Southern Downtown Area

Time quickly breezed by, and it was now close to dusk for Pearlcrest City.

It would be the time for most residents to enjoy the rest of their days during these hours. There weren't many residents roaming the streets, most of them preferring to enjoy their relaxing evening at home.

Asher was also about to have a rather enjoyable time for this evening. Instead of going home to cultivate or training in the Decrypted Woods, he was now at a part of the City he never really been to before.

Asher currently stood near an alleyway, leaning on a nearby wall as his eyes peered around the area.

He was at the southern part of the downtown area, a part of Pearlcrest City that wasn't as populated as other areas. It was even the fact that it was near the evening that Asher couldn't spot many residents walking around.

Even before today, Asher had read about some historical facts of the City. To know how such a massive City functions with such firm stability had genuinely piqued his interest.

And out of everything he read, the southern downtown area of Pearlcrest City wasn't really mentioned much. All that was actually mentioned was the lack of residents living down here and one big attraction.

That one big attraction was where Asher had currently set his sights on.

Just across the street from him was a peculiar-looking building. Peculiar as in this building was too ordinary-looking compared to everything else.

Even though the southern downtown area doesn't have many residents, the various shops, buildings, and houses still held the same luxurious quality, Pearlcrest City is known for.

The only strange part would be a building that looked entirely ordinary.

This building wasn't overly wide or tall, nor did it hold any fabulous bright signs that could just capture anyone's attention at first sight. The only thing this building has going for it is an all-black, sleek coat of paint dying its entire exterior.

If this was any other day before today and Asher stumbled upon this building, he would've completely ignored it.

But staring at it now actually made Asher impressed with whoever built this place. From what he was told by Elsa, this place is where the Burning Night Pit organization is held.

If one were to seek out the Burning Night Pit organization, there would be accidents or mistakenly stumbling in here. Whoever designed this place made it so everyone who comes here knows what they're getting into.

'Really now….so inconspicuous. At least, I would never think an organization that is funded by the mayor forces would be here.' Asher mused to himself as he waited for Elsa to come.

While he waited, Asher was also continually touching the black mask that covered his whole face.

It felt a bit odd to wear, but Elsa had also told him this would be a necessity before they even went inside the Burning Night Pit organization. His clothing as well was all black, making his whole outfit appear a bit shady-looking.

However, Asher didn't have to worry about getting questioned or being thrown suspicious glances.

For this specific street he waited on, it was deadly quiet.

The only presence he could sense around him was from across the street, where two imposing-looking men were standing in front of the gates of the Burning Night Pit building.

The slightly haunting silence did give Asher some time to clear out any slight nerves he had about another date with Elsa.

Once again, these two were going out of the standard norms for couples and having a date night where nobody would ever think to go.

Although considering their statuses, Asher mused they really weren't meant to be an average couple.

Suddenly then, while Asher was humoring himself, Yuki spoke out to him.

'Say….I was getting the general feel of this place while we waited. And for my verdict, I will say to watch your step, Asher. This place seems more complicated than on its surface.'

Asher furrowed his eyebrows and used his Aura Sense to do a complete scan over the Burning Night Pit building again. When first arriving here, he already did so, but Yuki's warning caused him to do it again.

And as he expected, there was a subtle sense of danger that the Burning Night Pit place naturally exuded. Asher found it was similar to sneaking around a den that was full of slumbering yet dangerous monsters.

'Yea….I mean, I'm not that far from them, but those two men in front….I can barely sense their Magical Auras.' Asher replied to Yuki with an equal amount of caution in his tone.

'You know….heh….hehehe~.'

Right then, Yuki started to leak sweet giggles. Such an abrupt shift in tone nearly astounded Asher, but before he could question it, Yuki continued to say,

'At least for your date, you two took a nice stroll through the deadly woods. But this little girl….she wants to take you right into the heart of the action for a romantic date. Oh, you two are so special!'

'Right….' Asher wasn't sure if Yuki was genuine or sarcastic.

