Burning Wills

A hazy glint shimmered in Asher's eyes. Initially, he intended to go with the flow and just skim through any questions these ranking students had.

However, when Yuki told him to take control, Asher felt a gut instinct.

He got rid of just going with the flow mindset, and a firmer goal came upon Asher's mind. He stared directly into Leon, Chase, and Daisy's face, keeping up an even gaze at them all.

It was right then, Leon, Chase, and Daisy wrinkle their eyebrows as they felt like Asher had suddenly changed a bit.

But before they could question it, Asher swiftly spoke out.

"Indeed, it has just been all training. But it's hard to prove that alone, right? You all have far higher perceptions and analyze things other students can't. So you're all still a bit skeptical, right?

"Hm….well, I guess you can say that." For the first time, Leon sounded a bit stilted. He obviously wasn't expecting this sudden shift in Asher. It was like he wanted to be the dominant force in this conversation.

Chase as well was a bit taken aback at Asher's tonal shift. Quite honestly, he and Leon were accustomed to dominating any conversation they're in. And just before, Asher seemed like he would be passive in their talk.

They got even more inquisitive as they couldn't help but wonder what brought out this slight change.

Though Leon and Chase felt their curiosity in Asher's rise, Daisy kept her warm smile, not showing any slight shock.

She looked Asher dead in the eyes and asked him, "Please, we don't want to come off as some imposing people. We merely want to see what the new rising star is like up close. After all, you must admit your performance was certainly quite flashy."

Although Asher only had decently good looks, Daisy could admit that was something a bit charming about him. The way he stood so tall and proud after defeating Zara left a small impact on her.

And seeing him now taking a different mood in the conversation prompted even more sparks of interest within her.

Asher only needed a moment to think before he began to say,

"Well, if you're wondering if I'm someone like those goons from the Kane Gang, you will be disappointed. Really, the only reason I participated in that duel was because she was pestering me. Although I will admit, I do enjoy a good fight. But at the same time, words aren't enough to prove myself, right?"

Leon, Chase, and Daisy were honestly intrigued by what Asher was saying. The way he spoke was so calm and plain that it was difficult not to believe him.

It wasn't like he was someone that had natural confidence or was trying to act like someone with confidence. The ranking students found he was like someone who just wasn't hesitating to say what was honestly on his mind.

Leon's smirk curled up even more as he responded to Asher. "I suppose words really wouldn't be enough. Just like your battle with Zara, action speaks far louder than words. And I can see it in your eyes….are you perhaps planning something?"

The more Asher continued this conversion, the more he felt his genuine fighting spirit ignite even more.

As he locked his gazes with Leon, Chase, and Daisy, he could tell there was a vague burning spirit within their eyes as well.

Even as each of them is massively stronger than him, Asher felt that flaming motivation to challenge them. And not only them, Asher even got ideas to see what the other top-ranking students are like.

Suddenly then, an idea sprang into Asher's head.

If he was just showing off his combat prowess, Asher didn't think he needed to hide that much. Plus, he'll inevitably need to keep on fighting to have a secure position in the Academy.

And the idea he was brewing up he believes would not only be a preemptive strike against whatever the Kane Gang are silently brewing up. But also a way to have the top-ranking students be at least aware of him.

"The Potential Assembly…." Asher started to speak, making the three ranking students perk up at that topic. "I've heard talks about during class. That will be happening pretty soon, right? I'm assuming since all three of you have higher status, more information should be readily available for you."

Leon, Chase, and Daisy took a moment to think over. As Asher guessed it, these three do indeed have more resources of intel on their side.

And after thinking it over, Chase answered to him with, "Oh, we've for sure got information on that Assembly. Somebody among the staff will email all Competition years students very soon on the date it's happening. At least, that was as far as we were told."

Asher's lips grew into a smirk, outwardly showing his surging fighting spirit. He had then told the ranking student,

"Well, there you have it. At the Assembly, you will see my true colors, and I will certainly clear up any lasting doubts any of you may have about my strength."

"Is that so? You know….from the way you're talking, it almost as if you want to show off now. Though, you just told us you don't really prefer attention, hm?" Leon prodded around a bit further.

