
More interest began swirling between the ranking student's eyes. The first impression they had of Asher was undoubtedly a step above any common student.

Just from that twinkling glow in his eyes, they could already tell this meeting would be more than worth it.

"So this is where the new rising star student who challenged and beaten the big bad gang forces is. Not one for crowds, eh? Nearly everybody can't keep your name from their mouths." Leon spoke again before they got close to Asher's group.

As he was speaking directly to Asher now, there was a high level of pride lacing Leon's tone. It made him seem like he was naturally superior to anyone he was talking to.

Facing off against someone like this would be incredibly intimidating. Case in point with Reese and Kylee, who felt a bit suffocated just from Leon's imposing tone. They didn't even dare to look at him in the eyes.

But Asher never lost his calm stride. Even when all three of them tried to put some pressure on him by slightly increasing their Magical auras, that only served to fuel Asher's fighting spirit.

The only note of concern for Asher was him realizing how far he's really behind the true talents of the Academy. And with how powerful these three are, Asher wonders how much more powerful Elsa is.

Compared to Leon, Chase, and Daisy, Elsa had a status that even they could only look up to. Pushing that intriguing thought down for later, Asher gave a simple smile to Leon.

He addressed him, Chase, and Daisy by saying, "I was always more on the quiet side. But I was fully aware this kind of attention would gather on me. Although, I never really considered it would be enough to have the ranking geniuses come out and greet me."

When Asher finished talking, the ranking students made it within six feet apart from him. This time Chase was the one to speak. He had a slight smirk on his face as he plainly said,

"Well, the other ranking geniuses didn't have much interest in your duel. We initially didn't have much interest. But you certainly showed something intriguing about yourself, eh? Care to join us for a quick lunch?"

Leon and Chase had obvious expectant gazes. Neither of them believed Asher would reject their proposal. And, of course, they only were only here for Asher. Both of them didn't bother to glance at Reese or Kylee when Chase proposed the outing.

Daisy was once again the only one to flick her eyes over at Reese and Kylee. She had held a completely neutral impression of them.

Seeing they both were incredibly nervous around her, Leon and Chase weren't surprising at all. It was the norm for common students to act this way.

But Daisy could already tell Asher highly values these two. She noticed it just from how close he is to them.

So with a gentle smile, she said, "Ah, I suppose it wouldn't hurt if your friends come along too. That wouldn't be a problem, right guys?"

Since Daisy specifically pointed them out, Leon and Chase finally peered their gazes over at Reese and Kylee. Their eyes were indifferent, and Leon gave a casual shrug while saying,

"Sure, why not."

With all three ranking students gazes on them, Reese and Kylee went rigid. Leon, Chase, and Daisy's apathetic eyes only caused an even larger pressure on their minds.

Experiencing their beauty, their power, their status all up close made Reese and Kylee realize something.

They briefly turn their gaze over to Asher, only to see him being calm and steadfast. And when they focus back on themselves, they can only feel an overwhelming surge of nerves.

A vast sense of inferiority swelled up inside their chest.

Reese and Kylee realized that they're genuinely not on Asher's level. No matter how kind and helpful he is towards them, they won't be able to stand tall if they're already getting largely intimidated by the ranking geniuses.

Moreover, Reese and Kylee didn't doubt that one day, Asher could possibly be in one of the ranking students' spots, standing tall and proudly with all of them.

With thoughts like this running in their minds, they both came to a swift decision.

Asher had actually picked up on the dimming glow in Reese and Kylee's eyes. He can only assume with the ranking students' appearance, they're starting to fall back on a more depressive mindset.

Although, Asher couldn't say he didn't expect this to happen. If any other common students were in Reese and Kylee's position, they would be acting the same way.

Being their friend, Asher wanted to speak and reassure both of them.

But right as he was about to speak, Reese and Kylee lifted their heads up while having slightly apologetic smiles. Kylee was the one to say, "Oh no, we really can't. Reese and I have something we must take care of now.'

She was speaking in a more hurried tone compared to before.

