Personal Room

Instead of trying to overly impress Vice-Principal Mia or act some different way to gain her favor, Asher simply knew it was best to be his usual self.

"I don't really put too much thought into it, Vice Principal. I just pour all my best in wanting to get stronger and achieve my goals."

Asher readily spoke from the depth of his heart. His tone was as honest as it could be, giving really no care to attention or fame. He, after all, had different values that he had forged all on his own.

Such honesty, without even a hint of a front in his tone, actually got Vice-Principal Mia to peer her gaze around to Asher. Her radiantly beautiful face evenly matched into Asher's calm gaze.

Subconsciously, Vice Principal Mia compared Asher to the other numerous Ranking List Genius in their whole Academy.

And there was only one other student who had such an even, serene stride where it's like nothing can majorly affect them. Asher indeed did remind her of that student in several ways.

Moreover, he barely appears to be affected by her overwhelming beauty. Only on their first very meeting did Asher show some sort of reaction to her appearance.

But even then, it was nothing substantial, and his eyes were filled with only respect, nothing more.

A gorgeous smile curved up Vice-Principal Mia's lips; she believed she had just finally found another genuinely intriguing student.

"My, you certainly have a firm motivation to cultivate. Many, even our genius ranking list, lack this sort of strong motivation." There was a genuine praising tone within Vice-Principal Mia's voice.

Asher felt different from Vice Principal Mia's praise than any other. Considering that she has years of experience and prowess far beyond his comprehension, her words wouldn't be fluff at all.

Before Asher could respond, Vice Principal Mia turned her head back forward, never losing her stride with guiding Asher around.

"It's almost lamentable seeing talents never reaching their true potential. Especially if their attitudes are what's prohibiting them. But now….it seems the future is becoming more unpredictable."

Vice Principal Mia's words rummage through Asher's head, and he wasn't sure how to appropriately respond at first. His mind immediately began to recall all the geniuses he already met around the Academy.

And Vice Principal Mia's words weren't wrong at all.

Nearly all Ranking Students come from some well-off background that grants them numerous advantages in the future.

Although this doesn't necessarily mean none of them had ever worked hard and had outright bad attitudes. It does mean they don't have to overly stress themselves out like the common students.

Chase, Leon, Daisy, Hayato, and Jayline are all genius talented students with bright prospects in the future.

Yet, all of them ooze with an aura of superiority. Even Daisy, who seems the gentlest out of them all, carries a certain prideful air around her entire body.

So far, the only other genius that didn't exude any of these qualities was Elsa. In fact, despite her outrageous strength, she never once showed an air of arrogance towards Asher or any other common student for that matter.

While she is indifferent to nearly everyone, Asher quickly realized that Elsa is essentially a bit socially inept.

Barring that, even when Elsa faces off against a far weaker monstrous beast, she's always naturally serious and goes for the most efficient kills.

A small second silence hung in the air as Asher went a bit quiet in rummaging in his own thoughts. He quickly realized this, pushed down his numerous thoughts, and said to Vice Principal Mia,

"I can certainly see that; I had already met with several other Ranking Students before today. And I for sure won't disappoint in one day reaching my true potential."

"Hm….I'm sure you won't."

When Vice Principal Mia finished talking, she had suddenly stopped walking, standing right in front of a uniquely designed door.

"Ah. And it looks like we have already made it."

Asher had stopped right beside Vice-Principal Mia, his eyes roaming up and down this unique door. Compared to the more modern, luscious design of the Ranking Section, this door almost seemed out of place.

It had a more antique design going on about it, appearing remarkably similar to something he would read from a history textbook. And at the center of the door, there was a beautifully designed star symbol that nearly seemed life-like to touch.

"Right here is your very own Mana Room. With everything you showed, we consider you accomplish enough to be taught the most profound topics of your System's Soul. Moreover, your comprehension is suitable enough to truly make good use of your own Mana Room."

Asher's eyes lit up, realizing they had fathomed his comprehension from the brief show of his own Battle Skill.

Initially, Asher had plans to keep this move under wraps for quite some time. At least until enough time passes where nobody would call his comprehension into questioning.

But it seemed like that worry was for naught and actually immensely benefited him now.

Right then, Vice Principal Mia took out a plain-looking badge. A small surge of energy exuded from the badge and drilled into the antique-looking door, causing it to slowly open on its own.

Asher blinked his eyes in mild surprise since it was the first time he ever saw an automatic opening door around here.

