Classes Troubles

As Asher was taking a moment to catch his breath, he heard Yuki's voice coo in his mind.

'Ooooh~! Now that's worthy of praise.'

Right then, Asher started to hear her slowly clap, which sounded like a hypnotic melody.

Before Asher could respond to the praise, Yuki continued to talk. 'But before I let you get a big head, you have to know this Asher. The more weight or power of whatever you're trying to pick up has, the faster it will drain your Ghost energy reserves. Take particular note of this when you want to use it against someone else Magical Power.'

Asher cracked a slight smirk. Even from that small demonstration he did, he quickly gathered what Yuki said in just a few seconds on his own.

'Is that so? Well then, I have quite a bit of time before I need to leave. Let's see my limits.'

About ten or so seconds passed since Asher stopped to regenerate his Ghost energy. And when he sensed out his Ghost energy reserves now, Asher was mildly surprised.

Though so little time has passed, he already nearly has all of his Ghost Energy reserves back!

His eyes widened a bit as this speed majorly outclassed his Ghost Lightning and Spirit Aura energy regeneration.

Immediately Asher's mind went to work as to why. And the further he thought about why this regeneration is so much faster, he had reached a swift conclusion.

Considering that he's not necessarily sending out blasts of attacks or reinforcing his body with his Ghost energy, Asher assumed Ghost Power was more passive than active.

It would sort of aligned a bit to all the legends and myths he read about Ghosts anyways. The ability to fly, become intangible or possess people weren't really all-out force attacks. Only possessing people sounds like it takes a massive sum of energy.

During the whole time Asher contemplated this, he didn't hear Yuki speak up at all. And he knows she can see deep into his thoughts.

Asher didn't bother trying to ask Yuki for more information since he knows she would've already told him amidst his brainstorming.

With no clear-cut answer, Asher focused back on testing out his new Ghost Powers. His eyes searched around his room for anything smaller than the dresser to pick up.

Taking a few moments, Asher settled his sight on the lamp standing on his dresser.

He would occasionally use this lamp for late-night studying sessions or if he was reading up on any other valuable information. Ever since he became a Spirit Tier cultivator, he really hadn't seen the need to use it since everything was basically done in his mental scape space.

Although Asher knows quite soon, he would need to read up on several materials that would significantly help enhance his combat prowess.

Pushing this thought down for later, Asher focused squarely on the lamp.

In an instant, he surged his Ghost energy, causing his right hand to shimmer in an alluring blue glow again. Asher had then strutted his hand towards the lamp and poured all of his focus on it.

Only about three seconds passed.

And this time, Asher achieved far quicker results. At the base of the lamp, his Ghost Power swiftly formed around it, encasing it in its hypnotic blue aura.

Compared to his dresser, Asher felt a considerably lesser strain on his arm. Feeling far more control this time, Asher raised his arm up and, in return, began lifting the lamp off from the dresser.

And as Yuki had explained to him, controlling the lamp was a breeze.

In just a couple of seconds, Asher had already raised his lamp until it nearly touched his ceiling. While he was in control of the lamp, Asher took the opportunity to close his eyes.

In a similar process he needs to do with his Ghost Lightning energy, Asher began absorbing Spirit Mana into his soul. He had then quickly refined that small stream Spirit Mana in his soul and began to cultivate his Ghost Powers.

In his mental scape space, Ghost energy began flickering in and out of existence. Asher had to put forth his complete focus in perceiving the tiny amount of Ghost Power.

And compared to his Ghost Lightning Powers, Asher noted that he didn't have to worry about quickly becoming fatigued and his Ghost Powers almost immediately vanishing.

Like he expected, he could at least maintain the flicker of Ghost Powers in his mental scape space for a few seconds already.

Although as he was continuing on, Asher was feeling the drain coming on to him.

But at the same time, he was perceiving his Ghost Powers at a better rate than his Ghost Lightning. Even if it was only a little bit, Asher could sense his Ghost Power slowly becoming stronger.

