
Asher was still kneeling on the sidewalk, being utterly content with himself. His broad, satisfied smile only increased as he kept on replaying that one-second moment hug Elsa gave him in his head.

While it may seem so minuscule of a hug, Asher could just tell this was tremendous for Elsa.

Asher precisely knows Elsa isn't a touchy feeling kind of person. Him having to initiate all intimate comments only further proved that.

But for Elsa to willingly go out of her way and be intimate, even if it was so brief, was an excellent step in the right direction. Suddenly then, Asher heard Yuki speak out to him after being quiet throughout this entire time.

'Ah, Asher, you already understand it so quickly. But let me act as a confirmer for you. Indeed you must get Elsa as a lover! Her suppressed seedlings' feelings for you are only explosively growing with each passing day."

Asher pauses, quirking an eyebrow for a moment. He found it a bit odd that Yuki described Elsa as a 'lover' and her overall apparent interest in this.

Nearly all of the time, she seemed to have simply an interest in only gaining power. But, Asher decided to chalk this up to Yuki, wanting to show her partner support.

Though, the more inquisitive question for Asher is just how Yuki can directly tell her feelings. He recalled she had acted mysteriously about Elsa another time before.

'I don't suppose you'd tell me how you already guessed this from miles away?'

Asher couldn't see Yuki's expression, but he could just tell there was a mischievous smile growing onto her beautiful face.

And going by the following giggle that echoed out in his mind, Asher could say his guess was right on the mark.

'Hehe~! Now, why would I spoil the mystery just like that? But, I guess you can know, Ghosts will always have a way. And that's for me and eventually you.'

Asher noted the comment in his mind since he is a full-blown on Ghost as of now. Although, he basically still looks entirely like a human. Shaking his head at this thought, Asher began to stand up, feeling incredibly healthy.

He started cracking out the kinks in his neck and stretching his arms to get a good overall feel of his body.

After that enlightenment feeling and Magical Healing, Asher felt even better than he did before fighting that masked creature.

What made his mood, so incredibly great was from that little moment he had shared with Elsa and confirming a date with her.

Asher had then said to Yuki, 'Either way, I would be a major fool on my own if I didn't act to pursue her at this point. Let's go home now; I'm really in need of a rest.'

While he spoke, Asher had to suppress a yawn as he began roaming the night streets to go home. He first quickly picked up his blue axe and brought it inside his dingy blue ring. Even such a small action like that made Asher's eyes droop more.

Though he felt incredible after all the fighting, he was also hit with a sudden wave of exhaustion.

And Asher was hoping there wouldn't be any more horror creatures out here trying to gun for his life.

'Even I would say, after a fight like that, you deserve all the rest you want. Really, that was a fantastic battle, Asher.' Yuki honestly praised.

While she had more assurance in Asher that he would've survived that battle, she did feel some concern for him at some of the more tense moments of the fight.

But as she came to expect from Asher, he violently pulled through and had even touched upon a new level of power.

Asher felt warmth in his chest from Yuki's praise. He didn't respond back, but his smile continued to blossom as he headed home.


Numerous hours slipped by in the night.

Asher and anyone else roaming the night streets had already returned home. Everything was once again returned to the suffocating silence the chilling night is commonly known for.

But at one specific sidewalk, a strange occurrence was going on.

From where Asher had killed that masked creature, droplets of vile red liquidity substance began to drill up through the pavement.

Once appearing out in the open, the vile red droplets immediately took off into the air and soar through the empty streets.

The red liquid droplets continued to soar until they appeared at the same alleyway where Asher first met the pink hair little girl.

There were no apparent changes to this spot beside a black-gloved hand reaching out of the shady alleyway. The red liquid droplets flew right towards that black-gloved hand and were immediately absorbed inside it.

In the dead of night, a voice that would send terrifying shivers down anyone's spine began to speak to itself.

"So, we have someone that likes to mess with the orders of things, huh….alright. I'm expecting what you can bring next, boy."


Early in the morning the next day.

In Asher's apartment, he was already up at such an early time. Currently, he was sitting cross-legged on his bed, cultivating before doing anything else.

Yesterday he felt amazingly strong, but he didn't check to see his growth because he was so mentally drained. No matter how many life or death battles Asher fights in, even he can't keep trucking on like a machine.

