
Elsa didn't need to speak. She used her other hand to reach into her pocket and pulled out a gray color sack. Before Elsa gave the gray color sack to the guardsman, Asher peered his gaze over towards it.

The appearance wasn't anything remarkable, but Asher sensed a small surge of potent energy from that sack. Even though he wasn't the one holding it, Asher could tell there was a bundle of rich energy within there.

As Asher recalled, energies from Crystal Beads weren't very helpful to one's own System's soul cultivation.

But, the energy was used in numerous ways for one's daily life. These uses range from powering electronic devices, constructing solid buildings, or other various necessities.

Although, from what Asher had heard about the Burning Night Pit organization, he couldn't help but wonder what they would need it for. It wasn't like they were an entertainment business as this is where people would be pit against each other.

While Asher mused in his own thought, Elsa had tossed the gray color sack towards the guardsmen.

The guardsmen who spoke to them earlier caught the sack and immediately inspected it with his Aura Sense. It only took him a mere second to identify the Origin Crystal Beads inside it.

The guardsman had then peered over to his partner and nodded at him. Like it was an unspoken signal, both guardsmen stepped to the sides, and the gates behind them swung open at the same time.

"Enjoy your time." The other guardsmen told them before putting his attention back forwards.

Asher and Elsa crossed gazes for a brief moment, only able to peer into each other's masks. But, though Asher couldn't see her face, he could just tell she was smiling at him.

'Next time for sure. I'll be the one paying.' Asher swore in his mind but had only nodded at Elsa.

Elsa gave the nod in agreement, and they had then strolled right through the open gates. They walked a small pathway leading up to the door, and before they had even got close to it, the door swung open itself.

Asher and Elsa wonder if this was some kind of mechanism since neither of them sensed any energy running through the door.

With their curiosity already rising, Asher and Elsa took their first steps in the Burning Night Pit Organization.


"Wow….things looked much smaller and plainer on the outside."

Asher let out his first impression as soon as he and Elsa stepped inside the Burning Night Pit Organization.

The door behind them had automatically closed on its own, but neither Asher nor Elsa paid attention to that.

They both were simply mildly taken aback by everything they saw. Down to the design of this place, the people here, and the vast space here.

"This really is just like a high-class, noble place." Elsa similarly leaked out her first impression as her eyes took in the sights around her.

It was like night and day when comparing the exterior and interior of the Burning Night Pit organization.

The interior of this place was almost like a first-class noble mansion!

All the set pieces here had a luxurious, rich design. What perfectly complemented the noble feel here was various artistic portraits that depicted various people in lavish, high-class outfits.

Furthermore, to add to the high rich atmosphere, the noise here wasn't loud or bustling. There was calming, classical music playing throughout the whole general room, which also served as good background noise for people's conversation.

The general room Asher and Elsa stepped into was also incredibly spacious, being big enough to easily fit the several hundreds of people already here.

There were also numerous corridors entrances, and some had staircases that led either up or down the building.

"I'll say this….out of all places I've been to in the City, this has to be the fanciest."

Asher concluded his thoughts as his mind quickly got over the initial shock. In fact, he wasn't too put off by the lavish design in the first place.

Elsa as well quickly got over her initial shock, and she said, "Indeed. Though, this definitely contradicts with the image I had in my head about this place."

Instead of staying at one spot, Asher and Elsa had slowly shuffled to a secluded side so they wouldn't get in anybody's way.

As they slowly moved, Asher and Elsa began to take more notice of hundreds of people strolling around the general room.

And almost instantly, the duo recognized an obvious pattern here.

The people here were all System's soul cultivators, and they all were wearing some sort of fancy clothes. Some were far more well dressed than others, but there wasn't any spot of ordinary garments here.

Although the dress code appeared consistent, it didn't mean their Magical Auras were all the same.

Just from doing a general sweep over this room, Asher and Elsa could sense a variety of Magical Auras levels.

Some were at the Early Stage, Mid Stage, or even Late Stage of the Spirit Tier realm. There was also even the occasional Peak Stage Spirit Tier cultivator just casually walking around here.