Now the air between the ranking students and Asher was increasing to a palpable atmosphere. It truly was like Asher managed to catch Leon, Chase, and Daisy in his own little momentum.

Towards Leon's probing question, Asher nodded his head. "Indeed, I don't like attention all that much. But I'm not someone that anyone can take so lightly. And, there is something good about enjoying a fair fight."

After saying so, Asher had glanced down at his digital watch. Noting the time, he looked back up at the ranking students and started to get up from his seat.

"Well, the chat was nice, but I must get going. It's nearly time for the next course of classes."

It wasn't until Asher pointed it out that the ranking students realized quite some time had passed already. Leon, Chase, and Daisy blinked their eyes. They couldn't believe they actually got so engrossed with talking to Asher.

All they really wanted to do was just see what kind of character Asher was and if his strength is truly as it seems.

But now, all of them couldn't suppress a burning flame rising inside of them about wanting to see Asher's strength.

They all encountered numerous geniuses alike from all different Sects and Special Academies. However, something about Asher made him seem a little different from the average, potentially rising genius.

Neither of them could quite put their fingers on it, but now, they were undoubtedly sure to pay more attention to Asher in the near future.

Daisy was the one to send Asher off by saying, "Ah, time really did fly by. Don't worry about the bill, we'll cover it. And I guess we'll be seeing you at the Assembly."

Right before Asher started to head back to the Academy, he told the ranking students one more thing, "By the way, as you're probably guessing, the Kane Gang won't be the only ones I'm gunning for in the future. See you all at the Assembly."

And without waiting, Asher started to head back to the Academy, leaving Leon, Chase, and Daisy to ponder among themselves.

When Asher was out of their views, they all exchanged a glance between themselves.

"Hm. So that guy really was more intriguing than I initially thought of him. At least, his mindset is far better than the common students." Leon spoke his thoughts first.

It was mildly surprising for him as this would have to be the first time he spoke favorably of someone far beneath his status.

Chase spoke his opinion next. "I'll give the guy this. He sure has a lot of confidence if he's implying on taking on the ranking students this year. Even for me, there are some monsters that I, well, none of us wouldn't dare to challenge."

Daisy's smirk had turned a slight bit playful as she voiced her thoughts next. "He's more intriguing than Hyaoto….less than favorable personality. And I can even see a little charm leaking out of him."

Before they could get up to leave, Leon had a sudden curious thought.

When Chase had mentioned the other monstrous ranking students, it made him inquisitive on seeing their reaction to Asher.

He wonders if, just like how Asher made them feel the small burn to fight him, could he also get the more aloof ranking students to feel a surge of fighting spirit?

"I wonder….should we mention Asher to those guys? I've heard that some of them were looking for a good challenge this year."

Chase and Daisy ponder over it for a moment. And they had both found it equally interesting to gauge the other ranking student's reactions.

"If we're going to do that, then we'll need to pick a bit carefully. Some of them are truly too troublesome to just even casually talk to." Chase said.

As Daisy thought about it more, her eyes began to lit up at another curious thought. "I'm sure this wouldn't be too troublesome. After all, you two do recall how Esla Tirel even came to his duel."

"Tirel huh…." Chase and Leon sighed with complex emotions at the same time.

Slight longing swirled in both Leon and Chase's eyes as their thoughts drifted on to her. But barring their own hidden desires, there was a question about her that was still boggling both of their minds.

"You know, I still can't wrap my head around that. I mean, she came to the duel, sat through the whole duration, and immediately left. I never really expected her to say more than a half-sentence to any of us, but out of every duel, why did she suddenly choose to go to Asher's?"

Leon questioned out loud, not really expecting a clear-cut answer from Chase and Daisy. Because, as he knows, both of them know next to nothing about Elsa as well.

All Chase and Daisy could do was shrug, not really putting much thought into it.

"Maybe her perception is even higher than ours. Or she just did it on a whim. Either way, I'd actually say there's a good chance she shows up at the Assembly as well." Daisy casually said.

Only about three days passed since the competition year began, and already Chase, Daisy, and Leon's interests were stolen by a newly awakened student.

None of them would have guessed the start of the year would turn out like this. But they all had a feeling that this is only a huge omen for their competition year to be a rollercoaster of surprising events.