
Though Elsa's incomparably soft body felt almost too good to pull away from, Asher still wanted to stare at her beautiful face. He had broken the hug a bit, holding onto Elsa's shoulder while pulling away just a bit from her.

In this position, Asher could now gaze into her gorgeous crystal blue eyes. Although, when he had spotted Elsa's expression now, he nearly chuckled out loud.

Elsa had actually gained a slightly pouty expression, obviously wanting to keep hugging him, as evident with her arms still around Asher's waist.

'This girl….' Asher's grin only broadened.

Even though she is known as an Ice Queen to many others, Elsa really can be a sweet cute girl.

For a brief moment, Asher just had to wonder what had possibly mold Elsa into being so indifferent to all. But before his thoughts got too off track, he focused on Elsa now and began to say,

"You know, after my long weekend and that intense fight, seeing you first out everyone just made everything so much more worth it."

It was like a subtle permanent shift happened to Asher after so many events. He could now smoothly speak out rather intimate words without feeling much embarrassment at all.

After all, what reason did he need to feel nervous or embarrassed about?

His feelings for Elsa were true, and she similarly held romantic feelings for him. Moreover, Asher felt a slight pulling sensation that was guiding him to make smooth comments like this.

And when Elsa gave a cute reaction by providing a slightly shy smile full of affection, Asher knew this was the right path.

On her part, Elsa wasn't anywhere near as bold or daring as Asher. Hearing his direct, intimate words still gave her a jolt of warmth and slight embarrassment.

Although with each passing second they would spend together, Elsa was gradually learning to overcome this.

Even now, she still wasn't content with just being the blushing inexperienced maiden in Asher's hands. She has her own pride to maintain as well!

So with her shy smile turning into a slight smirk, she began telling Asher, "I suppose that stubbornness of yours really is paying off. My, or well, our fellow Ranking Peers can't get their minds off from you now."

Asher gave a mild look of surprise, almost unbelieving that Elsa would pay attention to other reactions.

Elsa gave a pointed look at Asher and nearly squeezed his waist, already guessing why he was giving him that mildly shock face.

"What? Do you think that I'm that aloof enough to not notice other reactions?"

"Hmmm….I guess not. Though, your stone-cold expression makes it impossible to tell otherwise." Asher spoke while giving Elsa his own light teasing smirk.

"Hm." Elsa only gave a light snort in response.

She had then continued to speak, but this time, a sudden shift occurred within her tone. Her voice became more critical and blunt, as if she was scolding Asher when she began telling him,

"Asher, while I did praise your good results just now. But I advise you to come and confine with me when you want to make any rash decisions. You….had me worried during your duel. More so than with Zara."

Elsa couldn't keep her scolding tone; towards the end of her sentence, her voice became gentle. Her expression had also turned soft. Her eye was filled with concern as she recalled what she felt during the midst of his duel.

Tingly feelings smoothly flowered throughout Asher's entire body like a stream of water. His smile had only broadened, feeling so much warmth from Elsa than most people in his entire life.

And when gazing into those eyes that were filled with warmth and concerns for his safety, it pulled Asher's heartstring to not lie a single bit to her.

"Well then, I guess you can say I've worked out a part of a solution. With my Mana Room, we can have greater opportunities to spend time together. Both for training and out of training." Asher spoke in a gentle tone.

Elsa's beautiful smile couldn't help but broaden just like Asher, already looking forward to what the future would hold for them.

"Don't get too excited now. During normal class hours, we won't have many opportunities. There are too many prying eyes during the days, and our schedules will vary. But, before the Academy locks up, we indeed have the time then."

A rush of ideas had spawned in Asher's mind, quickly sorting out ways on what would be the best way to spend their extra time now.

One particularly good idea stuck with Asher's mind, and he was about to speak in a more jovial tone.

But, Elsa beat him to the punch as she spoke first, using a slightly demanding tone this time. "However, before enjoying our time with each other, you must tell me how your prowess grew to such unimaginable heights. Even for me, that gave me quite a shock."

Asher was about to instinctively tell Elsa some important critical secrets, but he had paused midway. Yuki and his unique System Soul really aren't something Asher himself never heard before.