Asher and Elsa certainly know this variety of Magical Auras wouldn't be commonly seen in the general populace of the downtown area.

Along with the variety of Magical Auras, there were also more different kinds of species strolling through here.

Though both Asher and Elsa would see the occasional different race while walking through the downtown area, they were far more rampant here.

The duo could spot people who had very pale, ashen white skin and luminosity shiny, ruby color eyes.

Asher found those ruby shining eyes particularly enchanting; they were the brightest color eyes he saw in this City. Furthermore, whatever species those people were, they all wore masks only covering their faces until the bridges of their noses.

As for other people, the duo saw more animal-like features, ranging from cat-like ears, various types of tails, claws for hands, and small wings that were folded upon their backs.

It also varied on the type of mask people wore. Some simply wore something that covered their whole face, while others were like the ashen pale skin people and wore masks that covered up until their noises.

Although Asher and Elsa were the newcomers here, barely anybody paid attention to them.

There were a few passing glances directed towards them, but those were mainly aimed at Elsa. But, nobody lingered their gazes on her for more than a second.

Quite honestly, Asher and Elsa prefer this neglect of attention rather than the overwhelming fame at their Balreth Academy.

Moreover, though Asher couldn't correctly identify Elsa's Magical Aura, he sensed various other people having the same powerful general Magical Aura equal to her.

Among this vast, high fancy crowd, Asher and Elsa truly didn't stand out much. In this place, they seemed like the common whelp here.

Asher and Elsa took a few moments to get adjusted to this new kind of atmosphere.

Elsa adjusted rather quickly, and her eyes soon peered down one specific corridor. Like all other areas in this place, this corridor looked like it came right out of a noble mansion.

In this area, she could sense a general higher level of Magical Aura from the cultivators walking down this corridor. Towards the very end, Elsa could spot a fancy sign written in jet black ink hanging above a staircase that went downwards.

The text read, 'Pits Fights.' And it didn't take a genius to know where this corridor would lead them to.

Elsa gently squeezed Asher's hand, pulling his attention towards her. She nudged her head towards that same corridor, telling him, "I suppose this way is where the Matches are. Do you want to check this out first?"

Asher already felt innately curious about whatever this place has to offer. So, of course, he nodded his head and said to her,

"Lead the way."

Since they stepped into this place, neither Asher nor Elsa had let go of each other. They honestly felt more secure holding hands like this in an unknown environment.

And just like this, the duo walked down the 'Pit Fight' corridor, sticking close to each other and never bumping into any other person.

Asher and Elsa were swift in the strides, quickly reaching the open doors at the end of the corridors, and had then descended down the stairs.

After a relatively short flight of stairs, the duo ended up in a large, circular type room. Occupying the whole left side of the room was a luxuriously designed vendor and right next to him was a large corridor entrance.

Taking up the whole right side of the room was a similarly designed, fancy-looking vendor, and right next to him was also a large corridor entrance.

At the left side vendor, he had a sign saying, 'Match Sign up.'

And at the right side vendor, his sign said, 'Audience & Bets.'

Try as they might, this was the extent Asher and Elsa could see from the vendors. The wide corridor entrances next to each of them was simply too dark to see in.

Immediately when stepping down here, Asher and Elsa shuffled to the side and began to obverse what was getting the most traction. And after only a few seconds, they noticed the 'Audience & Bets' vendor was receiving far more customers.

In fact, Asher and Elsa had only seen a few people go up to 'Match Sign up.'

Of course, Asher knew they had to choose the other vendor as well. But he still felt it was in order to say,

"It's….unfortunate that I can't do it yet. But, you can pay for our seats despite their high prices, right? Next time, I will be the one treating us."

Elsa simply took out her shiny blue ring, inspected it with her Aura Senses, and accordingly nodded. "Yes, this should be enough. And you know, I can teach you some ways to make money."


Curiosity surged within Asher as Elsa didn't mention this before to him. "So you do have another hobby besides cultivating."

Elsa lightly snorted and gave Asher a nonchalant shrug. "Naturally, I would analyze the different ways to make money with a family as wealthy as mine. Although, some of their methods would be far too complicated for yours and even my understanding."