Reese had immediately followed up with her, telling them, "Yea, we have to study up on some important notes from class. See you later, Asher."

And without giving Asher a chance to respond, Reese and Kylee swiftly turned on their heels and headed towards the other hallway exit. They both had a brisk pace in their steps as they wanted to get as far away as possible.

Asher lingered his eyes on their retreating form for a bit. He most certainly didn't feel good about just letting them both leave.

However, Asher knows it would be too naive to simply pursue after them. He knows it would simply be too forced if he tries to convince them to come. And it will only shoot their confidence further down as it will be as if Asher needs to be the one to get them to do daring things.

This may be a very brief moment, but Asher knew this event will weigh heavily on their minds.

For a moment, Asher wonders if Yuki would have anything to directly help with their powers. From the way Yuki speaks about them, he highly doubts it, but he had small hopes that he could convince Yuki to help.

For now, though, Asher shifted that idea for later and refocused his attention on the ranking students.

Throughout this entire time, they were surprisingly waiting patiently with their ever-present confident smirks plastering their faces.

At this point, Asher really had no reason to refuse. Plus, he himself couldn't deny there was some interest he had about these ranking students.

He sighed with a bit of emotion before saying, "Alright. I'll go with you all."

Leon's smirk grew to a half-smile. "Excellent. Well then, let's get going. I know a suitable cafe for us to have a quick chat at."

Asher nodded and waited for the others to begin walking before he promptly followed behind them. While trailing behind these ranking students, Asher continued to wonder just how much noise his duel will really bring.


A little bit later, Asher and the ranking students made it to the small Cafe Leon had stated before. When coming here, Asher noticed it was a surprisingly quiet and smooth process.

Anywhere the ranking students walked, they did it with complete assurance. It was like they knew the whole structure of Balreth Academy like the back of their hands.

They all had taken a route where the lowest number of students were walking, and they swiftly made it outside.

Presently they all were sitting out in the open at special reserves tables. Because they were Academy students, they were, of course, granted special privileges from the Cafe.

Furthermore, Leon, Chase, and Daisy's status had even given them more special treatment than any other common students.

A few minutes passed since they arrived here, and Asher exchanged several small pleasantries with the ranking students. Afterward, the drinks they had ordered arrived, and the ranking students decided it was time to shift the topic.

Leon was the one to start the true purpose of their meeting as he said, "Now that we've acquainted ourselves a bit let's not beat around the bush any longer. That level of power and control you show at your duel, it isn't something any newly awakened students should have. Care to share a bit on just how you do it?"

Chase and Daisy's attention became more concentrated as they focused on whatever Asher will have to say next.

Truly, it wasn't like Asher just showed off he has a higher power pool than Zara. He did things that only ranking geniuses like them would notice and the other common students wouldn't.

Such as Asher being able to overpower Zara's Battle Skills and even being able to directly take control of her Ropes of Flames.

Achieving a feat like that would require someone to have excellent control over their Spirit Mana and their Magical Powers. Furthermore, when Asher stopped using his full power Spirit Aura, the ranking students didn't see him sweating or panting at all.

Despite being a newly awakened student, it was like Asher was already far experienced in using his full Spirit Aura.

Even for them, they couldn't achieve those feats so quickly when they had first awakened their System's souls.

Asher could just feel the ranking students burning curiosity spew from their bodies. But contrary to their expectations, all Asher said to them was,

"Well….if you think there's any secret to my power or anything, then you will be wrong. I've only just done years and years of training."

Asher spoke with a calm tone, indicating in no way that he was lying or trying to cover things up.

However, Daisy, Leon, and Chase didn't simply believe that at first.

They obviously know Asher must've done his own training since he did show considerable experience when fighting Zara. But just mere training couldn't explain his other feats away.

Chase had immediately pressed on when Asher finished talking. "Oh? Is that so? So you're telling us, it's just been you all alone for so many years?"

Seeing how unconvinced they were, Asher quickly thought of what to say next.

But right then, Yuki had suddenly told him, 'Hm! Some noisy brats! Asher, don't let these brats get what they want. Take control of the conversation!'