From all the books he reads or information online, he didn't hear anything about someone gaining a Magical Spirit within their System souls. Or one achieving System's mission so easily and within a short time span from each other.

In fact….the more Asher thought it over, he also realized it was explicitly said that one's System soul shouldn't ever be able to communicate in a voice.

Asher knew he needed to say something right now as Elsa was quickly growing suspicious of him. Those narrowing eyes and inquisitive expressions looked cute but also told him things could get troublesome.

It wasn't like Asher distrust Elsa, far from it. But he also knows that it was safer to keep some secrets guarded than saying it so casually.

Just when Asher thought he would have to leave some blank truths in his following words, Yuki suddenly spoke up as if he was his lifeline.

'Stop overthinking things, Asher! This little girl and your little friends are trustworthy enough, plus our strength will naturally quickly snowball to a point where keeping secrets won't even matter anymore. Look, just tell her you were lucky enough to receive a System's mission. She's smart enough to fill in the rest.'

It was like a pop went off in Asher's mind. Yuki's words cleared away any slight confusion he had, pushing his mental state back on the right track.

Everything she said was right, after all.

Even before officially getting together, he knows Elsa for years. They would constantly fight together during all those years, and there have been countless times where Elsa would unhesitantly save his back.

Asher knew Elsa would never betray or slip his secrets in any way.

And if somehow a problem still arises from his secrets, Asher would simply do what Yuki said, just get powerful enough to deal with any issues that come!

Feeling much calmer now, Asher took a slight breath and began to speak in a calm tone.

"The reason for my prowess growth was because I was luckily enough to receive a System Mission. Now, before you get overly worried, no, it wasn't anything too dangerous. But it genuinely did reform my prowess to what it is now."

Of course, Asher didn't want to explain how he nearly died. That would only cause the poor girl more stress, plus, even Asher intends to put a strong front for his already powerful girlfriend.

A mix of suspicions and shock ran through Elsa's eyes. Her head curiously tilted to the side while her eyebrows raised in increasing surprise.

"So you're telling me those rare myths are actually true? Not even I received a System Mission."

Though Elsa had some questions, she still showed her utmost trust in Asher by simply believing his words at face value. In her mind, she would never think for a second that Asher would lie to her.

Moreover, a System mission would be the only thing that could explain his immense power growth.

No matter how high one's talent or comprehension is, to get so strong like Asher did in just a mere few days would require means beyond everyone's understanding.

"Say, before we get up to what I was up to, let's talk about what you've been up to. Don't want to make this whole meeting all about me." Asher suddenly said, knowing that Elsa would have endless prying questions into his mission.

"Is that so?"

Elsa gave Asher a slight smirk, knowing that he would want to cleverly hide some of the mission's more in-depth detail. She, of course, didn't even think of ever sharing this secret with anyone else but themselves.

Moreover, with the way Asher directs their conversation, Elsa can tell he will cover up the more grueling parts of his weekends because of his stubbornness.

To gain that kind of insane prowess, there undoubtedly be heavy prices.

Still, Elsa didn't relent so quickly and told him, "We won't have much to discuss for my days. But for sure afterward, I want to hear more about this mission."

"Yes, yes…." Suddenly, a mischievous glint swirled in Asher's eyes while he was talking.

"But before we talk, how about we get comfortable….like this?"

Asher had then reached down with one of his hands to grasp one of Elsa's hands while still keeping one on her shoulder.

Elsa raised an eyebrow but didn't make any movements.

From her nonverbal agreement, Asher had then pulled Elsa to sit down on the traditional wooden floors and pulled her close to his chest.

Elsa's light, soft body, sat on top of his left lap as she was nestled right into the nape of his neck. Asher had his arm gently wrapped around Elsa's shoulders, feeling utter bliss in this position.

This way, they really were intimately cuddling just like any average couple would do.

"You don't mind this position, do you?"

Asher's warm voice breathed down Elsa's neck, causing tantalizing tingles to shiver up her spine. A bit of heat surged within her cheeks, and Elsa pointedly turned her head away from him.

"Hm….bold…." Her words may sound admonishing, but her soft tone, blushing face, and blossoming smile all said otherwise.

Asher was all smiles as this meeting just got ten times better; he felt truly blessed.