Forcefully Stopped

The late evening had fallen over Pearlcrest City.

Numerous residents were wrapping up their days or preparing to go to their night shift jobs. And Balreth Academy students all had returned home with a few exceptions.

One of these exceptions was Asher. He had just made it about a half of a mile from the Academy and was taking his time walking. Truthfully, he really didn't have much incentive to go home immediately when the Academy ends.

Asher always found there was work to do, plus he didn't have anyone else he had home to return to. But for today, he had a contemplative expression on his face as his mind analyzed the various events of today.

Overall, Asher would consider this day as mostly successful.

With his cultivation, he didn't make any significant progress with his current abilities. But he really is only a fine line away from learning the Omni Striker Battle Skill.

Furthermore, through comprehending that skill, Asher felt a bit more closely related to his Ghost Lightning powers.

The Omni Striker Battle Skill draws upon the properties of Lightning Powers and to have a basis of understanding of it, one would need to have some affinity with Lightning Powers.

And for Asher, he felt like he was taking a dip in a vast pool of water through this Battle Skill.

As he comprehends more of this Battle Skill and later on perfects it, Asher didn't doubt he could actually reach new boundaries with his Ghost Lightning Powers.

The most successful event of today that topples even his Battle Skill was the small moment with Elsa.

Honestly, it wasn't anything that special. The only bold mover Asher did was grasping her hand. But other than that, they engaged in several topics that held Elsa's interest.

Though it seemed so ordinary, Asher still considered it a massive step in the right direction. Seeing how Elsa naturally talks was a sight to behold.

Sometimes, there was some slight awkwardness or stiltedness in her voice as she wasn't really proficient in engaging in trivial talks like that. But it only made her just that more cute to see her so earnestly try and think about her responses.

Now, Asher felt even more confident about their date coming up. He even had high hopes that something great could develop between them.

All thoughts about Elsa always made Asher crack into a subconscious smile.

However, that smile soon left his face as his thoughts shifted to more peculiar matters.

And the biggest peculiar matter was those Ranking students. Although they claim they didn't want to come off as imposing, Asher didn't really buy their act.

The mere fact that they tried to intimidate him and had successfully intimidated Reese and Kylee on their very first meeting spoke volumes in Asher's mind.

But, at least Asher could take solace in that he managed to flow their conversation his own way.

Admittedly as well, Asher couldn't deny the rising fighting spirit he had about facing all three of them. Out of most people, he felt a greater burn to fight them and make them see what it's like to be genuinely intimidated.

Now, while Asher didn't have any over concerns about the Ranking students. His concerns had only grown when he kept on thinking about Reese and Kylee.

A little bit before, he had received replies from both of them saying to Asher they're fine.

And since it wasn't that late out, Asher believed they would be acceptable to hang out a bit. But, contrary to his expectations, both Reese and Kylee bailed out him.

Their explanation was that they needed to get home; their families had something vital for them to do.

Those odd messages caused some worries in Asher's mind.

He didn't think they were lying since both of them could very well just be doing something with their parents. Unlike him, they actually had a family to go home to.

Yet, Asher couldn't help but think something bothersome was nestling in their minds. As much as he wanted to find out, he also knows there wasn't much he could do since they're not picking up anymore.

A slight sigh escaped Asher's lips as he realized he'll just need to wait for tomorrow to wonder what action should he take.

Feeling decent about a semi-successful day, Asher had then focused his attention on the road ahead of him.

While he slowly walks, Asher lets himself get absorbed in the lovely late evening atmosphere of the City. Just letting his mind go and clear out any worries is also a suitable method for helping his cultivation.

If there's one thing Asher knows for sure, even without Yuki's help, is that a tranquil mind produces the best result in the more focused side of cultivation.

Asher felt it was pleasant to calmly walk like this for a few minutes.

But right when he thought no more troubles would block his way, his Aura Sense had suddenly reacted, disturbing his calming state. A blurry human figure appeared in Asher's mind as he sensed a hostile aura quickly approaching him.

Asher stopped walking and lightly sighed as he saw who was walking towards. Slight dread and major annoyance swelled in his chest as this was the last person he wanted to see at the end of the day.

It was a long jet ink-black hair young man wearing a black leather outfit Asher had the misfortune of recognizing. 'Tch. And just when I thought I could at least have a relaxing walk home….'

While Asher silently cursed in his mind, he heard the young man's voice speak out to him. The voice was an incredibly smooth, slightly charming one that was somewhat contrasted with his current appearance.

