even noticed there were tiny droplets of sweat dripping down her beautiful face. This side of Elsa made her even more gorgeous.

There was genuine worry in her gaze, and Asher could tell then, she does genuinely care about him.

With her seemingly quick inspection completed, Elsa released a quiet deep breath. Right then, her and Asher's gazes locked. They went rigid for a second as it was like a spark burst within their cores.

Elsa felt the tingles of pleasures, and more of her emotions grew disorder. But, the importance of Asher's health took top priority. A flash of blue sparked from her hand, and a fresh fragrance burst into the air.

"Eat this now."

Elsa spoke in a slightly demanding tone that left no room for discussion. Asher didn't think he ever heard this kind of tone from her before.

Asher promptly looked down at Elsa's palm and saw a pure white pill there. Focusing on that pill, more of that amazingly fresh fragrance drilled up Asher's noise.

Already, Asher felt like some of the pain in his body had alleviated, and his mind became calmer.

Asher had instantly recognized this pill. His eyes widened a bit as this was one of those Magical Healing Pills! These exotic pills hold numerous incredible effects that made recovering from any illness or injuries quite simple in their society.

Although, only a specific type of people can make these pills.

Only those whose Magical Powers are Healers, Alchemists, or Light can efficiently craft these Healing Pills. It didn't really matter which one from those three types makes a Healing Pills as the effects are always incredible.

Out of all professions and Magical Powers in the world, those are sought out the most and are the most revered.

That's why it isn't exactly so simple to even gain one Magical Healing Pills since there was a considerable cost behind it.

But somehow, Elsa managed to get her hands on one. Asher felt a vast sum of gratitude, and he gingerly took the pure white pill.

"Thank you, Elsa," Asher stated his appreciation, and he had then quickly swallowed the pill.

Immediately, Asher widened his eyes on instinct as a burst of refreshing warm energy course through his entire body. Asher felt like he had just taken a dive in the most vibrant nature pond in the whole world.

All those fantastical stories about the effects of Magical Healing Pills weren't exaggerated in the slightest. The pain that was making Asher want to faint over dead had vanished within a nanosecond.

All of his internal injuries, ruptured organs, and broken bones were healed in a blink of an eye.

With such tremendous effects like this, it was no wonder why the Healings Positions are the most sought in the entire world.

If Asher had these kinds of resources on his side when he was training in the Decrypted Woods, he realized he could go even harder during those times.

This thought gave Asher some aspirations to start looking for ways to make more money for excellent medicine like the pill.

It wasn't like Asher didn't consider making more money than what he currently gets from his family. But he never honestly looked into it as he only saw it will cut into his training.

However, after experiencing the Magical Healing Pills first hand, Asher felt the drive to make money.

When Asher was nearly done healing, he suddenly felt the air become a bit draftier beside him.

He had turned his attention back on Elsa and was mildly shocked to see her eyes narrowed at him. Before he could even question what's wrong, Elsa started to talk without giving Asher a chance to think.

"Hm. Thank yourself. If you were prepared to come out here, then you should be prepared to receive critical injuries like this. Every moment in our lives must be treated with the utmost severity. Furthermore, your luck is quite hi-"

Elsa seemed like she would go off for several seconds, but she couldn't finish her reprimanding when Asher had suddenly pulled her into his warm embrace.


Elsa tried to protest, but that had immediately failed when she felt an electrifying jolt run through her entire body.

For both Elsa and Asher, they felt their bodies shiver in pleasure from mere contact with each other. It felt just so right and natural to them.

Elsa didn't even care at all that Asher still had fresh bloodstains on him. She wore only a plain shirt and jacket, yet she made no attempt to move as Asher's blood stained her clothes.

Asher knew that it probably wouldn't be the best to hug in this state. But the more concern Elsa was showing over him, the more Asher felt a gut feeling to just hug her. It was at this moment, Asher finally decided on a critical decision.

He began to talk in a soothing tone, telling Elsa, "I'm really terrible for making you worry so much these last couple of days. Since the Ceremony, I don't think we had just one nice conversation that didn't concern the safety of my life being brought up."

Elsa felt intense tingles shiver down her spine as Asher's hot breath soothed into her ears. Under the chilling, eerie night, she felt surprisingly warm together with Asher.

