Approach In The Halls

Asher's eyes briefly lit up from the slew of information Yuki was feeding him to say. Admittedly for him, Asher wouldn't be able to empathize with his friend's trouble since perceiving Spirit Mana came so quickly to him.

Furthermore, in the midst of his first day in class, he even started to cultivate Spirit Mana into his body. And now he could even refine Spirit Mana in his soul.

The thing is, Asher actually didn't see any of that as significant achievements.

Though Yuki does give out honest praise, she never made it seem like he was doing so far better than everyone else. Asher almost thought he was just slightly better than others.

But the more time he spent at his Academy, the more Asher was starting to believe Yuki's standards were slightly skewered. He had gathered from his class and his friends that he really is far ahead of the pact.

Asher wouldn't call himself a genius or anything like that. Still, he can realize his comprehension speed certainly isn't just above the common rest.

Although, Asher knew to only keep this to himself.

Without even needing Yuki to tell him, Asher knows he already showed off a lot to the whole Academy. If he also starts showing off that he has some kind of high comprehension ability, it would bring upon even more unnecessary attention.

And maybe, he could even further draw the ire of the Kane Gang and make them act even harder against him.

Pulling his mind away from those concerning thoughts, Asher took a moment to think about how he should word Yuki's information.

He didn't want to overload them, and rather swiftly, Asher knew the perfect words to say. "Hey guys, I'm not sure if you would want this. But I have some tips to make these classes flow smoother."


Both Reese and Kylee turned their full attention on Asher.

"I mean, let's be honest here. If there anyone would accept advice from, it would be from you, Asher. Not like our classmates know jack shit. And those Professors basically vanish once class ends."

Resse had quickly agreed since he had a genuine motivation to grow stronger. He may have a sense of rivalry with Asher, but Reese wasn't someone who would put his pride over agreeing to help.

"Any advice from you would be like a godsend. I even tried asking the Professor some questions before he started class, but guess what? He only gave me some vague, confusing nonsense." Kylee also agreed to take the advice.

With how things are shaping up from just two days, Kylee can already see herself struggling to keep up. She wouldn't dare to neglect Asher's words less she would want to make things intentionally harder for herself.

Seeing them so eager, Asher cracked a small smile. He began to tell them, "Alright then. You must answer this question in full detail. Tell me, what's one short-term goal you have. It has to be a personal one."

Because of their already firm, long-running friendship, Asher knew there wouldn't be any problem with asking a question like this.

And as he expected, Reese and Kylee trade a single glance with each other before seriously pondering upon his question.

Kylee only needed a few seconds to come to her conclusion. Her eyes began to twinkle with a certain glint as she said, "Well, most obviously, I want to have the strength to help you rowdy boys whenever you get into trouble. I can't just sit behind and be a spectator all of the time."

Though there was a good nature joking tone in Kylee's voice, she actually had more negative opinions about her own prowess.

Even before the Ceremony, Asher and Reese would naturally come to her aid whenever trouble came knocking for her. And most of the time, it was Asher that would successfully stand up for her.

It didn't matter who they were; Asher was always there to defend her.

But now that she was granted with abilities to achieve the same level of power as him, Kylee wanted to destroy her feeling of helplessness.

Reese gave a slight smirk to Kylee's proclamation. "You protecting us? Yea sure. My goal is pretty much the same as Kylee, but most obviously, I will be the one that would bailing both of your asses out of any tough situation."

Reese was just as good as Kylee in hiding how he really felt about being powerless through his joking tone. Although he did manage to bring their moods up as Kylee exaggeratedly rolled her eyes to him.

Asher's smile grew a bit wider at their goals. He was glad that they both now have a fueling determination compared to their self-defeatist mindset a couple of days ago. On this path, he was sure they both would eventually achieve great results.

Continuing on with his advice, Asher told them next, "Those goals you have....never let go of them. No matter how minuscule or trivial they are. Your goals are what makes you, well, you. That's the key to perceiving Spirit Mana. Always staying consistent and true to your desires. So your desire to protect? Never let go of it."

Reese and Kylee stood a bit confused as they absorbed Asher's advice. They mostly understood what he had meant. Even their Professor had spouted something a bit similar to that.

