A Developing Decision

Within a luxurious design office filled with rich cosmetic paintings, a stern, suffocating air skewed the atmosphere here.

If any Spirit Tier or Origin Tier cultivator were to stroll into this place, they would immediately crash to their knees, gasping for air.

The cause for this suffocatingly powerful atmosphere was two terrifying people sitting cross-legged on a large round table within this office. Both of them had a strange yet imposing appearance that would attract eyes for all the wrong reasons.

One of them was a frightening man whose mere natural aura exuded the chilling sensation of death. Anybody who was to get even six feet within this man's presence would feel horrifying goosebumps bubbled up their skins.

Fitting his terrifying natural aura, the man wore an imposing all-black suit.

Despite all of the man's intimidating qualities, he held one strange, striking feature that puzzled everyone who would gaze upon him.

That is, for some reason, this imposing man had long, brightly shining pink hair. His long pink hair genuinely looked whimsical as it seemed specifically nicely kept and freshened up.

It made for a distinct contrast that would be hard to forget even if you were to see it only once.

Sitting next to the man was an equally imposing person. This person was a woman who discharged the same haunting death aura.

She also wore the same clothing style as the pink-haired man, and her black suit seemingly fitted the woman's more petite body type.

Although contrasting from the pink-haired man, this woman had long, terrifying-looking scars running down her cheek.

Those scars provided a greater fiercer look that the pink-haired man could only hope to match. However, the scars couldn't completely hide the beauty of her face.

And finally, just like the pink-haired man, this woman also held luminously shiny pink hair that flowed all the way down to her waist.

This odd yet terrifying-looking duo stayed deathly silent as they sat cross-legged on the table.

For an unknown amount of time, they were as still as statues, but right then, the pink-haired man finally made some movement. He began to quirk his eyebrows as an annoyed expression crossed his face.

Without opening his eyes, the pink-haired man's ice-cold voice spoke out loud.

"How long has it been already? About a week already, no? Yet, the girl's mind is still fervently on that kid. If this keeps going on….the Mayor certainly will be displeased."

The pink-haired woman began to furrowed her eyebrows. She took a moment to contemplate this matter before saying, "At this point, no matter what we do, she is unable to forget about him. Perhaps we could bring….what does she keep calling him….Asher? We'll need to handle him appropriately. He's causing quite the stir."

"Asher huh….hmmm…."

The pink-haired man quietly muttered to himself. Information began to flow into his mind the more he rummaged over this matter. And right then, his eyes flung open.

A realization gleam swirled in his eyes as if he just came upon a great idea. His expression stayed entirely indifferent as he began telling the pink-haired woman,

"Amazingly enough, despite the noise, he's causing, he's quite the unknown. I did some digging around on this Asher kid. And there's absolutely nothing on his parents or really anything on his background."

"Perhaps he's just an orphan?" The pink-haired woman similarly cracked her eyes open, chiming in her thoughts.

A flash of information similarly streaked her mind, and her expression turned contemplative.

"But barring where he came from. The record is that he is a Peak Stage Earth Tier Talent. Moreover, he has genius-level prowess and genius-level comprehension. All things on their own would be worthy enough of attention.."

"Peak Stage Earth Tier….hmmm….you know that's quite higher than many even in the Sky District area." The pink-haired man spoke with genuine appraisal in his tone.

No matter the insane level of power he holds, a frighteningly high talent like that would make anyone turn their heads.

Both the pink-haired man and woman had only recently learned this news not too long ago. And this news was the leading cause of why they're more seriously contemplating the matter of Asher Vipond. All of their initial plans about him were essentially thrown out of the window.

With what they know now, the pink-haired man started to explain his idea.

"For saving her, plus his achievements that will surely grow in the future, perhaps we were giving this matter too much thought. We could simply-"

"Ahh!! Stop!!"

Before the pink-haired man could even finish his sentence, the doors to the office suddenly flung open, and a little girl's voice shouted at him.

