Mind Shattering News

After only a short while of searching, Asher swiftly met up with Reese and Kylee. Because students would usually go out during the resting period, it didn't take long for the trio to quickly shuffle out of the Academy as well.

Currently, the three of them were taking a pleasant, leisurely stroll around a secluded small cafe. Asher purposely took them far away from any other students or, really, any prying eyes.

Typically when they would hang out together, Asher would be quietly listening to whatever topics either Reese or Kylee decided to bring up.

If he wasn't in a one-on-one conversation, Asher had a specific preference in letting others do the talking while he would occasionally add his own inputs.

However, for today, there wasn't any conversation occurring between them.

As they strolled around the cafe, Asher could plainly see that both Reese and Kylee were taking obvious glances at his now blue brilliance eyes. Neither of them was even trying to be discreet about it; they were simply too taken aback.

'Haah….I expected this, yet, it still feels weird.' Asher lamented in his mind.

Reese and Kylee weren't the only ones who had this reaction. Hell, even Elsa was taken into a trance by his shimmering azure eyes.

So, of course, when he made it to Balreth Academy earlier today, his luminous eyes caught many students' and professors' attention.

Asher wasn't even sure what was specifically making his eyes so unique.

When he had stared at himself in his bathroom mirror, Asher didn't find his eyes that remarkably. Sure the lighter blue shine within his pupils added a layer of mystery to him, but it shouldn't be this eye-catching.

With how much more attention he received today, Asher nearly thought some of his Positive Aura energy was swirling within his eyes.

As Asher stewed in his thoughts, Reese and Kylee legitimately felt so awed by his eyes.

Even beyond its shine, they both felt a magnetic pull to get lost in an enchanting daze while gazing upon Asher's eyes. It was too dazzling that it nearly made Asher feel like an entirely different person.

For several minutes now, Reese and Kylee went quiet after asking Asher questions about his eyes already.

However, that obviously wasn't enough to sedate their curiosity.

Kylee was the one to break the silence as she couldn't help herself from asking, "Asher….you have to be honest with us. Did you seriously get those eyes from just cultivating? I mean….they're just too dazzling! You know the occasional Vampire Race we see around? Not even their ruby glittering eyes could compare to you!"

"Like seriously, man. Just imagine this, you can already easily get any beauty because of your loft status right now. But with these eyes? I won't be surprised to see all kinds of beauties swooning all over you!" Reese confidently proclaimed.

Even he could see Asher holds an endearing charm in his eyes that he believed most young beautiful maidens wouldn't be able to resist.

However, Reese's careless words caused an itching irritation to burn within Kylee's chest.

"Hah! Don't push your perverse thoughts on Asher, Reese! Asher isn't some dandy playboy." Kylee hotly spoke while leveling an even glare at Reese.

"Oh? Is that jealousy I hear because you know I'm right?" In response to Kylee's heated glare, Reese gave her a calm yet a cocky smile.

"J-Jealously?! It is not!"

Kylee hastily denied though there was a sizable blush sweeping her cheeks. "A-and even if what you said is true, at least Asher will be far more successful with his love life than you would ever be, Reese!"

"Oh?! You're the one to talk!" On a snap, Reese got as heated as Kylee.

Just watching on the outside, Asher had to suppress a sigh as his lips curled up into a wry smile. Somehow, Reese seemingly got caught all up in Kylee's momentum.

When putting his focus on Kylee specifically, Asher could detect her emotions were all riled up just because of Reese's beauty comment. Knowing that they will get nowhere like this if he lets them argue it out, Asher finally decided to step in.

"Now, now, let's not get too worked up. We're supposed to be resting."

Asher's calm, soothing tone flowed into Reese and Kylee's ears like a warm stream of water.

They both immediately stopped their ensuing arguments, feeling soothing tingles tickle their brains because of Asher's melodic voice.

"Yea, yea, you're right." Reese casually shrugged his shoulders, immediately relenting.

"Hmph….haaah, yea. We should be taking a load off." Kylee similarly sighed in agreement.

With them both calm, Asher proceeded with the conversation, asking both of them, "As for my eyes….I guess my System Soul is just weird like that. But, enough about me, how's it going with you two?"

"Never been better, man!" Reese cracked a smirk as he talked.

"Thanks to your training, the stuff we learn in class is becoming easier to understand. Feels like my eyes have been open wide."

"Now that's something I can agree with. I feel like we're sponges in water, so easily lapping up this information now." Kylee had a similarly assured smirk gracing her lips.

Right then, Reese clapped his hands together as an idea he was sitting on for a while surged to the surface of his mind.

"With all this information unloading and training. We need to plan for a weekend just for a casual hangout. All this cultivation stuff can get too stuffy, I feel like."

