Upcoming Meeting

Nearly three hours flickered by in a flash.

Almost all students were drenched in sweat, whether they were male or female. It didn't matter what or who you are; when becoming Spirit Tier cultivators, everyone has to put in the same level of effort.

And as the common students were coming to quickly figure out, Spirit Tier exercise isn't anything like regularly working out.

All of their bodies were enhanced significantly beyond any ordinary humans, meaning they all could take a lot more punishment.

And as their Professor drilled into them, a strong physical body is essential for advancing through their System's journey.

If two Spirit Tier cultivators at the same level of prowess were to face each other, the one with the weaker body would naturally be at a disadvantage.

A stronger physical body can take more hits, dish out stronger physical attacks and even have a greater speed. Furthermore, a strong physical body can also help control the Magical Power, Spirit Aura, and Spirit Mana running through their veins.

It all seemed like a lot to take in, but the students were actually willing to believe it.

The main reason why was because they all vividly recalled Asher's duel. They all suspect he must have a strong physical body since he directly clashed with Zara's powerful body and overpowered her!

Usually, there would be awe when Asher would come up in most student's minds. However, now, there was a surge of envy whenever they thought of Asher in their class.

As they all were undergoing grueling workouts, Asher sat alone with his eyes closed deep into cultivation.

Though the students understand these exercises was for their better future, they far would prefer just taking a nearly three-hour break like Asher!

And when they saw the Scroll in Asher's lap, their envy only increased.

"Seriously….I can't believe that dude gets a Special Skill already."

"God, if only I had the power to trump those Kane Gang bitches…."

"Ahhh….sitting down like him would be a blessing at this point."

No matter how many students complained or whispers, none of that had reached Asher's ears. He was in a deep meditative cultivation state that blocked all outside sounds.

He would never be able to achieve this state with just normally cultivating Spirit Mana. But with this Special Skill, Asher felt like it struck a deep chord within him.

'The second time in a row he touched upon a state like this….you always keep things interesting, Asher.' Even Yuki had some slight surprise in her tone as she had carefully observed Asher throughout this entire time.

But as class time was nearing the end, Yuki had finally felt some shift from Asher's body, indicating he was about to wake up.

On the outside, Asher's eyes began to quiver a bit.

The quivering increased for at least six seconds until his eyes flung wide open! If anyone were to stare deeply into Asher's eyes, they would be memorized by the hypnotic flashes of Ghost Lightning surging within his pupils.

The sparks of Ghost Lightning only lasted for a second before it vanished, returning Asher's eyes to their usual black-colored state.

Immediately, before Asher could consider his next move, Yuki spoke out to him. 'Hoh? So close we were. Are you planning to take this Scroll home to complete it?'

Asher surveyed his eyes around the large gym, making sure no one paid full attention to him.

As he did so, he said to Yuki, 'Yea, if I show that I somehow managed to make it to the Early level of a Battle Skill, it'll be far more troublesome than the news of my duel. Luckily, that duel did give me a good sum of money as well.'

Even though Asher has plans to show more of his strength, revealing this feat to the public would cause a storm that will put too many eyes on him.

The rule of thumb Asher gave to himself, at least for now, is to mainly show off during battle so he can be seen as only a standard talented student.

'Hehe~, you should expose your calculating side more often. I find it the most interesting, and I'm sure you have a charming appearance while doing so.'

Yuki's odd statement got Asher to wryly smile.

Honestly, he never cared all that much about his appearance. Though he did find himself decent-looking enough, Asher found it never really weighed into his life where it mattered.

Even more so as Elsa, one of the top beauties in the whole Academy, is interested in him despite his only decent looks.

Shaking his head at that thought, Asher stood up. He noted that as of now, nearly all students were resting around the gym after their intense workout.

Only a few overachievers were practicing a bit more before class entirely end.

Asher had then focused his gaze on his Professor standing near a corner of the gymnasium, observing everyone here. Compared to his other Professors and instructors, his gym Professor looked relatively simple.

He would genuinely blend into crowds of people if it wasn't for one exceptional detail about him. The aura he naturally exudes was far fiercer than anything Asher had felt from other Professors.

This type of aura made him seem like a dangerous beast merely biding its time before it suddenly went ballistic. There really weren't any students in class who dared to act up or even directly talk to their Professor.

Even Asher felt some nerves concerning that fearsome aura.