"Asher Vipond, right? Hold on for a second. I have an important question to ask you."

Truthfully Asher didn't want to stop and continued on his way. But this black hair young man got right in his way and seemed intent on blocking his path.

Saving himself the trouble, Asher reluctantly stopped as the black-haired young man got within six feet from him. The sidewalk they were on was pretty empty, so neither of them had to bother with taking up space.

Staring impassively at the young man's face, Asher spoke in an even tone. "A question from you guys? Really….I wondered just what could it be."

In mid-sentence, Asher scrutinized his gaze on this black hair boy. "And for that matter, just who are you?"

It wasn't surprising to Asher to see members of the Kane Gang he didn't recognize. Although he had to say, this boy's appearance was too refined for their brazen group.

The young man simply gave a small smile towards Asher's scrutinizing the tone. That smile as well directly contrasted to the overwhelming arrogance smile each of these gang members seem to always have on their faces.

For a moment, Asher thought this meeting would go down a slightly different route. However, that thought immediately vanished when he felt the air around him suddenly become heavier.

The young man kept his seemingly small smile. But at the same time, he was leaking a small dosage of his Magical Aura.

Asher didn't let it be shown on his face. But inwardly, he was startled.

This guy was leagues above Zara! In fact, he was even stronger than the masked creature!

Even for how calm Asher usually is in these types of situations, he found it challenging to maintain it over this considerable pressure.

Asher's mind began to lit up in the realization that this guy is one of the ones in the whole Kane Gang he should be worried about. The actual strong members who gives their gang so much pride and strength.

Although Asher realized the increasing difference between this young man and himself, his expression never turned fearful. More so, he began to dangerously narrow his eyes as a cold glint shimmered within in his pupils.

In a snap of a second, it was like Asher turned into a completely different person. There wasn't any neutral expression on his face, only a piercing cold gaze.

Towards people like this young man, he holds them in higher regard of threats. The ones which can appear so calm looking but are actually incredibly dangerous inside should never be treated carelessly.

However, no matter the sudden shift in Asher's mood, the young man only stayed calmed.

He wasn't surprised at all that Asher could bear his Magical Aura, almost like he was expecting him to do it. Right then, the young man simply told Asher,

"The name's Jayline. And my proposal to you is for you to come to a meeting of ours and see if you can join our gang."

For a moment, Asher paused, unbelieving on what he had heard.

Out of everything, he legitimately never thought this gang would want him in their group! But quickly thinking about his history with them, several questions began spawning in his mind.

"Really? You expect me to believe you all have some kind of good intentions? Moreover, just what are y'all obsession with me?"

Jayline still didn't show any reactions. He had actually shrugged his shoulders and started to talk in a plain tone. "It's undeniable we've had numerous clashes in the past. But really, let me also ask you this. Have you seen any other common students with such resolve or strength as yourself?"

When asked that, Asher had actually briefly pondered upon his question. And the more he thought about it, the more it was connecting some dots in his mind.

Even before the Ceremony, the mere fact he always stood against their gang would leave a profound mark on them.

Asher knows this gang essentially had an iron first around the Academy before he even showed up. But when he showed up, the standard norm of common students was broken only for him.

The typical belief that Asher should be frightened and nervous against any members of their group just didn't happen. Furthermore, the fact that he constantly manages to come out on top of their fights certainly didn't help his notoriety with them.

And now, with the Ceremony, all of those thoughts were multiplied to ten folds degrees.

Not only had he beaten two newly awakened Spirit Tier cultivators, and one slightly experienced one at the same time. He had also crushed Zara without even giving her a chance to resist.

Asher could see that though this gang is obnoxiously prideful, they could also realize a strong strength and attitude.

Asher guessed this is why Devon and Mack had sought him out on the first day of the Ceremony. And everything that happened afterward must've been their Boss's doings. At least, Asher suspected it was.

After thinking all of this over, a slightly different twinkle lit up in Asher's eyes. He still kept his cold gaze while saying, "Even so, you're too foolish to believe I'm that naive enough to just simply join your gang, and everything will be sunshine and rainbows."

Right as he spoke those words, Asher spotted Jayline's smirk immediately growing eerily wider. He could already feel he wouldn't like the following words Jayline's going to spout.

With a simple even tone, Jayline told Asher, "Ah. Of course, you will initially refuse. But really, your strength and mindset are one of a kind. And, well, we believe you're hanging out with the people."