Although, he couldn't disagree that their dating choices were something else. Still, no matter where they would go, Asher would always feel he's growing closer to Elsa by just spending time with her.

Before Asher could make a complete response to Yuki, he suddenly sensed another presence just ten feet away from him.

A wry smile formed on his lips; this girl just never makes it easier to detect her.

Not wanting Elsa to get the drop on him, Asher snapped around to his left and saw an enhancing sight. Elsa was wearing a matching black mask-like him that covered up her beautiful face.

But her style of clothing was lovely. She wore an elegant all-black dress that highlighted every aspect of her bewitching curvaceous body.

If she didn't have that mask on, it would've made for a sight that Asher wouldn't forget for the rest of his life.

While Asher was in a slight daze, Elsa swiftly got within inches to his left side and nodded with an apparent appraisal. She spoke first, telling him,

"It seems your senses will never dull. And I must say, you're quite dutiful. For our second date, your clothes are sharp, and you are once again the first to arrive."

Asher had already snapped out of his daze and was only a bit surprised at Elsa's tone. He could pick up an apparent eagerness in her voice that she was trying to subtly suppress.

From behind his mask, Asher was smirking. Nowadays, no matter how much Elsa would try and suppress any overt emotions, he could still easily pick up on any shifts in her mood.

Although, Asher didn't call Elsa out on this and simply said to her,

"Of course, I'm dutiful. I never go half-hearted with anything. So, now that you're here, shall we get going?"

"Mn. Let's not delay any longer."

Elsa agreed, and she was the one to reach out and grasp Asher's larger, warm hand. Hand in hand with each other, the duo walked across the deadly silent street and approached the Burning Night Pit building.

The duo got within a few feet from the entrance, stopping right in front of the two guardsmen there.

Now that Asher could get a better look at them, these guardsmen indeed held a dignified stature.

They both were towering tall, standing several inches above even Asher. Instead of wearing armor or any kind of combat uniform, these guardsmen were only wearing a fancy, all-black tuxedo suit.

Despite not wearing traditional guard uniforms, these black tuxedo suits made for a more intimidating sight. The absolute confidence these men carried behind them fit perfectly with the high-class designs of their suits.

Furthermore, even as Asher was closer to them, he still couldn't properly identify their Magical Auras.

Their unfathomable strength felt similar to Teacher Lucas!

Such unfathomably powerful men openly scanned their eyes all over Asher and Elsa's entire bodies as they got close.

Asher and Elsa could feel a slight chill sweep through them from getting sensed by the guardsmen's Aura Senses. However, they both had the mental fortitude to stay completely indifferent.

The guardsmen only took a split second to do a thorough sweep over the duo. Both of their expressions remained utterly indifferent as if they didn't sense anything noteworthy about Asher and Elsa.

Right then, one of the guardsmen said to them, "Four Origin Crystal Beads in total for entry."

Asher went utterly rigid. From behind his mask, his indifferent face was now full of surprise.

This kind of price was sky high!

In Pearlcrest City, many residents use Spirit Coins for their daily lives. But Spirit Coins was just the lowest form of currency. The higher form of money would come in the form of Crystal Beads.

And the lower form of Origin Crystal Beads would be Spirit Crystal Beads. Just one Spirit Crystal Bead would equal at least fifty green Spirit Coins!

Fifty green Spirit Coins was no small sum at all. With this kind of money, one can buy months worth of food for a sizable family, low-ranking Battle Skills, or other necessities needed in residents' daily lives.

With all that in mind, Asher knows that one Origin Crystal Bead is equal to around a hundred Spirit Crystal Beads!

This was a price that Asher just didn't have on his personal self.

Right then, Asher felt a gentle squeeze on his hand from Elsa. That warm touch of her hand already told him that she would handle it.

Though Asher didn't have any problem in letting Elsa pay for things, he never wants to be reliant on it.

Asher realized more so now that he needs to take some time to actually get serious about making money than just cultivating all of the time. Even beyond his date nights, more money would open a lot more avenues in general for him and Elsa.