Full Power Strike

Asher took one last good look over the sizzling Mana monster lion corpses and then the whole general area.

Numerous trees had chucks of branches split off, and there were burnt spots in the ground from where his Ghost Lightning arcs wildly spray.

To say Asher wasn't at least a little bit surprised would be a lie.

Though he was expecting his Battle Skill to be powerful, this was even more than what he initially expected.

Those Mana monster lions did make him feel a legitimate threat to his life, and their speeds were quite fast. If he were to fight them under normal circumstances, Asher guessed he would need to go in his Spirit Aura state to quickly kill them.

But his Omni Striker Skill was so powerful that it even immobilized them from moving. This kind of powerful display only fueled Asher's drive to continuing refining his control over the skill.

'And this is just the very beginning of the Initial Stage. I wonder what it will be like when I master just this stage.'

As Asher mused in his fantasies, he suddenly heard Yuki give her own comments. 'Because of Ghost Lightning, of course, it will unleash a power nobody could expect. Even though it's at the lowest of tier, this will do us just nicely.'

Asher silently agreed with Yuki's assessment. The most significant aspect of this Battle Skill was the fact it didn't take an overly large portion of his energy reserve.

After doing a brief scan over his whole body, Asher fathoms he could do this several more times.

With his determination rising, Asher looked over the dark shaded woods and briefly contemplated where he should go next. While he wants danger, he didn't want to go too far as he may encounter something that not even his Omni Striker Skill could handle.

However, right as Asher was wondering what his next target should be, a stronger presence than the Mana monster lions enter in the range of his Aura Sense.

Asher knitted his eyebrows and quickly gathered his Ghost Lightning energy.

While he prepared himself, Asher also felt the ground slightly shake from the upcoming monster. Even before Asher fully saw the beast, he was given a higher threat of danger than both Mana monster lions.

This wasn't too much of a concern for Asher and only meant that his next target should last longer.

With a growing rise of anticipation, Asher whipped his attention over to his right side.

His eyes caught an enormous vicious beast just twenty feet away from him. This fearsome beast was a giant Mana monster rhino, a monster no early-stage Spirit Tier cultivator would ever want to face on their own.

Even in groups, early-stage Spirit Tier cultivators wouldn't dare to provoke this vicious beast. Its horns were frighteningly long and sharp and looked like it could pierce through any human body like tofu.

And its most notable feature was a glossy gray shell covering its enormous body. Just one look from that shell would be enough to warn anyone about its incredibly tough defense.

When the monster's eyes locked onto Asher, its feral Killing Intent surged. The Mana monster rhino unleashed a feral snort and was just about to barrel right down to Asher.

But right then, Asher surged his Omni Striker Skill in a mere second!


Almost immediately, Ghost Lightning ignited on his right palm like a tsunami of Lightning.

Asher didn't even realize it yet, but it was nearly instantaneous for him to call forth his Battle Skill. He just felt it so naturally come to him that he didn't even question whether this was normal or not.

And as Asher burst forth his Omni Striker Skill, his Magical Aura once again explosively increased! His explosive surge of Magical Aura power crushed right down the monstrous Rhino, intending to suppress it just like the Mana monster lions.

However, when the Mana monster rhino felt a considerable pressure weighed down on its body, a gray glow shimmered in its feral eyes.


The vicious beast shirked a loud, terrifying snort as it erupted its Magical Aura to its absolute peak!

The clash of two powerful Magical Auras caused the wind currents to be thrown into a chaotic pace. The air pressure alone became immense and caused wild destruction in the environment.

Blades of dark shaded grass soared in the intense wind, and there were even deep slices left on numerous trees.

Now, the Mana monster rhino considers Asher a more significant threat than before. But it still held that wild Killing Intent of wanting to slice Asher to shred because of their Magical Auras are seemingly equal.

Right then, the monstrous Rhino took a few mighty steps forward, almost instantly breaking out into a full-on charge.

But at the same time, Asher strutted his right palm forward and immediately unleashed his Omni Striker Skill!


A barrage of voltage Ghost Lightning bolts sprayed forth from Asher's palm and soared with Lightning speeds towards the vicious beast.

The Mana monster rhino sensed a tremendous sensation of danger towards its life. On instinct, a gray aura discharged from its body and formed into a shield in front of the beast, intending to block Asher's Battle Skill.