Wanting to squeeze as much time as he can, Asher continued repeating this process whenever he had run out of Ghost energy reserves until he had to get up and get ready for Balreth Academy.


The mid-afternoon sun was brightly blazing over Balreth Academy.

Compared to the Academy's last couple of hectic days, things were gradually returning to a more routine lifestyle for the students.

The morning classes had breezed by for everyone, and it was now time for the mid-afternoon break. No matter if it was students in the General Job courses or in the competition year, everyone felt some relief in having some downtime.

Now that they all were Spirit Tier cultivators, the materials they must learn were far more advanced than anything they learned before.

On both sides, students alike had to bring their complete focus if they hoped to make it anywhere.

The only other thing that was a subject of worry for nearly all common students was the lack of noise from the Kane Gang. Ever since the massive duel from yesterday, nobody could really say they saw those Gang members being a menace as usual.

For a moment, the common students were actually starting to believe that the rising star Asher may have really put some fear in them!

Although none of them could've possibly expected what the Kane Gang had been brewing up for Asher and the whole Academy for the near future.

As for Asher, he was in a far secluded part of the hallway, walking with Reese and Kylee.

Asher honestly expected after a whole day passing, the attention on him would considerably go down. But he really underestimated just how profound and flashy his battle with Zara was.

No matter where he goes in the Academy, attention would always gather on him. Even in class, Asher had to keep up a calm mask as some students even went up to talk to him.

It was mostly the more younger students that wanted to engage with him. Although there were a few older ones that had politely greeted Asher.

Though Asher had no particular interest in talking to those students, he wasn't rude and was as generally as friendly as possible.

With this new level of attention, Asher had more so found it to be a bit more troublesome than its worth.

It's why he sought out being in an isolated place with his friends. Although, Asher could feel some gazes lock on him from behind passing closed doors.

The Kane Gang still weighed heavily on Asher's mind. And he wasn't like most other common students in believing they backed off. He could just feel those wannabe gangsters were at work at something.

Asher could admit he felt some nerves over their sudden quietness.

Although Zara was an experienced Early Spirit Tier cultivator, she was nowhere near in being a firmly powerful member of their gang. There were several other stronger Early Spirit Tier cultivators that Asher knew could very well threaten him.

But, Asher wasn't overly worried about them. As he knows, all he has to do is keep growing stronger until that whole gang knows that messing with him will only be a disaster.

Taking his mind off his more negative thought, Asher focused on what his friends were discussing.

Kylee was trying to keep up a smile, but there was a plight of frustrations leaking into her voice as she said,

"Really….these Tier classes are asking so much for us. And I can only understand so little. Frankly, I think it'll be weeks for me to even begin picking up on Mana."

Her words didn't have much hope. But her tone was upbeat and optimistic. Ever since Asher's duel, she felt some of her own determination get greatly fueled.

Asher's overwhelming prowess was gradually inspiring Kylee to achieve great results similar to him.

Moreover, Kylee didn't want to get left so far behind where she could potentially fade from Asher's view. Kylee knows Asher would always be her friend, but the doubts of it potentially happening was always there.

Reese had a similar train of thoughts though he was far more casual about it. He gave a simple shrug as he said, "To be fair, nearly half of what those Professors spout is confusing as hell. We really weren't learning a lick of this in the previous years. Hell, I listened around my class, and nearly all of them think he speaks in some alien language sometimes."

Reese had the same discouraging words, but his tone was generally upbeat. He felt even more of a rivalry with Asher considering he used to think of himself as only just slightly weaker than him.

But his duel with Zara only proves Asher really was accommodating to his level of skills before their Ceremony awakening. Just like with Kylee, he didn't want to be left so far behind in Asher's dust.

'Hmmm….hey, you really are going to go out of your way to help them, right?'

While Asher listened in on his friend's complaints, Yuki had suddenly spoken up to him.

With his attention on her, Yuki continued to say, 'Personally, I wouldn't bother with these kids. But since you're so adamant about helping them, here's what you should say….'