Secluded Chat

As Asher made it closer to the storage room, his mind had focused entirely on Elsa. With each passing step, he couldn't stop a blossoming smile from etching onto his lips.

Just the mere act of getting to talk to Elsa made Asher feel a bundle of warmth swirl in his chest.

Asher can't say he is some expert or even experienced in relationships. He really only had Reese and Kylee to judge off how well he gets along with others. But those interactions were purely in terms of platonic relations.

And now, he was trying to climb his way up to the romantical department in relationships.

Out of everything, Asher didn't believe he should act any differently or read up on tips on how to charm a woman. He believes that the right way, at least for now, is to go with the flow and listen to his gut instinct at times to take the initiative.

Either way, if there's one thing Asher was undoubtedly sure on, it's that talking is the key to a relationship.

He just believed it was simply common sense. If he couldn't talk to someone he has a romantic interest in, how could he say he really is interested in her?

Upon these thoughts, Asher took more assured steps.

Even as he knows Elsa isn't much of a talker, Asher believes he has a sure-fire way to get her to talk more. After a few seconds of walking, he had finally arrived right at the front doors of the storage space.

And right as he was about to open the doors, he stopped and swiftly turned around.

Walking towards him from just several feet away was the ever-present beautiful Elsa.

Under the afternoon sun, she looked even more graceful than usual. Her radiant blue hair shimmered like a sparkling ocean causing Asher to fall into a bit of a trance.

With each step she took, Asher could barely pick up on her footstep. It was like she nearly learned how to completely erase any noise as she walked.

On Elsa's face, there was her usual indifferent expression. Judging solely from that, it was challenging to indicate her willingness to come here.

But Asher locked his eyes directly into Elsa's vibrant blue eyes and gave her a slight smirk. His tone became a bit joking as he said,

"Well then, you really were quite eager to come, eh?"

Elsa got close to Asher, standing within three feet apart from him. Her expression didn't change as she gave Asher a sidelong glance. "Because you sensed me following, hm? I simply had no reason to make you wait otherwise."

Elsa's completely even tone only sent slight tingles down Asher's body. Her voice was incredibly similar to Yuki's in being so melodic to listen to.

Without losing his stride, Asher opened the door for them and kept his tone jovial as he said, "Is that so? Still, I have to show my gratitude that you're thinking of me."

Elsa didn't glance back at him and stepped inside the storage room first. And Asher swore he had heard a cute little snort from him.

Asher stepped in next and kept his eyes locked with Elsa. Maintaining direct eye contact was a bit of a task for Asher, but he believed it was the best way to show a special interest in her.

While giving Elsa a warm smile, he had then asked her, "So, how was your day? It's honestly my fault for never really asking, even after all the years we know each other. But, I'm really curious about the life of one of the top Ranking students."

Asher was already sitting on the floor after he asked his question. Since they were coming here to simply talk, he didn't want the conversation to get stilted. And with Elsa, such an occurrence can easily be achieved if he's not careful.

Because Asher sat down first, Elsa found a suitable spot to sit and began saying, "From your recent boldness, I can understand your sudden interest now. But really, this won't be a grand talking point for us to discuss. You can already fathom that the ranking students are not required to do as much work as common students, right?"

Asher didn't lose stride and kept his calm smile. "That all may be true. But, I still want to hear how you were doing during the day."

Elsa paused for a moment and blinked her eyes. She narrowed her eyes a bit at Asher but still didn't change her expression while saying,

"....It was nothing remarkable. I essentially cultivated in my Mana room for most of the day. And then, I had spent the rest of the time to refine upon my Battle Skills."

For his following question, Asher already predicted the answer. However, he still had to ask, "So, no friends to hang out with during breaks or anything? Not even an acquaintance you can share notes with?"

Elsa shook her head before answering in a plain tone. "Only a few out of the whole Ranking students do I have a slight interest in conversing with. The others, I have no opinions on them, or they are immensely displeasing to me."

Asher could only imagine what it would be like dealing with the students who are essentially the true rulers of the whole Academy. He bets their arrogance is higher than the whole of the Kane Gang.