However, this would be of little avail.


Asher's voltage Ghost Lightning bolts tore right through the gray aura shield like it was fragile glass and viciously struck against the Mana monster rhino's tough shell.

Every voltage Ghost Lightning bolt that landed on the beast's shell was a solid hit, but nothing could precisely strike right through its defense.

Although, the Mana monster Rhino felt like it was undergoing hell. There was a searing pain coursing all throughout its body as Asher's Ghost Lightning energy did manage to drill into its internal body.

In just mere seconds, it was rapidly losing its lifeforce, getting ever so close to death. But right then, the monstrous Rhino's pupils had disappeared entirely from its eyes.


The beast shouted an earth-shattering roar as its Magical Aura surpassed its limit!

The ground beneath the beast cracked, and Asher's Ghost Lightning voltage bolts were flung all around the woods.

Asher blinked his eyes as he recognized this type of state. The beast had just turned entirely berserk!

Asher stopped his Omni Striker stream and furrowed his eyebrows. Now, that beast's Magical Aura is causing a bit of pressure on him, making Asher feel a bit sluggish.

But instead of letting the berserk rhino process what to do next, Asher immediately erupted with a greater Magical Aura!

His mouth curved up in a slight smirk as he pulled forth a more concentrated power of his Omni Striker Skill. In just a second, Asher's Magical Aura climbed past its original limits and slammed down on the monstrous rhino beast.

Intense surges of Ghost Lightning arcs stormed out Asher's palm like a roaring storm as his power erupted to heights he never achieved before. Only a single Ghost Lightning voltage bolt formed on Asher's palm, but it was far larger than the barrage bolts.

Asher felt a bit of sweat from forming this large voltage bolt. His energy reserve considerably dropped, but it wasn't to a point to tire him out.

Asher had then set his sight on Mana monster rhino and had expected it to be utterly frozen in place.

Indeed, the Mana monster rhino couldn't move at all. Asher's new explosive surge of Magical Aura unleashed an indomitable pressure on its body and gave the beast a true sense of imminent death!

With everything so perfectly lined up for him, Asher smirked and blasted his single powerful Ghost Lightning voltage bolt towards the suppressed rhino beast.

Around the rhino beast, the air became tremendously heavy. The beast could barely move and nearly suffocated before Asher's Battle Skill even reached it.

Death was soaring right at it, and yet there wasn't anything the vicious beast could do but stare at a bright flash of blue rapidly approaching its face.


Ghost Lightning erupted everywhere as Asher's Omni Striker Skill brutally tore right through the Rhino's beast large skull!

Asher's power was unstoppable as the single Ghost Lightning voltage bolt shredded through the beast defenses like tofu and blasted right out its backside.

Blood splashed out the Rhino's enormous skull, and all of its internal organs were immediately fried to a crisp. The beast didn't even get a chance to shriek in pain as its lifeforce instantly vanished.

Its fried, steaming corpse slumped to the ground with a loud thud.

Asher's Omni Striker Skill vanished into thin air only a few meters from the dead rhino beast.

The Decrypted Woods fell back into its usual chilling silence.

Asher took a slight breath as he swiped some sweat from his brow. As his body began to relax, he started to talk to Yuki, saying,

'Really….now that was intense. That single bolt exceeded my expectations.'

'Now that was all wonderful and spectacled and all. But remember to not burn yourself already, Asher.' Yuki carefully reminded him.

She was honestly quite impressed with Asher's display of his Battle Skill. Even as she was expecting a good show, the Omni Striker Skill power still managed to slightly dazzle her.

Asher had taken Yuki's words to heart as he carefully inspected his energy reserves.

With a nod, he began telling her, "I know, I won't burn myself out. I have enough in me for a few more test runs, and then we'll head home. And at home, I'll continue refining all that I can for the rest of the day. I suppose I'll just have to settle with only texting Reese and Kylee now. I just don't have the time to see them.'

'Hmmm….you know, I can't tell if this loyalty you have is a good or bad thing. At least you're consistent about it.'

Yuki's tone sounded so mysterious that Asher couldn't tell at all how she really feels about his loyalty.

Knowing that trying to figure out Yuki's mind leads to nowhere, Asher refocused his attention and prepare himself for a few more trial runs.