Only Asher's version of this advice was more in-depth and personal to them.

But, they weren't like Asher where they could so easily understand the true meanings and look deep into their honest desires.

They haven't gone through the challenging experiences like Asher had where he was able to form his personality and drive through grueling work.

Reese and Kylee fell into the standard camp of students where they were still finding themselves during their Academy years.

Still, Kylee didn't take Asher's words for granted and was already seriously contemplating on them. She gave him a grateful nod while saying,

"Thanks…. I'll keep this in mind, Asher."

Reese didn't look as serious as Kylee, but he still took Asher's words to heart. He gave Asher a more half nod and asked him, "Thanks, but really, you're starting to sound as cryptic as those Professors. And speaking off, just what is your level with Spirit Mana?"

Asher briefly contemplated how much he should tell his friends. He doesn't really like keeping secrets, but he also knows it's necessary sometimes.

Before Asher could come to his decision, his eyes suddenly narrowed as his Aura Sense picked up on three powerful auras.

These powerful auras gave Asher a legitimate sense of danger. They were far stronger than Zara, and hell, they were even stronger than the red masked creature!

Some slight nerves filled Asher's veins.

These powerful auras didn't come here by mistake. They were heading specifically to them. And Asher could just tell they were coming only for him.


Reese and Kylee had a more intense reaction than Asher.

They both went utterly rigid for a moment before they swiftly snapped their attentions forward.

Approaching from the other end of the secluded hallway were three figures that made their pupils dilate to tiny needle sizes.

Compared to Asher, they both didn't have an impeccable Aura Sense that can so precisely identify auras coming at them. But from what they can sense, it already gave Reese and Kylee a vast pressure on their minds.

"N-no way….the ranking geniuses… .they're really coming our way?!" Reese couldn't contain his exclaim. Although, he knows that the reason why somebody of their high status would ever personally come to them.

Kylee straight up looked up at Asher and a back at the approaching figures. She couldn't contain her bewilderment as well when she said,

"We already know why they're even walking our way. All because of aour new rising star friend."

Neither Kylee nor Reese held any actual jealousy towards Asher. They were just in awe that incredibly famous students were heading their way.

Reese and Kylee know that they're just mere common students who will have to work hard to stand out among the crowd.

But the ranking genius students are all high-status figures who are essentially guaranteed to live a life full of lavish and riches! To be able to actually see them up close was like a dream neither Kylee nor Reese expected.

Despite the awe Reese and Kylee were feeling, Asher was the exact opposite. He narrowed his eyes at who was coming as he swiftly recognized these three.

He recalled seeing them around the Academy a few times.

It was two handsome young men that radiated an eye-catching aura. And one beautiful young woman whose gentle presence almost seemed like she was a lovely fairy.

Asher recalled their names and identified the three of them as Leon, Chase, and Daisy. His most distinct memory of them was actually seeing them up in the top row of seats with Elsa during the Ceremony.

Even before they got close to them, Asher, Reese, and Kylee could just feel the unfathomable Magical Aura naturally exuding from them.

Reese and Kylee only got more nervous as they approached them, while Asher remained even.

To him, the stronger they are, the more he felt his fighting spirit grow. It may not be for a long time, but Asher could just tell that one day, he will challenge these untouchable ranking students, just like he's currently doing with the Kane Gang.

"Hoh? You see this? Already so calm from beginning to end."

Before they even got close, the smooth voice of Leon echoed out in the isolated hallway. As Leon, Chase, and Daisy got close to them, they really only kept their attention squarely on Asher.

Daisy was the only one to briefly glance at Reese and Kylee, but her attention quickly refocused back on Asher.

In all three of the ranking student's eyes, there was evident interest nestling within them.

Their Magical auras began to subtly leak out more, seeing Asher so calm and firm under their presence.

They didn't want to be so outwardly imposing, but seeing Asher match their gazes as if he was an equal to them already made the ranking students feel a slight spark burn within them.

Even Daisy, who is usually the most relaxed between them, felt the spark from seeing Asher stand so calm.

But, even as their Magical aura slightly increased, Leon, Chase, and Daisy were a bit surprised to see Asher have no change in expression.

Furthermore, they could even spot a certain twinkle shimmering faintly in his eyes.