Omni Striker

Asher took a moment to calm his mental state to his most focused condition. To test the powers of his new Battle Skill requires the utmost concentration. Even as he was feeling excited, he needs to remember to not get ahead of himself.

Because he was essentially already near to learning the Omni Striker Battle skill yesterday in his physical class, it came as no shock that Asher was able to thoroughly comprehend it last night. He had quite easily taken the first step in the Initiate level of his Battle Skill.

Unfortunately, he had to wait until to truly test this power skill out.

Though Asher was quite casual about learning a Battle Skill, if anybody were to know he did this, it would cause a tremendous uproar throughout the whole of Balreth Academy,

Anybody to the Teacher students and even the Ranking Genius students, Asher would undoubtedly be seen as a true uprising top genius in the making. His duel with Zara would get overshadowed by this achievement.

The level of comprehension Asher had show would frighten any teacher out of their common sense perception of how cultivation works.

However, for now, nobody but Asher and Yuki knows about this phenomenal achievement.

While Asher quickly prepared himself, he had nodded his head towards Yuki's last words and had then told her,

'We'll be practicing for a few decent hours. By then, I will probably run out of energy reserves. And Elsa should be texting the details on our training sessions by that time.'

Immediately, Asher heard a light snort echoing out in his mind. For a moment, he had a lapse of focus because of Yuki's sudden snort.

There had been times, mainly when he was dealing with unruly students, that Yuki would sound just slightly annoyed.

However, when he brought up Elsa's training, something which would benefit him, she sounded quite annoyed from just that one snort.

Without a chance to ask what's wrong, Yuki suddenly said, 'Hmph! I don't know why you want to follow that little girl's whims. Most obviously, our training methods are superior! But....haah….in this long game you're playing, you do have to be considerate to her feelings, right?'

Asher just felt a wry smile form on his lips. From Yuki's abrupt tonal shift, it was almost she wanted to be the only one that gets him to become stronger.

Although, he also guess it lines up with her past actions since she doesn't even want to bother with Reese Kylee. She only gave those advising words last time because she knows Asher's personality surprisingly well.

Despite the fact they only know each other for a few days, Asher could say it was like she already has a fine grasp over his personality.

Though, Asher never really considered himself as a complicated guy.

Focusing his thoughts on Yuki, he told her, 'I'm sure Elsa will have something useful for us. She is an incredibly crafty girl, you know. And even then, fighting alongside her would be good practice.'

Asher expected a verbal response, but all he got from Yuki was a mysterious hum before she went silent. Even though Yuki could read him so easily, he can never tell just what was going on inside her head.

And he doubts he would even be able to reach that point in any short amount of time.

Before any more thoughts about Yuki came up, Asher quickly cleared his mind of her. He focused back on the present and the eerie Decrypted Woods in front of him.

Taking a slight breath, Asher had then filled Spirit Aura into his legs and dashed off deeper into the Woods.

After gaining his last mission rewards, Asher felt much faster than he did before. And with the clothes he wore, he was able to comfortably run without much hindrance.

Asher became a faint blur in the wind as he headed straight towards the dangerous parts of the starting area. Without any hesitations, he barreled straight towards the spot where even Spirit Tier cultivators must tread carefully.

Any Mana monster here would be a significant threat to his life. But, with the pressure of Jayline constantly weighing on his mind, Asher felt little nerves rushing into danger.

He needs to be far stronger than he currently is, and only through situations like this can he break his shell.

From his talk with Jayline and his date with Elsa, Asher never felt so much motivation to get stronger until now.

Compared to all other times he cultivates for power, it was always for a long-term goal that he was confident in eventually achieving.

But now, Asher needed to do the near-impossible in two days. For Reese, Kylee, he wants to be there to sufficiently protect them like the loyal friend he is.

And though Elsa didn't have any current issue pressing them. Asher still wants to grow monstrously powerful, so whenever her family issues come to challenge them, they both can get through it together.

A clear purpose filled his mind, and it only burned his desires to a greater degree.

As Asher reinforced his mindset, his Aura Sense had suddenly picked up on two incredibly hostile auras while he was running. These evil auras was bone chilling and gave Asher that terrifying sensation he felt several times in his life already.