Soon enough, the antique door opened to a room similar to the Mana Room Asher had been to during previous class time.

Only this time, the room was far smaller and contained, only being enough to fit a few people at the same time. Though there was less space, the calming traditional design of the Mana Room didn't change a single bit.

Vice Principal Mai took a step to the side, allowing Asher to go in first.

And once Asher took a single step inside, his eyes burst wide open. Immediately, he felt an incredible sensation he would never be able to feel in the outside world.

It was like taking a dip in a vibrantly fresh pool of water. The most significant quality that affected Asher first was the air.

Inside this Mana Room, the air was incredibly fresh! More than just fresh, it was the richest air he ever had the chance to inhale.

Just basking in this vibrant air already washed away any previous slight exhaustion slumbering within him from his duel.

Along with the fantastic air, there was also the powerful Spirit Mana running through the atmosphere. The Spirit Mana here could not be compared at all to the outside world or even the last Mana Room he was in.

Asber felt like if he just absorbed a tiny portion of the Spirit Mana here, his own power would quickly grow, and his control over Spirit Mana would improve at a quicker rate.

This Mana Room already helps alleviate a few of Asher's concerns on his cultivation progress.

Seeing the customarily reserved Asher finally look so bewildered got Vice-Principal Mia to smile a bit. She had explained then, "This is our special reserves Mana Room. And as you can already tell, these rooms far surpassed anything on the outside. In here, your cultivation will be far superior in all aspects. Oh, and one more thing…."

Asher turned around to face Vice-Principal Mia, only to quickly catch a now silver-looking badge. The silver badge felt smooth to touch, and he could even sense a small stream of some kind of energy within it.

Vice Principal Mia continued to explain to Asher, "Just interject a bit of your soul essence in this badge, and this room will only open up to you. Now then, I'll leave you to get accustomed to the room. Tomorrow you will receive your special schedule."

Asher evenly stared into Vice Principal Mia's beautiful golden eyes. He only had gratitude and appreciation towards him as from today onwards, he can truly soar in his cultivation.

Asher gave an appreciative nod, telling Vice-Principal Mia, "Thank you for all the generosity."

Vice Principal Mia flashed Asher a small smile. "We only treat worthy enough talent like this. I will see you around, Asher."

Before leaving, Vice Principal Mia turned her smile into a more genuine beautiful one. And not a second later, she turned around and left Asher to his own devices.

All alone now, Asher curled his eyebrows, that last smile of Vice-Principal Mia rummaging around his mind. That truly was the definition of a pleasant smile.

Taking his mind off that smile, Asher refocused back on the Mana Room. He took another good whiff of the air here, already half tempted to get down to cultivating now.

Right then, Yuki decided to share her own thoughts on the Mana Room. 'Not bad, certainly not bad for us. But, we need even better. Asher, it's time for us-oh?....Fu~. You feel that too right~?'

Without even turning around, a smirk crawled up Asher's lips as a jolt of joy ran through his entire body.

'How could I not feel her?'

Only several seconds pass after Vice Principal Mia left the room, but Asher already sensed a familiar presence slip in here.

While Asher turned around to face this sneaky person, he heard his door already close. And then, he had come face to face with his beautiful girlfriend, Elsa.

There was a mix of emotions crossing Elsa's face as if she was briefly contemplating what to say. And when her bright eyes matched with Asher's, she paused, feeling a rush of emotions nearly overwhelm her mind.

Before Elsa could process anything, Asher pulled her into a warm hug.

A soothing sensation streamed through both of their bodies, and Elsa had instantly relaxed once within Asher's arms.

With only a tiny bit of hesitation, Elsa returned the hug, wrapping her soft, slim arms around Asher's waist.

The only thing Elsa felt right now was relief and soothing warmth. She had even taken Asher for a mild surprise when she let out a short cute hum of content.

"'re quite eager to get your arms around me~."

Asher was taken even more aback by that tone Elsa was using. It sounded precisely like a teasing one! And her voice was incomparably sweet, like listening to a tantalizing song.

Really, Asher was becoming increasingly glad she's showing more of her emotions. And now, he would have more time to spend exploring these new emotions with her.

Without missing a beat, Asher responded in the same jest, telling her, "Well, how can I not be? My beautiful girlfriend is quite attentive."

Heat began to rise in Elsa's cheeks as she only gave a low snort to Asher's teasing but grasped her arms a bit tighter around him.

That cute reaction just made Asher think, 'I'm really am blessed with this adorable girl.'