In a state where she really couldn't keep her emotions under control, Elsa started to say,

"It's-it's fine. Jus-"

But Elsa couldn't finish her thought once again when Asher had suddenly pulled back just a bit. He stared directly into her beautiful ocean blue eyes that can lull anyone into a hypnotic trance.

Asher's expression was dashingly serious and made Elsa want to genuinely hear what he has to say.

With her attention squared on him, Asher began to say, "It's not fine to me. I'm not sure how you feel about it, but I truly enjoy just talking with you. Over these last three days, I've been through….changes. And I truly want to get closer to you and share a more profound bond. So, this may be a bit bold on my part, but will you go on a date with me?"

Asher finally decided to throw all of his cards on the table. The more he cultivates on staying true to his desires, the more he wants to achieve every one of them.

Even as Asher felt the most nervous he ever did in his entire life, he doesn't regret asking at all.

Elsa was utterly stunned. She had to take a moment to process what Asher said. If it was any other boy, they would've already been met with a slap from her.

But Asher….she could only feel her heartbeat pick up.

The years of all of her underlying feelings were slowly coming undone. And after today, where she saw Asher put his life on the line for an innocent little girl, it carved a profound impact on her mind that wouldn't be forgotten.

Moreover, there was also the fact that Asher said he simply enjoys talking to her.

Elsa knows better than anyone that she can be a bit difficult to talk to. But no matter how quiet she could be or how blunt and straight to the point she also could be, Asher continuously flowed so smoothly with her.

With all these thoughts parading her mind, Elsa felt her cheek quickly heat up. Butterflies made their return in bursting in her stomach, and she shyly looked away from Asher on instinct.

Asher found the shy, blushing Elsa amazingly cute. He didn't think there could be such a divinely attractive sight in the world, but Elsa was proving him wrong.

A wide smile had cracked on Asher's lips, but he still patiently waited for her response.

And after a couple of seconds, Elsa had finally said, "Wh-where would you even take me? You know it's almost impossible for us to be seen out in the open." Her voice now was soft and gentle, in stark contrast to her usual even and calm tone.

Asher felt some butterflies churn in his stomach this time. Truly, Elsa was just too cute in this state! Still, Asher kept a hold on himself and calmly answered,

"Indeed, we can't be seen out in the open. But, I also know you. And I know the best date for you is a simple walk in the woods, but this time we will be barely fighting, if at all. We will only be talking and enjoying each other companies."

Elsa went rigid as the thought of doing that with Asher instantly appealed to her. She relaxed a second later and sighed with emotion. At this point, Elsa knows it's impossible to keep a lock of her true feelings.

And she also knows there's a multitude of significantly troubling issues that will come with her decision.

But Elsa knows Asher as well as he knows her. And she knows Asher's determination won't let him quit on any subject.

Moreover, deep down inside her heart, Elsa didn't want Asher to give up on this desire to pursue her. She started to talk but still kept her gaze shyly away from Asher's eyes,

"This new boldness, I would've never expected it from you. But, I find it quite admirable. I will accept your date, only if you accept my proposal to regularly train you. Your stubbornness will only cause me trouble, so I will truly shape you up."

Asher's smile grew immensely wide. He felt like he was on cloud nine with Elsa's response. Still, he didn't let his overeagerness show and said with some slight excitement leaking in his voice,

"I would accept training with you even without the date. This fight certainly made me realize I need all the help I can get. As for the date, how about the day after tomorrow? It will be the weekend by then."

Elsa briefly glanced over at Asher. A glint swirled in her eyes, but she had quickly turned her head before Asher could spot it. She had then said, "Fine. And one more thing, are your injuries fully healed?"

Bringing up his injuries, Asher quickly inspected his body with his Aura Sense. And throughout the entire time they were talking, he was already back at one hundred percent for quite some time.

He told her then, "Yep. I'm basically good as new. Really, thanks again for that pill, Elsa."

From the way Elsa had her head to her left, Asher could only faintly see her expression. But right then, he spotted a contemplative look suddenly fall on Elsa's face.

Before he could wonder just what she was thinking upon, Elsa swiftly moved!

For the briefest seconds, Asher felt heavenly warmth wrapped around his whole body. It was like he got coiled by a soft fluffy cloud.

And in the next second, Asher blinked his eyes only to see Elsa had vanished from his sight.

Asher went still for a moment before quickly realizing Elsa had finally returned his hug and gave him her warm, loving embrace.