But before he goes to the Academy, Asher found this as a perfect opportunity to see just how much he had grown. Asher promptly called for 'System' and his eyes widened by what was laid out for him.

His Ghost Lightning had leveled up and now has become 2!

Initially, Asher thought he would need to do some further comprehending to truly make it to another level. But he guessed that sudden enlightenment from yesterday was enough.

What was more shocking than his Ghost Lightning powers was his Ghost Powers. That had also leveled up to 2, and Asher recalled from the System's mission description, he should be able to use it now.

Although, the slight problem was that Asher couldn't sense any third type of energy running in his veins or body. He quickly inspected every inch of his body with his Aura Sense but it was only his Spirit Aura and Ghost Lightning Energy.

The only change Asher could sense was that his body grew physically stronger. It was then Asher recalled that previously, Yuki said he was too weak to use Ghost Powers.

Asher was curious about how that System's mission made him strong enough to now handle Ghost Powers. But, after that grueling fight he experienced yesterday, Asher felt like this was an appropriate reward.

Because Yuki is an experienced Ghost, Asher didn't think it would hurt to ask, 'Say, Yuki, I should be able to use my Ghost Powers now. So just how do I call for its energy?'

'Hmmm….oh? So you have that energy as a starter. Well, it's quite easy, Asher. All you have to do is draw out from your System's soul as your body is now ready to handle its energy. Also, the ability you will gain from this is telekinesis.'

Asher's eyes gained a bright twinkle at the prospect of telekinesis power. If he could grasp that and use it efficiently, it could be even as powerful as his Ghost Lightning Powers!

Following Yuki's direction, Asher poured his Aura Sense deep inside his soul.

And like she said, there was a third foreign yet familiar energy nestling here like it was waiting for Asher to come. Asher prodded this energy for a few seconds with his Aura Sense.

He didn't need long before he got a good enough feel on it, grasped it, and began pulling it out of his soul.

Immediately when this energy touched his veins, Asher nearly jumped from an intense jolting shock.

This energy felt like a mix of his Spirit Aura and Ghost Lightning energy. It was strange, yet also comfortable. And Asher had instantly identified this as his pure Ghost Powers.

Almost immediately, he felt his Ghost energy spread throughout his veins and then all throughout his body. Asher stayed utterly still, letting Ghost's energy fill his body, enhancing it even further.

This process went on for a bit five minutes. And after the five-minute mark, Asher felt his Ghost energy had seamlessly mixed in his veins. It didn't clash with his Spirit Aura or Ghost Lightning energy at all.

Once he was done, Asher flung his eyes open. Excitement filled his face as he was eager to test out the new power he could wonderfully wield.

Asher quelled his excitement a bit and focused on the third energy coursing in his veins.

Ghost energy had instantly beckoned to Asher's call, traveling through his arms and surging at his palm. In a similar manner to his Ghost Lightning energy, Asher was a smooth, natural gathering his Ghost energy.

Almost instantly, a bright blue glow covered his entire hand.

With his Ghost Powers in hand, Asher didn't ask Yuki for directions on how to use it. He instead relied on his natural instinct to figure it out himself.

Asher pointed his hand to the nearby small dresser and focused all of his attention on it.

For five seconds, Asher remained in absolute focus. Tiny drops of sweat started to appear on his forehead, but right then, a faint blue glow swirled around each of the dresser's legs.

A smirk cracked up Asher's lips. Carefully, Asher began to slowly lift his hand up. In response, the dresser started to slowly float off the ground. Asher felt some strain in his arm, but he wasn't getting tired yet.

He gradually lifted the dresser a few feet into the air, already getting the hang of his telekinesis abilities. It went smooth as the first time Asher began summoning Ghost Lightning energy.

Asher almost believed he could make the dresser reach all the way to the ceiling.

But right then, Asher felt nearly all of his Ghost energy reserve quickly drain away from him. He felt his exhaustion hasten and more sweat poor down from his brows.

Asher promptly dispersed his Ghost energy, and the dresser fell to the ground with a soft thud.

Even for how short that was, Asher had a satisfied smile as he had just gained a new powerful ability to add to his combat arsenal.