This was pure wild Killing Intent!

Knowing a fight was quickly approaching him, Asher took the time to sense if there was any other hostile aura around him. When he had confirmed it was only these two auras, he suddenly stopped running.

Those two auras were about thirty feet apart from Asher as he stopped running.

Those Mana monsters' Magical Aura was quite powerful, giving Asher a legitimate threat to his life.

In this perilous situation, Asher calmed any slight nerves in his mind. He blocked out any unwanted thoughts and let his mental state flow smoothly like water.

It took only a second for Asher to reach this state. And those Mana Monsters were only twenty feet away from him now.

Right then, Asher began surging his Ghost Lightning energy. This time, his Ghost Lightning energy didn't freely flow through his body.

Using the method from his Omni Battle Striker skill, Asher's Ghost Lightning energy began flowing in a specific way through his veins and body.

All at once, Asher's Magical Aura explosively increased to exponential levels!

The wind around him began to swiftly kick up and rattle the trees and bushes around him. The air became increasingly thick as Asher's power grew to heights he never reached before.


And in just a second, Asher's right hand was coated in raging Ghost Lightning power. His Ghost Lightning power chaotically burst out numerous lightning arcs like a thunderous storm, striking everything in its immediate surrounding.

Asher blinked his eyes back open, feeling a sum of his energy reserve drained.

To perform this Battle Skill, it drained both his Spirit Aura and Ghost Lightning energy reserve. But it wasn't that much to a point where Asher would feel tired.

Though yesterday, Asher was able to call forth the Omni Striker skill while he was simply cultivating. Doing it in the heat of battle was a whole different experience.

Indescribable power that Asher never felt before course throughout his entire body, making him feel like he was on a whole new level.

And right then, Asher sensed those two Mana monsters stopped just within fifteen feet from him.

Asher whipped around his body like clocked work and strut his Ghost Lightning palm towards the beasts. With each passing second he wielded his Battle Skill, Asher's Magical Aura only increased to monstrous levels.

And before Asher released his overwhelming attacks, his eyes briefly caught just what was trying to attack him.

It was two vicious-looking lion-type Mana monsters. Both monsters had lions that had a hauntingly dark red mane and feral beating red eyes. Both monsters were also terrifyingly large, being over ten feet wide.

If it was one Spirit Tier cultivator alone facing off against such monstrous beasts, they would have their wits frighten about.

A Mana monster lion would be restlessly savage and pursue its prey to the ends of the earth. However, neither of these beasts exuded that menacing stature now.

On both beast's faces, their eyes were wide open with fearful shock.

Asher's Magical Aura was so overwhelmingly powerful that it had utterly suppressed both vicious beasts! The beast's Magical Aura was akin to a mere insect in front of the power of Asher's battle skill.

Asher smirked and didn't let this opportunity go to waste. He then gave a mighty battle cry, shouting out, "Omni Striker!"


Even more powerful streaks of lightning arcs burst from his palms, causing even greater destruction in the trees and bushes. And out from Asher's palm, a barrage of voltage Ghost Lightning bolts sprayed like a rapid power machine gun!

The voltage Ghost Lightning bolts soared straight at the Mana monster lions, crossing ten feet of distance in a mere second.

In the face of imminent death, the Mana monster lions wanted to desperately move. But Asher's Magical Aura created an indomitable pressure on them, making it impossible for them to escape.


Both Mana monster lions got brutally shredded apart by Asher's Omni Striker skill causing their blood to spray out like a chilling crimson rain. No matter how tough these monsters' hides were, Asher's Ghost Lightning tore through them like they were tofu.

Bloody holes appeared all over the beasts, and any guts or gore were fried to a crisp by Asher's Ghost Lightning.

Asher only held his Omni Strike skill for a second before dispersing it.

He could actually keep it going for longer, but the Mana monster lion's lifeforce was already gone. Lowering his hand, Asher watched on as the lion's charred steaming corpse slumped to the ground.

And inside Asher's eyes, a bright twinkle was shimmering within his pupils.