
By simply swaying as hands, Asher raised the telekinetic objects even higher in the air. As of now, he already shattered the limits on how high can make objects float.

Almost too casually, Asher made the telekinetic objects touch the ceiling.

Each telekinetic object was now over ten feet high in the air and could actually go even higher if it wasn't for the ceiling barrier.

A satisfied smirk tranced Asher's lips. He barely felt a drain on his Ghost Energy reserve training like this now, so Asher decided it was time to step it up.

Pointing his fingers down, Asher tossed the telekinetic objects back on the floor, causing them to lose their blue radiance.

Asher had then set his focus entirely on the floor. An idea had streaked his mind; he wanted to test just how much prying power his Ghost telekinesis has.

Even if this was going to damage the floor, Asher wasn't worried.

Balreth Academy seemingly just has some kind of auto repair that even Asher described as genuinely Magical.

When coming back to the Academy after hanging out with Daisy and Scarlett, the damaged hall where he clashed with Scarlett was already repaired.

And Asher assumes the same thing will happen again no matter what kind of damage he'll cause.

So with that assured confidence in mind, Asher stretched one of his telekinetic palms towards the floor. Surging a more significant sum of his Ghost Power, Asher took only a second to blast out a luminous blue stream of energy towards the floor.

This shiny stream of energy Asher dubbed as his telekinetic line.

Anything his telekinetic line just ever so slightly touches allows Asher to drill in his Ghost Power instantaneously. This would then give Asher complete control over said object.

A blue light quickly covered the floor for a six-foot radius as Asher's telekinetic line tore right through it. Tightly clenching his palm, Asher exuded more control power, and force into his telekinetic line.

Compared to the previous objects, Asher felt a firm resistance that he had to rip right through.

Gradually, cracks began to split around the blue radiance glow on the floor. Slowly but surely, a part of the wooden floor started to tear from the ground.

Asher had to remark this was a better challenge for his telekinesis. He had to make sure he kept his Ghost Power in a steady-state, or else his telekinetic line would disappear.

At the same time, he also had to pour more energy into the telekinetic line to break the force of the floor.

It was better training than practicing with the previous objects, for sure. But it wasn't anything Asher couldn't handle.

He only took five seconds to gain complete control of this area of the floor, his telekinetic line seamlessly tearing through the force of the floor.


Accompanied by the noisy sound of tearing wood apart, Asher tore off a two-meter-long piece of the floor.

Because Asher had full reign of this piece of the floor, his telekinetic line disappeared within it. With simple hand gestures, Asher flung the two-meter-long floor piece towards the roof.

While doing so, Asher sensed his Ghost Energy reserves and detected he used a considerable sum already. At most, he estimated he could only do use this floor piece for about three to four minutes.

However, Asher did feel his control over Ghost telekinesis slightly improved, telling him this method would be a viable one.

And if he could tear through an even greater force of power with his telekinetic link, this ability will significantly soar.

"Haah….alright. That's good enough."

Asher spoke to himself, dispersing his Ghost telekinetic power, causing the floor piece to crash to the ground. With it nearing Academic break time, Asher started to wonder about his next move.

'Let's see….I wish Elsa, and I could openly meet during the day so we can train. Oh well….guess I'll jus-'

Suddenly, Asher was taken away from his thoughts when he felt his phone vibrate multiple times.

Feeling his curiosity grow, Asher took out his phone only to see he had received four text messages. The four were from Reese and Kylee from the same group chat they had, one from Daisy and another one from Scarlett.

"Hmmm…." Asher hummed to himself, expecting Reese and Kylee's text but not really expecting Daisy and Scarlett to reach out to him again.

As for Daisy, Asher preferred it to just keep her at a reasonable arm's length. He still couldn't say he was utterly sure of his reason for finding her suspicious, but Asher felt it in his gut it would be better this way.

No matter if they were a beauty or not, Asher found more value in one's personality.

This is why he got more innately curious about Scarlett's text message. Initially, he felt a mild surprise she's texting him again so soon, but the more he thought about her personality, the more it aligned with her.

Scarlett really wouldn't think of unnecessary thoughts, merely going with what she wants at any given moment.

Asher had then decided to open her message and was immediately amused by her way of writing.