"You….haaah…." Both the pink-haired man and woman leaked an exasperated sigh.

Hurriedly running towards them was the same pink-haired little girl that Asher had saved during his Nightly mission!

The little girl dashed right into the room without any care for the suffocating air permeating the area. And even when she got inside, running close to the pink-haired man and woman, she was entirely unaffected by their ice-cold auras.

The little girl only had a pleading expression as she spoke in a desperate tone. "You-you can't hurt Mr.Asher!! Or else….I-I will tell papa!"

Both the pink-haired man and woman could only wryly shake their heads.

"You really are a problem child. No matter what we do, you only continue to escape our senses." The pink-haired woman said in a tired, hopeless tone.

Though her words were the kindest, she did level a softer gaze towards the little girl.

"I know that I'm a problem….but you really can't hurt Mr.Asher!"

The little girl turned her desperate pleading tone to the pink-haired woman. She didn't even know what they were entirely talking about, only catching the literal tail end of their conversation.

But as soon as she heard Asher's name being talked about, she couldn't stop her small body from springing into action.

"Calm down, Jia. We will not be hurting Asher. Instead, we will offer him a position here in the Mayor Residence."

The pink-haired man's reassuring words and soothing tone caused the Jia to stilt for a moment. Her expression went entirely blank for a moment as she processed the pink-haired man's words.

And immediately the very next second, Jia's face lit up like a dazzling ray of sunshine.

"Ah-Ah! That's perfect! Oh! If Mr.Asher is going to come here then….I'll need to get prepared! Goodnight, aunty, uncle."

Without even waiting for the pink-haired man and woman's responses, Jia took their words at face value, dashing out of the office before they could even blink.

"Haaah….at least she never loses that enthusiasm. Still, are you totally sure about this decision?" The pink-haired woman asked with slight doubts lacing her tone.

Even with what she knows about Asher, she was all hundred percent on offering him a position nearly all residents across Pearlcrest City would die for.

The pink-haired man put a finger to his chin, stewing over his words. He, too, wasn't entirely sure if Asher would be worth it or not, so he told the pink-haired woman,

"In all honesty….not sure at all. But, we can continue keeping tabs on him. More than likely, he would achieve something worthy enough where even the Mayor would develop a bigger interest in him."

The pink-haired woman only nodded in silent agreement.

Utterly unknown to Asher himself, his decision to put his life on the line for a sad little girl would critically help him in more ways than one….


The next day quickly came.

It was currently afternoon resting time for the students in Balreth Academy, and Asher was cooped up inside his Mana Room.

For his cultivation session today, Asher had both of his palms ignited in dazzling blue Ghost energy.

He kept his eyes closed, eyebrows tightly knitted as he was in a deep state of focus. Floating above Asher's head were various decorated objects, each of them coated in the same Ghost energy spewing from his palm.

These decorated objects were initially placed around his Mana Room just for a more decorative design, though each item varied in its level of weight.

Despite these objects appearing as if they wouldn't weigh much, Asher sensed that some of them had several tons of weight!

However, no matter their weight, Asher could control them all with his Ghost telekinesis. Throughout his entire morning, he continually practices with his telekinesis, making rapid improvements in this field as well.

Yuki had informed him that he was similarly underutilizing his telekinesis ability. With enough mastery over it, she had even proclaimed to him that it could even hold enemies attacks that are marginally stronger than him!

And with how much his Ghost Power had improved yesterday because of Elsa's help, Asher could already perform better feats with telekinesis.

With simple hand gestures, Asher could move each object above him simultaneously.

Using telekinesis felt to Asher as if he was moving an invisible part of his body. It flowed incredibly naturally to him, and after several hours of practice, he could maintain telekinesis for at least fifteen minutes.

Although it seemed like a long time, Asher knows if he was doing this against actual Magical attacks, the time would be severely cut in half.

Still, with what Asher could achieve now, he was ready to test out the total limits of this ability with Elsa.