When Asher looked over at Kylee's expression, he spotted she was smiling in agreement and was about to speak up.

However, Asher had far different plans for all three of them. Plans that wouldn't be anywhere near casual.

Beating Kylee to the punch, Asher spoke first, telling his friends, "Don't mean to ruin your plans, Reese, but I actually have a good set of news for a way we could speed the weekend. One that I'm sure both of you wouldn't want to reject."

"Oh? What is it?" Both Reese and Kylee simultaneously asked.

Since it is Asher who bringing up good news, Reese and Kylee ready themselves to hear something that would be out of this world.

Smirking at how eager they both looked, Asher laid out the massive bombshell. "You know that special event I keep bringing up? Well, get this. I actually got Elsa Tirel to come and help us with this event. And she gave her word that she'll do anything she can to protect us."


Reese and Kylee froze, going utterly silent. Their eyes stared unblinkingly at Asher in complete disbelief.

For a moment there, they both thought their minds created fabricated words from Asher's mouth. So at the same time, Reese and Kylee dumbfoundedly asked,

"Can you repeat that?"

Expecting this bewildered reaction but also still feeling amused by it, Asher repeated himself. "Your mind isn't playing tricks. I truly got Elsa Tirel to help us in every aspect."


Reese and Kylee loudly shouted while nearly collapsing to the ground. This wasn't some random student or just a high-ranking genius.

This was the Ice Queen Elsa Tirel!

She's essentially the untouchable student in the whole of Balreth Academy. Nobody, not even the staff, Professors, or discipline Elders, dared to even breathe wrongly in front of her! Not even the number one Ranking List Genius dared to disrespect Elsa Tirel.

And above all, Elsa Tirel is known to barely speak half a sentence to anybody.

When considering all that….just how the hell Asher manages to get, her to help on something incredibly dangerous?!

Sure, Reese and Kylee know Asher is an extraordinary genius who will live a long, lavish life.

But Elsa's status still far outclassed his status! "

Just….just….how?? How the hell did you do it?!" Kylee shouted while asking.

Asher blessed his luck that there barely was anybody walking around here. And the ones who were here didn't care at all about Reese and Kylee's antics. Keeping his calm stride, Asher simply told them,

"I made a deal that even a High-Class noble maiden like her simply couldn't refuse."

'Mnh….such a deal of making her uncontrollably quiver in mind breaking pleasure is an impossible to refuse deal.' Yuki suddenly snidely remarked.

Asher didn't react at all to Yuki's remark as he listened to Reese asking him,

"Ok, seriously….this is the second of your' deals.' Just what the hell are you offering?! And you better not-"

"Sorry to say, but I can't leak that info. It's a sworn promise between Elsa and me. In any case, if you really don't believe me, take a look at this."

Without waiting for them to press on this fabricated deal, Asher swiftly took out his phone and showed Reese and Kylee Elsa's official phone ID.


Reese and Kylee rapidly blink their eyes at the undeniable proof. No matter what their thoughts were now, they simply had no choice to believe Asher now.

That Official Phone ID can only be used by Middle-Class level and up Families. Every single one of those distinguished Families would have their very own unique ID for a multitude of reasons.

And seeing the trademark Tirel symbol under Elsa's ID had just proved everything Asher told them.

While Reese and Kylee were warped with shock, Asher put his phone away and continued to explain,

"So it's as you see. With the deal we made, Elsa will provide us with the finest, high-ranking Spirit Tier equipment. And I don't really need to mention her already insane prowess, right? The only thing is, we will need to leave for the mission in the upcoming weekend."

"Haaah….hmmm…." Reese and Kylee didn't immediately answer.

They stewed on their thoughts, going over what they know about a High-Class level family. And really, they found it nearly impossible to disagree.

The resources and riches that even a Middle-Class Family has are something neither Reese nor Kylee could ever imagine. Much less the resources from one of the most powerful High-Class Families in their General District.

Furthermore, because Elsa is one of their prime geniuses and a direct bloodline daughter, she would have all of that resources at her mere fingertips.

Though Reese and Kylee wonder just what the hell Asher used to convince her, they also know Elsa is far too upstanding for anything less than good.

So after taking only a few seconds, Reese and Kylee finally relented.

"Haah….well shit man. If you're going that far for us, then, who are we to refuse!" As Reese spoke, the more he found himself feeling pumped for the mission now.

"Yea….yea! We together can totally complete this mi-I mean event!" Kylee was similarly getting inscribed with anticipation over doing this mission now.

Asher just had to smile at their reactions; Elsa's status truly is that powerful.

With the hard part of the conversation now over, Asher clamped his hands down both Reese and Kylee's shoulders. Smiling at them, a more joyous mood blossomed between the three of them as Asher said,

"Now then, we will still be training later. So let's fully enjoy our time now."