Still, aura or not, it didn't weigh too heavily in Asher's mind. Quelling his slight nerves, he started to casually stroll up to the Professor.

And as he got close, the Professor almost immediately locked his gaze right into Asher's eyes. Before Asher even got close, he could spot a slight glint in his Professor's eyes.

As their gazes locked on to each other, the Professor had surprisingly spoken first to him, saying, "Class is nearly over. And I'm amusing you haven't gotten very far with that Battle Skill?"

Asher got within six feet from the Professor, stopped dead in his tracks, and gave him a friendly smile. So up close, it was a bit difficult to ignore his fearsome aura. But Asher still managed to maintain his tranquility.

With an even tone, Asher told the Professor, "It certainly is challenging. But I think I'm making some progress. Which is why I would like to rent this Scroll out for about a week. I already have the fifty green Spirit Coins prepared."

Without waiting for his reply, Asher reached into his pocket, and a light blue glow flickered. In the next split second, he pulled out a small blue sack.

He had then handed the small blue sack over to the Professor, who promptly took it with no question asked.

The Professor narrowed his eyes for a second, quickly inspecting the small blue sack all over. Afterward, he nodded and told Asher, "Very well, kid. You may borrow the Scroll for a week and only a week. After that, you must bring it back here."

Although the Professor felt a surge of curiosity, he didn't think too deeply about Asher wanting to rent a Scroll.

Numerous times he was asked the same thing by other promising students. And yet, not a single one of them could actually comprehend in any short amount of time.

Even as Asher showed off a promising prowess in his duel. He certainly didn't think his comprehension was on an insane genius level, allowing him to learn a Battle Skill in a mere week.

Just from the way the Professor gazed at him, Asher could just tell he had significant doubts on if he could actually learn the Battle Skill in a week's time.

Asher was content with this, though he knows he'll later accomplish something that would boggle his Professor and everyone else minds for weeks.

But, Asher kept all thoughts in his head and nodded at his Professor. "Of course I will, sir."

The Professor gave Asher another curt nod before turning his attention back on the other students.

Asher began to walk off, and he suddenly heard Yuki say, 'So, I can already tell what our next plan will be. I can just hear the growing excitement in your veins.'

Her tone had then turned mischievous. 'Trying to swoon another move on that icy little girl? My, you really are growing quite bold, Asher~."

Asher just had a slight smirk towards Yuki's teasing. Every time he talks with her, the more he gets used to her antics.

'It's not any of that. I simply want to talk to her and chat about the day. If I want our relationship to properly grow, I should be talking to her, right?'

'Hmmm….I suppose that makes sense….for your standard. My way for courting a potential lover? You wouldn't even need to wait a half a day.'

Those words sounded quite big, but Asher didn't doubt them for a second.

'Of course, you would, but I prefer at least doing this subject my own way.' When it comes to Yuki's standard with cultivation, Asher didn't even want to think of how she would go about getting a lover.

Those methods would be far too advanced for him. Although, for a split second, Asher thought, just what was Yuki's preference?

He didn't dare to ask in case he ends up offending her, but it was a curious thought Asher kept to himself. Plus, Yuki would've just told him as he was currently thinking about it.

Pushing his mind away from Yuki, Asher put his attention on trying to see if he could get Elsa to meet up with him. But first, he had to make those promised texts to Reese and Kylee before continuing with that plan.


A little bit later.

Asher had swiftly made it over to the same storage room area he came to when defeating Zara. He took slow even steps as he continually made sure there was no around this area.

To Asher's great luck, Elsa had agreed to meet up with him after he texted her asking for a quick chat. It was somewhat odd actually doing this process as he actually had Elsa's number for a long time already.

And yet, he barely texted her as previously; they only had a standard, respectful friendship. Plus, Asher couldn't say he was really well versed in making conversation over text though he does want to get better at it.

But, what was most surprising was the fact that Elsa had actually responded relatively quickly to him when agreeing to show.

That sent Asher some good signals.

The only slight concerning thing his mind was on while coming here was how Reese and Kylee didn't respond to his text yet.

Normally he would just believe they're busy. However, with today's events, Asher had some concern that their mind might be too preoccupied.

It was a bit worrying, but Asher believed that if they really want to speak with him, they will naturally come around.

He believed it would only make things awkward for them all if he tries to be forceful and heavily intrude on them.

For now, though, Asher had to push these thoughts down as he had another relationship in front of him to work on.