Shaking his head at that thought, he had then told Elsa, "Well, at least you have all the quietness to properly practice cultivation. But really, for even all the work I do, I still have other ways to spend my time than cultivating. And looks like I'm going to need to show you these ways too. It'll help spice up your mind."

Elsa blinked her eyes as she could immediately tell the implicating of Asher's statement. Some fuzziness swirled in her chest over spending that quality time with him, but she kept her impassive face.

With apparent interest swirling in her eyes, Elsa had then asked next, "Well….so, what about you? Your day, that is….how was it?"

Outwardly Elsa looked calm, but inwardly she felt a bit silly.

She was trying to be as calm as possible in just asking a simple question. But for some reason, as she tried to be more open to Asher, she felt her lack of experience catch up to her.

Really, she can barely remember times she asked a personal question to someone and actually care about what they had to say.

Asher lips nearly turned into a full-blown smile over how awkward Elsa's questions were. It was small steps like these that told Asher he was smoothly progressing with her. What matters most of all is that she is trying.

Keeping a slight smirk to hide his true emotions, Asher had told her, "It's been the same for me. Just going to class and refining my skills….oh. I had also met with those Ranking students Leon, Chase, and Daisy."

Elsa instantly perked up at the thought. Her eyes narrowed a bit as her aura turned a bit serious. "Those three? They were there for your duel….what did they want from you?"

"Ah, no need to get too serious." Asher was talking in a calm tone, easing the slight worries surging in Elsa's mind. "Besides their snake-like imposing attitudes, they are not too much of a worry. I only just talked to them about the Potential Assembly coming up soon."

"That Assembly? If they don't swap up information, I've heard it will start on Monday." Elsa suddenly pointed her eyes at Asher as a slight glint sparked within them. "And knowing you, not only will you show off great potential, but you will also have a bout with the Kane Gang, right?"

Asher only gave a casual shrug. He did have his fighting spirit, but it wasn't like he wanted a battle at every second.

"Possibly. I mean, if they start to pester me again, I won't hold back with any of them. But I was more of the line thinking of having a more fair duel than one run entirely on foul intentions."

It was another thing Asher was thinking about during his time cultivating and coming over here. Since he will inevitably be involved in numerous fights, he at least wanted a stable reputation.

Asher didn't want to be known as some crusader who stands up to imposing forces or a passive guy that only reacts when he is constantly provoked. He believed it would be best to know as a hard-working student with exceptional prowess.

Not only would this kind of reputation boost his chances of getting in with Sects at the end of the year. He also thinks it would also help boost Reese and Kylee or really any other common students' morals in some minor way.

As Elsa stared into his eyes, Asher felt like she understood all of his intention with just the brief snippet he told her.

And like he expected, Elsa nodded and told him, "Since you will be fighting, that's a good route to go on. Certainly more favorable than catching more attention from that displeasing group. But, remember what I said, be wary the more you do challenge that group."

Hearing her concerns always made Asher feel a bit warm. And right then, he decided to get a little bit more teasing.

"I know, I know. I always take your words to heart, Elsa. By the way, do you know two things really kept my interest throughout everything that happened today?"

When Asher's voice turned a bit teasing when he asked his question, Elsa widened her eyes a bit.

"Hm." She gave a low grunt and cutely turned her head away from him, spouting an adorable, shy look.

"Let me guess….me right?"

Without talking, Asher smiled and scooted closer to Elsa. He had then grasped her small soft hand and felt a shiver run down his spine.

And when watching Elsa's reaction, he also spotted her body visibly shivering from a pleasurable shock. Since she didn't move her hand, Asher continued to talk.

"Yep. I was looking forward to talking like this and for our date tomorrow."

Elsa went quiet for a second. She didn't turn to look Asher but had still said, "I said you were getting quite bold last time. But what I really mean is your shamelessness is getting increasingly fueled."

Asher felt a wry smile form on his face. Was hand holding really that shameless?

Although he guessed for a proud girl like Elsa, it really would be. Shaking his head, he had then said, "What can I say? I'm only staying true to myself. So let's enjoy this moment while we can."

Elsa didn't verbally respond. But Asher felt her squeeze his hand just a little bit tighter.

Asher's smile turned pleasant as he had numerous other topics to talk about with her before they must go home.