The message read as such, 'Hey, Hey! We just gotta hang out today, and you better be prepared!'

Asher felt a genuine smirk cut loose on his face. Truly whether it was in text or in person, her style remains the same.

Still, while Scarlett's offer was tempting, Asher had something important to inform his friends today. Though Asher still kept the option open by texting her,

'Can't. I have something important to complete today. But we can go tomorrow.'

After sending it, Asher was about to text Reese and Kylee. But, only two seconds after he sent the text, his phone vibrated again, indicating Scarlett already texted him back.

Her reply back was, 'Fine, you can bail for today. But, you can't take it tomorrow! I will be waiting!'

Wryly smiling at how quick her responses are, Asher could finally turn his entire focus on Reese and Kylee.

Thinking about their situation, he started to feel a bit silly. For some time now, Asher constantly thought about how he should fully convince Reese and Kylee to come on the mission.

With their on the fence mind, it proved a bit tricky. Plus, now, with the four-day time limit, it should've made the task even more problematic.

But Asher didn't have any problem thinking about how to resolve this issue anymore. He simply realized that he has Elsa on his side.

Just because of Elsa, Asher saw how can easily convince Reese and Kylee. While Asher never really put much thought into Elsa's status and prowess, quite literally everyone else in Balreth Academy does.

And Asher knows that Reese and Kylee especially idolize Elsa.

Asher could understand why they would; after all, he knows Elsa better than anyone else.

From afar, Elsa had an unapproachable yet magnetic aura that pulls attention to her. Her Origin Tier genius prowess puts her at the very top of the whole Academy and is what nearly 99% of the students could only look up to.

Moreover, the most imposing aspect about her is the fact that she's come from a powerful High-Class level Family.

With her own prowess and immense backing behind her, there wouldn't be a single student who would ever reject working with Elsa.

The only thing Asher had to think of was finding a proper excuse on why Elsa's coming. And Asher believed he found a somewhat believable one.

With assurance filling his mind, Asher quickly texted Reese and Kylee, telling them where they should meet up.

He had then texted Daisy, staying polite as he told her he had extremely important business that must be done today. Once he was finally done, Asher closed his phone, stretched his arms, cracking any leftover kinks, and prepared to leave his Mana Room.

But as he got ready to do so, Yuki suddenly spoke to him.

'Say….before we go one, you also notice those Kane brats are pretty quiet, right? I bet with those petty little pride of their, they're all brewing something vicious! At least, I hope they are. We could use some extra stepping tones.'

Upon recalling the Kane Gang, Asher's mood considerably dipped. He would never forget that event with Jayline; it's what indirectly got him to this point in the Academy.

But more importantly, it made Asher realize he can't be lax with those wannabe gangsters at all.

And after experiencing a tremendous change in his mental state from the previous days, Asher held no mercy about that group.

'Whatever stepping stone they send out, I will make sure to permanently get it out of my way.' Asher's tone took on a frightening steel-like edge.

'Oooh~!' In direct contrast, Yuki's voice turned even sweeter sounding.

'Ice cold, yet with a hint of elegance! I'm glad to see you're already changing. So? Are we going to wipe off every last one of those foolish brats?' Yuki sounded remarkably upbeat about causing such carnage.

Asher only quirked his eyebrows but didn't feel any different. After all, he was more than aware of Yuki's more than apparent distaste for humans or really any other being. The only exception comes when they're a beautiful woman.

Although, Yuki mainly focuses on how Asher should interact with such a beautiful woman more than caring about that well-being.

Pushing his thoughts past that, Asher told Yuki,

'No, for the weaker one, I will only permanently break them to a point where they will never be a threat to me again. As for the more powerful ones, I will not hesitate to kill. Any one of them, Devon, Mack, Dylan, Zara, or Jayline, none of them would hesitate to kill me if they had the chance. So I will only be returning the same.'

'Hmph! A good mindset to start off with. Though, I will say watch your back on not killing the weaker ones. Trust me, the more powerful we get, the more petty everyone else will become. Kills with such narrow-minded reasoning happen quite often.' Yuki lectured Asher.

'I will keep that in mind. Now then, let's get going.'

Feeling excited about the upcoming meeting, Asher swiftly let his Mana Room, traveling towards his meet-up spot with Reese and Kylee.